I just got off Skype with a prospect who has lost $15k in advertising costs

18 replies
From October to December. Holy God, I almost wept for him. He is retired military and relies on his credit cards for day to day expenses. I offered him free mentoring for as long as he needs it. Any ideas on how to pair MLM and IM together? I suggested FB advertising, plus some simple SEO and giveaway content. Any other ideas?
#$15k #advertising #costs #lost #prospect #skype
  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
    You mention MLM... I've been in that business for more than
    three decades and have been fairly successful. I say that only
    to let you know that I have some understanding of that business.

    Anyway... I'd be happy to help. What is he selling? What on
    Earth is he spending all that money on for advertising?

    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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  • Profile picture of the author thehypnoguy
    Look up Ann Sieg on Facebook she is the Author of Renegade Marketing. She is the queen of the joining of MLM and IM.

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  • Profile picture of the author mandrake
    Don't know what he's trying to sell but what about video marketing? Ranking youtube videos is relatively easy... and if you have great content you'll build a following.
    But the main thing I'd focus on is building a targeted lists of potential customers and set up a really good email funnel with quality content.
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  • Profile picture of the author lacraiger
    tell him to get out of MLM or he'll be digging a bigger hole
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  • Profile picture of the author christopher jon
    He needs to find a business model that doesn't require spending money to make money. 15K is a lot of fiverr gigs or somewhere around a few million backlinks to your niche site of choice.
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  • Profile picture of the author Charlotte Jay
    Thanks for the replies. Well he is selling something called Skinny Body Care which seems to be some sort of supplement program I think. He made $700 last month which is good for him, but he is still WAY in the hole on the rest of it. He said he's been doing a little PPC (ugh), FB messaging and I think he's dropped several thousand on other coaching and goo-roo programs. Ouch. Oh and he says SEO doesn't work for his site, which I had to giggle at. SEO, you're doing it wrong hehe Anyway, I'm going to suggest some video marketing for his page, I think that would work well for him. He likes to talk
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    • Profile picture of the author Margo Tuul
      Oh well...no wonder why he is losing money. Promoting a product that helps skinny people to look after their body and stay skinny.:confused:

      I did some research for this product and Skinny Body Care helps with:

      • eat less and feel full
      • melt fat away (skinny people and losing fat?:confused

      It was hard to find ingredients and what's inside...as they claim to burn fat. In fact there's NO fat burning ingredients at all. Just some weird herbs i've never heard of. (I'm going bodybuilding for 2.5 years and i know quite a lot about supplements and their ingredients). Yes...there's fiber inside, BUT you can get fiber from green beans also

      If we do some market research, we come up that skinny people hate being skinny. They want to gain some weight...add muscle and look sexy. This product offers them opposite. Eating less destroys muscle because of catabolism and this product helps them to eat less.

      Also it shows me that this product has lots of scam claims. People being scammed. Product not working (another **** Berry). Note: **** Berry and their affiliates were in court, because of FTC.

      It's simple...he tries to promote a product what is crap, people don't buy this...they see it's a scam...but he believes in this product and spends tons of money on advertising.

      Promoting quality product - profit!

      Spending $300 on ppc is enough to see is it worth it or not. You can test conversions etc.

      I would stay away from health products in MLM. You can end up in court like people with Accai Berry.

      Why not try affiliate marketing?

      Originally Posted by Charlotte Jay View Post

      Thanks for the replies. Well he is selling something called Skinny Body Care which seems to be some sort of supplement program I think. He made $700 last month which is good for him, but he is still WAY in the hole on the rest of it. He said he's been doing a little PPC (ugh), FB messaging and I think he's dropped several thousand on other coaching and goo-roo programs. Ouch. Oh and he says SEO doesn't work for his site, which I had to giggle at. SEO, you're doing it wrong hehe Anyway, I'm going to suggest some video marketing for his page, I think that would work well for him. He likes to talk

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      • Profile picture of the author Merchant Prince
        Perhaps he could try promoting more solid information on helping skinny people bulk up properly, like Dave Ruel's Muscle Cook.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    most I have lost is about 2k on a outsourcing nightmare. I thougth that was bad, now I feel a little be better...LOL.. i guess *shrugs shoulders*
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  • Profile picture of the author Charlotte Jay
    Thanks for the info Margo, that is good to know.Personally, I didn't think the product was very good, but I didn't want to be rude, KWIM? If I can show him that the IM end of things is where he can make good money, then I would be happy with that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Margo Tuul
    It's very hard to promote MLM if you are not a sales person. I've been in MLM and that's the reason i left.

    I think he should start with affiliate marketing. If he really likes to promote health products...he can join Amazon affiliate program. People trust Amazon...that's why. Lots of very good weight loss guides in ClickBank...very good meal plans etc. Easy to see what converts and sells good.

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    • Profile picture of the author robert key
      @ Charlotte,

      I'm involved in a business that may suit your prospect better than his current MLM and he may be interested in.

      It's $0 to get involved and there are no annoying monthly "auto-ships" plus there is NO selling.

      Check out my sig.


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      • Profile picture of the author smackey1
        Your prospect doesn't need to get out of MLM, he just needs to find a better company or product. I have not done the research that Margo has, but if the product is offered as a fat burning product, I sure he is not stupid enough to market this to skinny people. yes, that name of the company may be misleading, but if he is making money, he knows enough to have good success in MLM. The thing is, he may just be spending his money in the wrong places.

        Tell him to check out Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring. This book shows you how to merge MLM with IM and be extremely successful with both. It alos helps a little with free traffic techniques.

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  • Profile picture of the author JamesGw
    His product sounds absolutely horrible. He needs to promote something useful and stop spending money on Gurus and other silly things like that.
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  • Profile picture of the author areoo
    WOW!! this is scary I am new and intending to do ppc. AND GOSH I SEE THIS! is this a sign?? ANYONE??!!
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    • Profile picture of the author rainman
      Originally Posted by areoo View Post

      WOW!! this is scary I am new and intending to do ppc. AND GOSH I SEE THIS! is this a sign?? ANYONE??!!
      PPC is wonderful (IF) you know what you're doing...

      Otherwise, just take your money out on the front lawn and light it on fire (it'll be more fun and less painful)

      If you insist on PPC, make sure you have:
      1. Highly targeted "buyer" keywords
      2. High converting landing page
      3. An awesome "freebie" giveaway (ebook/video, etc)
      4. Follow up autoresponder series
      Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author anthony2
    if you want to learn how to merge MLM with Internet Marketing then
    you need to study Mike Dillard....He is the KING when it comes to merging
    the two together.

    Also Mike Dilard has a forum called BetterNetworker.com

    There alot of internet marketers and mlm'ers on that website.
    "I Leveled The Playing Field And Removed Every Roadblock
    To Helping You Make Maximum Profits In Minimum Time"
    Click Here Now To Find Out How!
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  • Profile picture of the author lingo
    wow, hearing stuff like this definatley make our services more worthy.
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