How do I turn my Facebook Fans into customers?

20 replies
Greetings everyone, first post and I'm looking for your wise in put.

I launched my website and business Facebook fanpage a month ago and through no other advertising other than ads on Facebook I have collected over 400 fans. My ads do pretty well and I have a CTR averaging .5% and I would actually have way more fans but I have to limit my daily ad budget to around $8 and my CPC bid to $.60 or less due to budget restraints. Also according to Google analytics my bounce rate on my site is hovering at around 33%. So far I have only made 3 sales. The product I sell is a series of organic foot and body creams and the price point is between $15 - $25.

From the evidence above I would say there is a definite interest in my site and the products but I need to brainstorm ways to turn the FB fans into customers. I thought about sponsoring a give away, but being that the company is new, I don't know if I could afford that expense. Do I need to be patient? I know there is more I could do, but frankly I'm wiped out in the brainstorming department. From the website to the products to the articles and content - I've done everything myself. No rest for the weary though as I've done this on a business loan and I'm coming to the end of my finances in about 3 months. I need to get this thing generating cash ASAP. Ideas? I apologize in advance but for discretion I'm refraining from posting a link to the site.
#customers #facebook #fans #turn
  • Profile picture of the author misterkailo
    You have to build relationships with them. You cannot just pitch sales after sales.
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    • Profile picture of the author Perihelion
      Thanks for the reply.

      I've been very careful about not just selling to them. I talk to them, I post info about the products, I try to post interesting facts about organic living. I've had a few ask a question or two and like some of my posts, but there is very little feed back. I frankly don't know what I could post to get them talking to me but if they didn't like what I was posting I'd think they would unlike the page.
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  • Profile picture of the author MissLauraCatella

    Sounds like you're off to a good start. Facebook fans don't tend to be the most targeted bunch, and I've seen complaints lodged by other warriors about them converting poorly. That said, I'd check the sales funnel for loose ends along the path - your sales page may need some tightening. Do you collect e-mail addresses? Building relationships further by e-mail is very powerful. Good luck.
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    • Profile picture of the author brendan9971
      Bambii is right.. collecting email addresses with an opt-in newsletter and then communicating with them that way gives you a more targeted audience for your pitch.
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    • Profile picture of the author misterkailo
      Originally Posted by bambii View Post


      Sounds like you're off to a good start. Facebook fans don't tend to be the most targeted bunch, and I've seen complaints lodged by other warriors about them converting poorly. That said, I'd check the sales funnel for loose ends along the path - your sales page may need some tightening. Do you collect e-mail addresses? Building relationships further by e-mail is very powerful. Good luck.
      I agree with the email collecting because you will be able to directly reach out to these people over and over again.
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      • Profile picture of the author Perihelion
        Thank you everyone. Bambii it's so reassuring to hear that I'm doing ok more than I think you could possibly know

        Per the email list - this is exactly what I'm talking about, I'm so tired that something this simple completely slipped my mind. Lost opportunities since analytics indicates I've had over a thousand visitors to the site.

        I'm on a Wordpress cms, can any of you suggest a plugin that's good for handling mailing lists? And then once I collect them, what is good etiquette for interacting with them? Should the newsletter be the primary mode of communication? I'm also wondering what I could think of to possibly fill up enough space for a monthly news letter. I post on the Facebook page maybe 2-3 times a week.
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  • Profile picture of the author jony
    You should make contacts with them through regular chatting and sharing your view on different topic. You should build a relationship with them and try to convert them according to your business point of view.
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  • Profile picture of the author Coby
    Treat then just like a mailing list... essentially that's what they are.

    If you continue to post good content on your fan page they will come back and see your products for sale. They will also be more likely to "like" your post and gain you more fans...

    You should also check out SimpleSpencers WSO on fAcebook clicks I think you can get a lot cheaper clicks considering how high your CTR is.

    Cheers and good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author thehypnoguy
    Since you have a Fan Page you can be communicating with them through your page. It does allow you to send emails to your fans. You also can send out the equivalent of a newsletter through your fan page.

    Good Luck, I've been in your situation.

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  • Profile picture of the author BDubC
    I would also go double opt in. It ensures that they read and check there e-mails. You can give them something without actually having to give samples. Tell them about some natural things they can also use around the house that they may already have that can help their skin or feet, or best ways to apply these creams... (just some thoughts.)

    This wont take away from sales, this will gain trust, try to always give something to them in your e-mails. Every time you learn something amazing in your niche that gets you excited, this is the best stuff to share with your list.

    Well anyway your doing great so far, stay persistent, if you treat this list right it will do wonders.
    Don't try to find a shortcut, when you don't even know where your going.

    Why do people get paid to take a survey? How do you get paid to give one? Which is more profitable? WATCH this fascinating video of reverse engineering then building a simple survey. You Won't Believe What We Discovered!>>
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  • Profile picture of the author johnsander1
    From the beginning, just engage with your niche customers or clients by participating or liking and updating the all relevant and like news. have fun with them
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    • Profile picture of the author Perihelion
      Thanks everyone, all good suggestions.

      I was also wondering about everyone's opinion about hiring affiliates to help generate sales, do you think my brand and company are too young for this? Do you have to have an established sales record to attract good affiliates? And where does a start up company find them? I don't have the funds to participate in a $$$ program such as ClickBank.
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  • Profile picture of the author colie3188

    Try CPA offers!


    Review a product and recommend products instead of a straight up SELL!

    Hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    get em into some sort of list.

    That is what i would do. In fact I have done this on many occasions and its worked well.
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    • Profile picture of the author moneymanleo
      drive ur prospects to an opt-in page, build value, make an incredible offer, and build a back-end
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    • Profile picture of the author Perihelion
      Originally Posted by celente View Post

      get em into some sort of list.

      That is what i would do. In fact I have done this on many occasions and its worked well.
      Celente, could you elaborate? Do you mean something like ""?

      Also I'm sorry if this question is obtuse, but I do badly need suggestions for software to handle my mailing list. In the past with another site I maintain I've used Excel and I dropped my email marketing efforts because it just became too laborious and clunky to work with that software.

      Thanks everyone for your generous suggestions.
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  • Profile picture of the author pmbrent
    Try contacting the 3 people that bought your product and ask them for a testimonial. If you could skype interview that would be even more powerful then reading a testimonial. Then post the testimonial or interview on your FB page to show actual results.

    Also try creating smaller "sample" sizes at much lower price point. This would induce some sales and if they try it and don't like it they haven't invested much.
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  • Profile picture of the author BDubC
    I personally use aweber, it is not free, but it works great for me, i have had no problems.

    I actually was meaning to look around for a free e-mail software, but never got around to it. I think there is a thread around here somwhere about, different e-mail list managing softwares to use though.
    Don't try to find a shortcut, when you don't even know where your going.

    Why do people get paid to take a survey? How do you get paid to give one? Which is more profitable? WATCH this fascinating video of reverse engineering then building a simple survey. You Won't Believe What We Discovered!>>
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    • Profile picture of the author Mar
      Hi - how are you marketing your website? Are you relying only on facebook? Do you have a facebook widget or like button on your website?

      Starting a business online is tough and takes some time - best wishes
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    I think a lot of people tend to forget that just because you send out regular updates to your fans, it does not mean those fans come back to your actual page. They receive those updates in their news feed and can then interact with you, without having to come back to your fan page.

    If you are trying to sell products then you are best to post the content you want to share as a Facebook note or as a post on your own blog. That way people have to visit the link to see all the content and you can have recommended products mixed in with that content.
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