5 replies
Hi Warriors,

Yes, I need help with a new business I'm going into. I need a MENTOR/ BUSINESS COACH.

No, its not IM or any related online buisiness.

In the past 3 mths I've been studying, researching, networking and
and trying to penetrate the movie distribution business in my country.

I still do IM, but after visiting a movie festival & trade fair in Berlin,
i was advised & invited by a movie producer to enter this business.

.................................................. .................................................

So, why do i need a MENTOR or BUSINESS COACH? Well, firstly its not
like IM. However, once I'm in this game - i'll use all IM tactics & tools to build my fanbase/list.

Being a movie distributor or movie producer gives one the challenge of
co-working with the movie exhibitors. Because usually they own a big chain of cineplexes. Hence, movie distributors/producers need to
get a foot in the door with bthem.

This is so much different from 'offline marketing' clients. Majority of cineplex owners are 'Dinosaurs' and stubbornly refuse to accept 'new media' or social media - well at least in my country.

I've bought a couple of movies and now need to work with 1 of these 'GIANTS' - cineplex owners. however, they are not giving me the light of day.

So,...HELP! I need a MENTOR/BUSINESS COACH. Been reading a lot on negotiating with 'GIANTS', but I need to learn to create a 'trump card' that would help me enter this market.

Thank You for your help.


#business #mentor or coach
  • Profile picture of the author 2GRANN
    Hi Shawn,

    first of all, do you want a free mentor/coach or you are willing to pay?
    Because if you are, I can recommend you few guys who are really good at it.
    If not, hm, I guess you should choose a guy who you really like (from WF for example) and send him/her a PM or contact via skype/facebook and ask if they could be your mentor.

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    • Profile picture of the author ShawnPeter
      Originally Posted by 2GRANN View Post

      Hi Shawn,

      first of all, do you want a free mentor/coach or you are willing to pay?
      Because if you are, I can recommend you few guys who are really good at it.
      If not, hm, I guess you should choose a guy who you really like (from WF for example) and send him/her a PM or contact via skype/facebook and ask if they could be your mentor.

      Hi 2Grann,

      Yes, I don't mind paying for a coach/mentor for a reasonable fee.
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  • Profile picture of the author lingo
    Never thought of this. Might be good for the accountability.
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    • Profile picture of the author ShawnPeter
      Originally Posted by lingo View Post

      Never thought of this. Might be good for the accountability.
      Hi lingo,

      In almost anything you do in life, its good to have a Mentor.
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  • Profile picture of the author rainso0
    reasonable fee? Between how many and how many are reasonable ?
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