37 replies
I'm just wondering is it profitable and is anyone doing it? I was going to give it a try but I don't know anything about it. Do you know of any good e-book that helps you start?

Thank You
#domain #flipping
  • Profile picture of the author Dan C. Rinnert
    I tried domain flipping, but no one wanted to buy elgoog.com. Strange.

    Dan's content is irregularly read by handfuls of people. Join the elite few by reading his blog: dcrBlogs.com, following him on Twitter: dcrTweets.com or reading his fiction: dcrWrites.com but NOT by Clicking Here!

    Dan also writes content for hire, but you can't afford him anyway.
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  • Profile picture of the author BloggingPro
    I was interested in that, but after doing days of research it seemed like you needed to find an absolutely badass name to really make some cash. However, it wasn't all a waste because the topic of domain flipping led me to website flipping which is something I am extremely interested in scaling up going forward.
    You're going to fail. If you're afraid of failure then you do not belong in the Internet Marketing Business. Period.
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  • Profile picture of the author DomainSky
    There is not much of a demand in domain flipping IMHO. Website flipping is a different story though.

    - DomainSky

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    • Profile picture of the author Meharis
      Originally Posted by DomainSky View Post

      There is not much of a demand in domain flipping IMHO. Website flipping is a different story though.

      Hmmm...Did you ask yourself why..?
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  • Profile picture of the author andthensome
    Originally Posted by chrismansela View Post

    Domain Flipping
    This post really changed the way I look at domain flipping. C'mon man, if you want to increase your post count, be a little more creative.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gene Pimentel
    Domain Flipping is extremely lucrative IF you take the time to understand the business. Most people entering the domain flipping business do it all wrong, and then cry the blues about it.

    I'm a full time domain flipper (as are many, many others), and virtually ALL the domains I flip are from daily expired lists. I don't spend more than the standard registration fee, yet sell for hundreds each, and often four figures each. You do NOT need killer domains to make extraordinary money. You just need decent domains and learn what buyers are looking for.

    If you are serious about learning, the best place to learn is NamePros.com. Spend time there every day and learn what other domainers are doing.

    Also have a look at http://dnjournal.com/domainsales.htm for factual domain sales information.
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    • Profile picture of the author 2GRANN
      I have found this domain flipping guide http://www.domainflipguide.com
      I don't really know how good is it but you can definitely try it, at least to get all the offered free information.
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    • Profile picture of the author Warrior X
      Originally Posted by Gene Pimentel View Post

      If you are serious about learning, the best place to learn is NamePros.com. Spend time there every day and learn what other domainers are doing.
      Thanks for the heads up about this forum.

      I've tried selling a few domains recently, without really knowing what I'm doing. Batting about .500, but they're only selling in the $50-70 range, which after fees doesn't leave much.

      But this looks like a great resource to learn about the biz.
      #1 In WHITEBOARD VIDEOS - Great Way To Tell Your Story!
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      • Profile picture of the author johancades
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3821402].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author hashif16
          Originally Posted by johancades View Post


          I actually want to know about domain flipping or selling can anyone explain in brief.

          Read this aricle,
          How to Make Money Flipping Domains

          Make offer Via Pm:QUALIENT.COM for sale
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    • Profile picture of the author Kecia
      Originally Posted by Gene Pimentel View Post

      Domain Flipping is extremely lucrative IF you take the time to understand the business. Most people entering the domain flipping business do it all wrong, and then cry the blues about it.

      I'm a full time domain flipper (as are many, many others), and virtually ALL the domains I flip are from daily expired lists. I don't spend more than the standard registration fee, yet sell for hundreds each, and often four figures each. You do NOT need killer domains to make extraordinary money. You just need decent domains and learn what buyers are looking for.

      If you are serious about learning, the best place to learn is NamePros.com. Spend time there every day and learn what other domainers are doing.

      Also have a look at Sales That Rank Among the Year's Best in Three Different Categories Headline This Week's Action in the Domain Aftermarket for factual domain sales information.

      I have a couple questions, if you don't mind answering.

      How do you find these expired domains? Do you use a software or have a membership to one of the many services that provide these names? If so, care to share which one?

      How do you attract buyers when using sites like Sedo or Afternic? There are SO many domains on these sites that I don't think mine will ever get seen by interested parties.
      KeciaHambrick.com - Blogger. Content Creator. Social Media Enthusiast.
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      • Profile picture of the author Coby
        Originally Posted by Kecia08 View Post

        I have a couple questions, if you don't mind answering.

        How do you find these expired domains? Do you use a software or have a membership to one of the many services that provide these names? If so, care to share which one?

        How do you attract buyers when using sites like Sedo or Afternic? There are SO many domains on these sites that I don't think mine will ever get seen by interested parties.
        All of the above will work. The thing with domain flipping is there are so many layers to the whole game... Meaning like most things in internet marketing there are several ways to do it...

        My focus has been on finding domains and selling them to offline businesses. In fact, I rarely buy one for more than normal registration fees, granted I don't sell ALL the ones I buy, but I find it easier to spend and "lose" 8 bucks rather than 25 or 50 bucks...

        Now, HOW you go about finding these domains kinda depends on what you expect to do with them... Many guys who have connections get hand fed expired domain lists and simply cherry pick what they want...

        Some folks will use software or subscribe to "newsletters" that send out expired domain lists.

        Some people hire VA's to scour the internet looking for domains...

        Some folks will even find registered domains and contact the owner directly using who-is databases...

        You can even backorder domains or hire services like snapname.com to monitor particular domains and buy them on your behalf when they come available...

        With domains the possibilities are endless, the problem is not too many people like to share this hidden gem Hope this helps...
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      • Profile picture of the author Simon Johnson
        Originally Posted by andthensome View Post

        I'm just wondering is it profitable and is anyone doing it? I was going to give it a try but I don't know anything about it. Do you know of any good e-book that helps you start?
        There are lot of ebooks out there that are written by people that don't do this full-time. You really need to know what you are doing or you will burn through cash.

        Originally Posted by Gene Pimentel View Post

        If you are serious about learning, the best place to learn is NamePros.com. Spend time there every day and learn what other domainers are doing.
        I'd also try DNForum.

        Originally Posted by Kecia08 View Post

        How do you find these expired domains? Do you use a software or have a membership to one of the many services that provide these names? If so, care to share which one?
        If you see the links in my signature, our Free membership has a list of expired domains that you can hand register right now. There is also a paid membership which has all the metrics around domains that will be auctioned (will expire).

        Hope this helps.

        Cryptocurrency Investor • Corporate Advisory • Security • Risk • Governance • Former Banker • Author • Entrepreneur • Internet Pioneer • Online Since ‘89 •

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        • Profile picture of the author Coby
          Originally Posted by Simon Johnson View Post

          If you see the links in my signature, our Free membership has a list of expired domains that you can hand register right now. There is also a paid membership which has all the metrics around domains that will be auctioned (will expire).

          Hope this helps.
          Tisk Tisk Tisk - They can find it... Provide some value and they will look on their own

          Seriously though, he is very right about finding information about domaining. In fact I have seen very few books that cover this topic in an intelligent manner.

          Gene on the other hand... Gene is the man, lol. I have seen lots of his stuff and it's great. It's what introduced me to domaining...

          Domaining is kinda like playing the stock market... A good (often experienced) investor will be able to quickly determine a domains value and know right away if it is worth the time...

          You just have to find your little niche within the domaining niche and work a system that you are comfortable with...

          Some people will browse the forums and snap up 10 and 20 dollar domains all day long and then flip them on other venues for 50-60 bucks...

          While others will buy that domain and market it harder to a different market and get $200-$400...

          Then some domainers like to find little gems and register them then rank them to bring an even higher price... This is the technique I take, but I have a system where I find low comp targeted domains and register them and rank them (with a simple wp blog on them as a place holder) this works great at targeting offline businesses...
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    • Profile picture of the author allencole
      Originally Posted by Gene Pimentel View Post

      Domain Flipping is extremely lucrative IF you take the time to understand the business. Most people entering the domain flipping business do it all wrong, and then cry the blues about it.

      I'm a full time domain flipper (as are many, many others), and virtually ALL the domains I flip are from daily expired lists. I don't spend more than the standard registration fee, yet sell for hundreds each, and often four figures each. You do NOT need killer domains to make extraordinary money. You just need decent domains and learn what buyers are looking for.

      If you are serious about learning, the best place to learn is NamePros.com. Spend time there every day and learn what other domainers are doing.

      Also have a look at Sales That Rank Among the Year's Best in Three Different Categories Headline This Week's Action in the Domain Aftermarket for factual domain sales information.
      Thank you for this advice. I have been looking for other ways of making money online and I will definitely visit namepros.
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    • Profile picture of the author andthensome
      Originally Posted by Gene Pimentel View Post

      Domain Flipping is extremely lucrative IF you take the time to understand the business. Most people entering the domain flipping business do it all wrong, and then cry the blues about it.

      I'm a full time domain flipper (as are many, many others), and virtually ALL the domains I flip are from daily expired lists. I don't spend more than the standard registration fee, yet sell for hundreds each, and often four figures each. You do NOT need killer domains to make extraordinary money. You just need decent domains and learn what buyers are looking for.

      If you are serious about learning, the best place to learn is NamePros.com. Spend time there every day and learn what other domainers are doing.

      Also have a look at Sales That Rank Among the Year's Best in Three Different Categories Headline This Week's Action in the Domain Aftermarket for factual domain sales information.
      Thanks, man. I will try to sell a domain in the next few days and let everyone know how i did. I will probably buy your WSO on flipping domains as soon as i get the money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    I was just going to recommend you talk to Gene Pimentel, but I see he's already commented! He's the man when it comes to domain flipping.
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  • Profile picture of the author hashif16
    Domain flipping is a great way to earn some bucks.You need to pick a domain name that makes sense .I recommend you to go for keyword rich domains..
    Make offer Via Pm:QUALIENT.COM for sale
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  • Profile picture of the author Fraggler
    You will find an amazing thread from Gene in the War Room that will get you started if you really listen to what he is saying.

    There is also a great thread over at Namepros about selling to End Users which I found really helpful. I am only new but after reading those I had immediate success and all that is stopping me from taking it further is the 100 other things I am working on :/
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    • Profile picture of the author Coby
      Originally Posted by Fraggler View Post

      There is also a great thread over at Namepros about selling to End Users which I found really helpful.
      I missed this quote earlier... but this is a great nugget! This is essentially what I was talking about, this is what I do.

      I find offline businesses, sometimes they don't even have a website, and they will often eat a domain up if you "sell" them on the idea of what it can do for their business. If you rank a domain and present it to them, they will often see the value right away... And if they don't? Their competition will

      Flip to end users, not to other flippers
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      • Profile picture of the author Daryl Lim
        Originally Posted by Coby View Post

        I missed this quote earlier... but this is a great nugget! This is essentially what I was talking about, this is what I do.

        I find offline businesses, sometimes they don't even have a website, and they will often eat a domain up if you "sell" them on the idea of what it can do for their business. If you rank a domain and present it to them, they will often see the value right away... And if they don't? Their competition will

        Flip to end users, not to other flippers
        Cool idea, but the tough part is... well, finding these 'naive business owners'. :confused: LOL
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        • Profile picture of the author andthensome
          What tool do you suggest for domain worth evaluation?
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        • Profile picture of the author Fraggler
          Originally Posted by Daryl Lim View Post

          Cool idea, but the tough part is... well, finding these 'naive business owners'. :confused: LOL
          You don't need to find naive business owners. If you are selling something that will genuinely help their business then they just need a little bit of education.

          If you can provide that education then a lot of offline businesses can truely benefit from a strong web presence and the sale will become a lot easier. A lot simply don't know what a website can actually bring them.

          Many pay a fortune to be in the Yellow Pages and other industry directories and magazines where their market just doesn't visit or read. Ask them if they know how many leads they have received from Yellow Pages. Ask them how much each lead cost and what each lead is worth.

          Explain how a memorable domain can improve their traditional advertising; how a generic domain gives the perception of authority; that if they don't buy it then their competition will.

          A great domain can be very valuable to a business and if they don't know how then it is your job to tell them.
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        • Profile picture of the author Coby
          Originally Posted by Daryl Lim View Post

          Cool idea, but the tough part is... well, finding these 'naive business owners'. :confused: LOL
          Naw, its easy! The hard part is finding the domain... Every city is full of businesses that aren't Web Savvy... PM me for details...
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          • Profile picture of the author andthensome
            I bought three domains and am going to try and sell them. Thanks to all who replied.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fraggler
    I find this site very handy for a free one: Expired Domains » Backorder Expired Domain Names » expireddomains.net

    There are paid services which will let you create and save searches but this one does the trick if you are happy to manually enter in your suffixes and prefixes to find only the ones you want. I'm sure there are many others.
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  • Profile picture of the author fmathd
    I have also tried many times domain flipping , But it used to be link registering or buying domains in $10-$25 and selling it just for $5!

    Domain flipping is very hard business!

    I would also be thankfull if someone can share free ebooks.
    Electronics Tutorials : Free online electronics tutorials.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3823170].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Coby
      Originally Posted by fmathd View Post

      I have also tried many times domain flipping , But it used to be link registering or buying domains in $10-$25 and selling it just for $5!

      Domain flipping is very hard business!

      I would also be thankfull if someone can share free ebooks.
      Don't worry! That happens to most because they are all doing the same thing... The mainstream thing... The first thing everyone thinks of when they think of domain flipping...

      You just have to think outside the box. Once you find your groove with domains you will wonder why you never did it that way in the first place...

      Here is a pretty good tip... Sometimes a domain isn't what you have to sell, but instead you have to sell the "idea" for example... take sites like "twiends" - who the hell would think that would be a good domain?

      But they used it as a brand - sometimes you might have to invent words - or use them creatively - IE Google, FaceBook, Squidoo...

      If you can sell someone else on your idea your golden...

      You can also find a .com domain then search for the .net, .org, .info, etc, version of the domain and contact the owner to purchase it...

      I get these emails all the time.

      Think outside the box and domain flipping can be your ticket to success!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3823385].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author andthensome
        Originally Posted by Coby View Post

        Don't worry! That happens to most because they are all doing the same thing... The mainstream thing... The first thing everyone thinks of when they think of domain flipping...

        You just have to think outside the box. Once you find your groove with domains you will wonder why you never did it that way in the first place...

        Here is a pretty good tip... Sometimes a domain isn't what you have to sell, but instead you have to sell the "idea" for example... take sites like "twiends" - who the hell would think that would be a good domain?

        But they used it as a brand - sometimes you might have to invent words - or use them creatively - IE Google, FaceBook, Squidoo...

        If you can sell someone else on your idea your golden...

        You can also find a .com domain then search for the .net, .org, .info, etc, version of the domain and contact the owner to purchase it...

        I get these emails all the time.

        Think outside the box and domain flipping can be your ticket to success!
        I have some good ideas for domains like google and such. Where could I sell those domains?
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        • Profile picture of the author Coby
          Originally Posted by andthensome View Post

          I have some good ideas for domains like google and such. Where could I sell those domains?
          Ebay, sedo, digital point forum... Lots of other forums (including this one)...

          Lots of possibilities. A quick Google search will keep you occupied for quite some time
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  • Profile picture of the author leonidas
    Easy to make peanuts like $xx or $xxx per mth but to make $x,xxx or xx,xxx per mth, need Will need certain amount of capital so you can have decent size inventory and also holding power to hold domains for certain time.
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  • Profile picture of the author omk
    yes. Domain flipping is awesome. Where else can you create a little site, feed it, watch it grow for a month or three and flip it for some cash!, lol

    I suggest you read as much as possible on this forum and use its resources.

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  • Profile picture of the author chrisyates
    Originally Posted by andthensome View Post

    I'm just wondering is it profitable and is anyone doing it? I was going to give it a try but I don't know anything about it. Do you know of any good e-book that helps you start?

    Thank You
    While it's not exactly domain flipping, there is good money in going out and buying non-dropped domains with PR, quickly building a site on them, and selling them on Flippa.
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    • Profile picture of the author andthensome
      Originally Posted by chrisyates View Post

      While it's not exactly domain flipping, there is good money in going out and buying non-dropped domains with PR, quickly building a site on them, and selling them on Flippa.
      Where do you buy those domains (with PR)?
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  • Profile picture of the author trytolearnmore
    I recommend Domain Scalping. It's really a blueprint for success. Ryan shows you how to evaluate your domains, how to sell them using some great tricks.
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    • Profile picture of the author andthensome
      Originally Posted by trytolearnmore View Post

      I recommend Domain Scalping. It's really a blueprint for success. Ryan shows you how to evaluate your domains, how to sell them using some great tricks.
      Thanks. I recently bought a great WSO about domaining, so I don't think I'll buy another one soon. And I don't really like to buy outside the Warrior Forum, because it is too expensive for me.

      Thanks again for the recommendation.
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