Promoting Your Own WSO

Hey guys I am about to launch my first WSO and wanted to see if I could get someone to shed some light on promoting your own WSO here on the forum without getting into trouble.
It seems quite a few warriors think it will get you banned if you mention that you have a WSO on a thread post. They also believe that you are not allowed to even mention that you have one in your Signature?
I am only asking this because I have been giving a ton of advice on certain topics and been asked if I will have or will be creating a product on the topic. Which I replied, yes I will be having a WSO out soon etc. I then got a few PM's from concerned warriors warning me that I might get banned if I mention I have a WSO coming out.
Now I am not saying that people should create a new thread on how there WSO is the best and people should buy it now. I am talking about offering great tips or giving advice and then mentioning that you have a WSO that goes into it or something like that.
I am not asking your opinions on if you think it should be ok or if you despise people that toot there own horns. I am only looking for the official rules here. Which I havent been able to find so far on this topic.
Doc Dan
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