"As Seen On" - FTC Cracking Down on Fake News Sites
The Federal Trade Commission recently announced that it is asking federal courts to enact a permanent ban on affiliate marketers being able to use the fake news site as a marketing method. The fake news site is an advertising method that has long been used by affiliate marketers of various products. They create what looks like an online web page, with the format and content being modeled on legitimate news sources. They present advertising claims and promotions in a way that makes them appear to be facts investigated by a journalist, rather than advertising slogans. In addition, the sites generally use the logos of prominent news providers like CNN, MSNBC, and ABC along with the phrase, "As Seen On." This is meant to imply to readers that this particular "report" was seen on these websites, when the truth is that the company pays to advertise on the banners of these sites. This purposeful misleading of the public is what led the FTC to its recent decision. |
Which links to the FTC page on it.
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- = Signature on Vacation = -
(We all need a break from what we do for a living. I thought it was time my signature got a break too)
I just added this sig so I can refer to it in my posts...
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Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)