by sensiv
33 replies
Yesterday, after studying the "incoming search terms" section on a number of blogs I discovered a keyword that appeared to be getting searched a lot. I checked the top 10 in Google and noticed competition was virtually non existant as the results were mainly forum posts, Yahoo Answers etc.

The .com was still available so I went ahead and registered the exact match domain and set up a one page Wordpress blog.

Today I received an email saying I'd made a $50 sale which came as a quite a surprise. I went to cpanel to check my webstats and found out I'd had just ONE visitor to my site from Google.

My plan now is to get some more content on the blog and rank it at #1 in Google/Bing using Unique Article Wizard which I can outsource on Fiverr.

I've had great success ranking another website with that. I'll also create several press releases including various anchor texts for more backlinks. I won't stop working on it until I reach number one!!
  • Profile picture of the author stoica
    Originally Posted by sensiv View Post

    Yesterday, after studying the "incoming search terms" section on a number of blogs I discovered a keyword that appeared to be getting searched a lot. I checked the top 10 in Google and noticed competition was virtually non existant as the results were mainly forum posts, Yahoo Answers etc.

    The .com was still available so I went ahead and registered the exact match domain and set up a one page Wordpress blog.

    Today I received an email saying I'd made a $50 sale which came as a quite a surprise. I went to cpanel to check my webstats and found out I'd had just ONE visitor to my site from Google.

    My plan now is to get some more content on the blog and rank it at #1 in Google/Bing using Unique Article Wizard which I can outsource on Fiverr.

    I've had great success ranking another website with that. I'll also create several press releases including various anchor texts for more backlinks. I won't stop working on it until I reach number one!!
    Man that's great , alway the first sales is the SH*T!! Hope when you will get 100 visitors you will get at least 90 sales

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  • Profile picture of the author The Simpleton
    This is yet another fine example of being in the right place at the right time Now you've had a 100% conversion rate, which is great () for one visitor, so if you build on that you'll definitely see more success. This is really awesome
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Ogbin
    That's great, the first sale gives you much more passion.

    The first thing that you want to do next is to analyze this visitor and how you do exactly to make this sales; then you repeat this again and again to get more sales

    I wish you the best as always getting more 1000 visitors and getting 95% conversion rate (950 sales)
    Speedy Up - Jumping game that change your mood and put smile in your face :)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3829044].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ramchat
      Originally Posted by Mike Ogbin View Post

      That's great, the first sale gives you much more passion.

      I wish you the best as always getting 1000 visitors and getting 95% conversion rate (950 sales)
      Wish you best that you can get this results, but in real its a dream numbers.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3829055].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author spope91
    Congratulations Sensiv! Sounds like a great strategy you have there, I'm sure some will appreciate you sharing it.

    I wish you the best, I'm sure you'll be successful.
    What the mind can conceive, and believe, it can achieve.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3829047].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sensiv
      Originally Posted by spope91 View Post

      Congratulations Sensiv! Sounds like a great strategy you have there, I'm sure some will appreciate you sharing it.

      I wish you the best, I'm sure you'll be successful.
      I basically looked at incoming searches from about 5 or 6 blogs and made a note of the various keywords in Notepad and took the phrase with the most searches and had a look to see if the .com was still available and it was so I grabbed it.

      The niche is a sub-niche of a competitive market. Literally two days ago I'd never even heard of the sub-niche! lol

      It's amazing what you can discover looking at searches, seeing what people actually type in.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3829231].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author spope91
        Originally Posted by sensiv View Post

        I basically looked at incoming searches from about 5 or 6 blogs and made a note of the various keywords in Notepad and took the phrase with the most searches and had a look to see if the .com was still available and it was so I grabbed it.

        The niche is a sub-niche of a competitive market. Literally two days ago I'd never even heard of the sub-niche! lol

        It's amazing what you can discover looking at searches, seeing what people actually type in.
        lol I'll make you right there mate. There's still plenty of un-tapped niches online, you just gotta find them. Research ALWAYS pays off. Anyone woudl be wise to remember that.

        All the best Sensiv.
        What the mind can conceive, and believe, it can achieve.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nail Yener
    You found a keyword, registered an exact match domain, built the site, the site got indexed by Google, then it ranked for your target keyword and you got ONE visitor who ended up buying your product in one day.

    I don't think this is impossible. But what you are selling is also an important factor.

    You are either lucky or you have found a very profitable action plan. Whatever the case, congratulations.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3829082].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author The Simpleton
      Originally Posted by Nail Yener View Post

      You found a keyword, registered an exact match domain, built the site, the site got indexed by Google, then it ranked for your target keyword and you got ONE visitor who ended up buying your product in one day.

      I don't think this is impossible. But what you are selling is also an important factor.

      You are either lucky or you have found a very profitable action plan. Whatever the case, congratulations.

      To a seasoned marketer, this might seem a bit impossible indeed, but as you guessed, luck might have played a huge factor in this sale, as did the timing of the visitor! A truly remarkable case which is less likely to happen to a lot of people!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3829121].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sensiv
      Originally Posted by Nail Yener View Post

      You found a keyword, registered an exact match domain, built the site, the site got indexed by Google, then it ranked for your target keyword and you got ONE visitor who ended up buying your product in one day.

      I don't think this is impossible. But what you are selling is also an important factor.

      You are either lucky or you have found a very profitable action plan. Whatever the case, congratulations.
      Yes that's exactly what happened. It wasn't my product though, it was an affiliate commission. I wasn't expecting it to get indexed within 24 hours, never mind make any commissions.
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  • Profile picture of the author brendan9971
    This is a really great "win" story. Thanks for sharing and congrats!
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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    What a great news! Congratz and keep up the good work. Don't stop till you reach number 1!
    I offer CPA coaching and investment opportunities for those SERIOUSLY interested in making money directly or indirectly with affiliate marketing. PM me for details.

    Read More about CPA/Affiliate Marketing on my Blog
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  • Profile picture of the author Charlotte Jay
    Well done! Now rinse and repeat for other keywords. Your're on the right track
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    • Profile picture of the author sensiv
      Originally Posted by Charlotte Jay View Post

      Well done! Now rinse and repeat for other keywords. Your're on the right track
      That's what I'll be doing for the rest of the day lol It's very addictive looking at incoming/recent/popular searches on blogs!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jungle123
    To index your website by 24 h it is nothing specciall guys! If you have just one page,exact domain to the good search term/product which is interested by google - it is happens 90 percent with mine websites too. So , no big surprise...of course if you know what you are doing...
    Anyway - Congratulations man!...sales like that happening once per half year Do not count on it too much because you catch your luck with both hands...just keep going!
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  • Profile picture of the author xmurtz
    Thats a fantastic effort! Congratulations
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  • Profile picture of the author BigNorm
    Great work and well done, don't go changing anything your doing except ramping it up. It amazes me how many people make their first sale then change their entire process to make another sale...weird. Hopefully it hasn't taken you much time to make your first took me nearly 12 months, I fell into the push button buy anything that came along promising big bucks with minimal work group DOH!
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  • Profile picture of the author Joey Babbs
    Sounds great congrats...but how the heck did you get indexed the same day?


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  • Profile picture of the author oda
    Got to Love stats!

    Just staring at numbers can be profitable Great research, Now repeat, repeat repeat and you will be well on your way!

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3829646].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Diane S
    Bookmarking is another way to get indexed within a day. Congratulations on your first sale! With more links to your site, I expect you will get more sales.
    KimW still needs our help DONATE DIRECTLY
    My First Kindle Book: Ten Days in the Land of Smile
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3829764].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author celente
    Originally Posted by sensiv View Post

    Yesterday, after studying the "incoming search terms" section on a number of blogs I discovered a keyword that appeared to be getting searched a lot. I checked the top 10 in Google and noticed competition was virtually non existant as the results were mainly forum posts, Yahoo Answers etc.

    The .com was still available so I went ahead and registered the exact match domain and set up a one page Wordpress blog.

    Today I received an email saying I'd made a $50 sale which came as a quite a surprise. I went to cpanel to check my webstats and found out I'd had just ONE visitor to my site from Google.

    My plan now is to get some more content on the blog and rank it at #1 in Google/Bing using Unique Article Wizard which I can outsource on Fiverr.

    I've had great success ranking another website with that. I'll also create several press releases including various anchor texts for more backlinks. I won't stop working on it until I reach number one!!
    Hey congrast to you. But I must advise against writring a nice press releases and keyword stuffing.

    Make sure it is written correctly make sense that will how this will pay off in the long run. Cheers.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3830322].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jayden Rivers
    Your very first sale you will always remember, the exact month, day and year.

    Congratualtions, may there be many more to follow
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  • Profile picture of the author bob455
    The first sale is always the best one, keep the focus and scale it up! Congrats!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jermaine Tabor
    Congrats on the first sale!!!

    And good going on analyizing
    your stats and researching
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  • Profile picture of the author Zaney
    Congrats, that is 100% conversion... to me thats almost unheard off.
    Congrats again
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Lim
    You are in the right track! Keep on bro, more and more SALES is coming soon..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3831634].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kwonyoo
    Congrats!! Keep up the good work
    Want to learn how to turn $98 one time investment to $4,000 weekly income? >> Click Here <<

    Bonus: You will get 98 PLR products for you to resell at your own price! That is $1 per product!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3832016].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jmdigital
    Good Work!

    Continue sharing your experience to make money on the Internet.
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    • Profile picture of the author 2GRANN
      I think it's not being in the right place at the right time, it's work.
      If he haven't been there he hadn't had discovered that keyword.

      Congratulations sensiv!
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  • Profile picture of the author AmandaT
    Congrats, it is a nice feeling, isn't it! Today I got my first orders from my Warriors for Hire thread! So excited! Is a great feeling to be making money doing something I love and I get the added bonus of helping my fellow Warriors!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3832202].message }}

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