affīliāre is the Latin root for affiliate

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I thought is was interesting that the definition of affiliate comes from the Latin work affīliāre, which means to adopt. Breaking it down a step further the word fīlius means "son", so the whole word means "adding a son".

I think it is interesting sometime to see where words came from and think about their meaning in today's terms. Something tells me that the responsibility we take of being an affiliate, or signing up an affiliate, is not nearly as great as "adding a son"!

By the same token, when we do think of "adding a son", some thoughts that may come to mind would include:
1. Nurturing and caring for the son
2. Helping in their development so they will do well in life.
3. Making sure the son is fed and clothed, and generally healthy.
4. Helping the son become more self sufficient as they get older
5. Checking on them to make sure they are okay once they are out on their own.

So my question is...
Are you nurturing your clients or affiliates so they will be successful?
#affīliāre #affiliate #latin #root

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