Sometimes You Just Get Lucky...

7 replies
I started a new niche blog about a month back. Wrote about 25+ articles for it, submitted to EZA. Then, my final semester exams came up and I had little time to devote to my sites.

Today, I checked my Google Analytics and found that the site is pulling in 70-100 visitors daily, largely through one single keyword.

The funny part is that I never even tried to rank for this keyword. Heck, this keyword has just one article on my site and is far from being even the secondary or tertiary keyword.

But someone really liked my article, decided to link to it from his blog. His readers liked it too and linked back, and so on. My site is now on page 1 for this keyword which has 60,000 EXACT searches per month.

Of course, I don't expect these rankings to last. But just goes to show how unpredictable this business is. For one, I'm really enjoying the ride
  • Profile picture of the author omrishabbat
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    • Profile picture of the author Ross Kenny
      Well done... There is a little luck involved in the SEO Game
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  • Profile picture of the author magnates
    You might think it is luck but if you didn't have quality content , i don't think the person would have shared it in the first place
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  • Profile picture of the author dcristo
    Congrats, but I highly doubt the keyword gets 60k EXACT monthly searches, you'd be getting a lot more traffic if it did.

    Are you wanting to learn all the poker lingo?

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  • Profile picture of the author Jermaine Tabor
    When you write content that people like it will get passed around and linked to naturally like that.

    Congrats. I would maybe look at some of the topics on the sites linking to you to get other article ideas.
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  • Profile picture of the author bettersocial
    I do think it has something to do with the Google Panda update, but I've always written good content across all my sites. This is only the first time something like has happened with me.

    Now I have to milk this traffic as much as I can
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    • Profile picture of the author ashcarter
      It's not about luck, but about quality content, there was my blog and it was not even a paid one, i started it with compressed games, left it for few months came back and i saw that yesterday i got more than 1200 page views of my blog while i never did SEO of it on my own.. again i would say that i was not my luck but content which helped me to get good piece of visitors daily..
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    You can actually do a task like you did, forget about it for a while, and then when you return you see this kind of results.

    I have created a video on YouTube and did not know how well it was going to perform. Kind of forget about it for a while and now I see that I have over 40,000 views to it and get free traffic to my link posted there everyday.
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