How I Got to a Point Where My Company Earns $10000/Month Net Profits
I’m a victim of senseless violence only a society like ours can do. As you may know by now: I’ve been totally blind, permanently, without possible treatment, for more than 7 years now…
I was gunned down, intentionally, by a complete stranger, while my wife and I were buying fried rice at a local food stall last November 2003. Twice. Chest. Head. Optic nerve: Goodbye. Eyesight: Goodbye. The world, as you know it by eyesight: Goodbye. The faces of my wife, my daughter, my mother, my father, my sisters and everyone I know and will meet in the future: Goodbye. Books, as you know it: Goodbye. Movies and TV shows, as you know it: Goodbye. The pleasure of travel, as you know it: Goodbye. The emotions of fashion and visual arts: Goodbye. Poof! All that, lost, forever. Yeah: Just because someone decided to take that all from me, permanently.
What to do, what to do…
I of course did what I needed to do to sustain my family’s needs. I should thank my wife and daughter, my inspiration and motivation to do what I do, each day. I should thank my friends and family, the ones responsible for balancing my sanity, each day. I should thank my colleagues, employees, partners and client friends, each day. I should thank Freedom Scientific, for developing my screen reader. I should thank JAWS, my screen reader software, for aiding me in my daily computer and information needs. I should thank society, the same one, yes, for ebooks, the Internet, audio books, Web pages, business and marketing. I have thanked God and continue to do so each day, of course…
My wife and I started Grayscale last September 2006, officially, though we actually started 5 to 10 months beforehand. Grayscale operates in the Information and Communications Technology industry. Information, I love it. Communications, no other way to live in this world without it, ’cause this is what makes us human. Technology, fascinated by it…
I’m totally blind. My wife has hyperthyroidism. I interpret every input from my environment through audio. A wrongly crafted statement loses the accuracy of the intended message for me. Wrongly interpreted messages produce incorrect, inaccurate results. You get the picture, I get the sound of that picture and a vision of that picture in my mind based on how that picture was described to me. You should get the picture by now…
My wife and I talk not just about business and marketing strategies, no. We also talk, regularly, about our daily communication strategies as a husband and wife with a 7-year old daughter, the light of our lives. We talk about the daily communication strategies of our family. We have been together for more than 10 years now, always side by side, never behind each other. We work as a team, a solid one with a stable foundation. We are a family…
Effective communications is largely important in a family, especially if you want to build a successfully happy family. A business is a family. You, your partners, colleagues and clients make up your family.
Communications is an integral component of a successfully happy business family. Sit down. Interpret things slowly and surely. Think things over. Talk things over. Act accordingly…
We started by writing for Write4Euros.Com. They paid €2.50 per 300++-word article. Payouts were released once you complete 100 articles. I outsourced these to my friends. I did Q/A work, so had a cut from their earnings. I then offered them to build their own team of friends to do more articles, with them earning by doing Q/A work. We began to grow in number, 4 teams, all work at home singles, moms and dads, collectively worth 40 people. Write4Euros.Com closed down after two years, so we wrote for them from 2003 to 2005...
I landed a job as an English content writer at a local outsourcing company here. Was paid $200/month for 4000++ words of unique, high quality content about Internet marketing, SEO/SEM, Web development, software programming and server setup, configuration and maintenance. My only experience in these specialized areas = I assembled computers and sold them at higher prices to my neighbors and social networks. I provided software troubleshooting and installation services to them. I offered Web development and design services one week after learning HTML, CSS, Flash and graphics design. This was the time before I went totally blind...
asked for additional work of course for added pay to support my family's needs. I went from 1 full time shift to 8 full time shifts. I was working 18 hours per day. I decided to outsource my 4 full time shifts to my friends, with me doing editing work...
I pursued other things while working at the local outsourcing firm since I could complete my 4 full time tasks and my Q/A work on the submissions of the friends whom I outsourced my other 4 full time shifts. I found Constant-Content.Com. I wrote for them, and these are my earnings in 2 to 3 months:
$25000 net profits in 2 to 3 months...
I cold contacted the corporation that regularly gave me private requests in Constant-Content.Com. They turned out to be Paretologic, Inc., and they bought Constant-Content.Com at that time already...
They hired me as their SEO/SEM and English content writer for their technology write-ups. Worked with them for 5 months. They loved the results they got. They asked me to hire more. They needed 60 English content researchers/writers with expertise in tech topics. They asked me to manage everything for them, from formulating business workflow systems, hiring and testing procedures, training systems, Q/A standards and management as well as performance charting systems. They asked me to register my own business so we can have a long term contract. I did that, and Grayscale was born...
After 5 months of working with them, our company, at this point a 60-employee strong company, they asked me to do what I did for our content development department and set up an SEO and traffic generation department. They needed 30 competent people for this, trained by me. We worked directly with Paretologic, Inc. this time, not within Constant-Content.Com...
While working with them for 1 year, one of their products became the best selling Microsoft Windows System Registry cleaner software of all time, with over 10 million sales last year. This was 2007...
They then bought RevenueWire.Com and referred us to their merchants and affiliates. Their merchants are software development corporations also operating in the system security industry among other niches in the main ICT industry...
From 90 employees, we grew to 120 employees, 30 subcontractors each with their own employees, 2 head offices here in Manila and 9 satellite offices in provinces across the Philippines...
We have opened a lot of departments since then and have been catering to the content development, software programming, Web development, graphics design and marketing needs of various international corporations, companies, businesses, home businesses and individual Internet marketers up until today...
Looking back, we started out with:
No website. No business email. No target keywords. No Google. No previous SEO knowledge. No previous Internet marketing knowledge. No backlinks. No push button solutions. No office other than our home. No resources other than our own time and skills plus a couple of computers and a residential DSL connection. No PPC. No CPC/CPM/CPA. No private ads. No solo mailing list ads. No joint ventures. No eyesight...
We do not need to give away fish, nor stop after we taught others to fish, but rather: We should revolutionize the fishing industry and start from there, and even what you may start isn't something big: It's a start, the first step towards your goals, so blaze new trails and find new routes to your dreams...
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