When asked, "What do you do?" What do you answer
Just a quick one here.
Today when registering a new marketing firm I'm going to be a part of, my partners called me up and the conversation went something like this.
"Hey Maddi, we're filling in the form here for registrations, and we need to fill out Your current occupation/designation on the forms".
My first reaction was 'how much space have you got there to fill?'
to be honest I didn't know what to reply, I just went with 'Entrepreneur - Business and Marketing Consultant'.
I couldn't just fill 'Author, Coach, Consultant, Keynote Speaker, Trainer, Marketer and so on and so forth' (not meaning to brag)
But what I mean to say is there is so much we do online.
But here is one for you.
When asked at a social gathering, by family or friends how do you define/sum up what you do?
Internet Marketer won't cut it for 'regular people' anyway.
And then there is so many things one can be making a living with online, adsense, amazon, blogs, info products, offline consulting. I'd be very interested to know what you reply and why.
Interested in knowing your replies.
Maddi Murtaza
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