Can someone explain domain name parking to me?

by thedog
13 replies
Hi guys. What's the deal with domain name parking?

Do I need an existing site? Or just a domain that I'm not doing anything with?

Where's the best place to submit to... I got refused from but I just sent over a load of domains, some were good and some were bad.
#domain #explain #parking
  • Profile picture of the author 2GRANN

    According to their words
    You simply let us manage the content related to your domain name(s), and we optimize them to display relevant, paid advertising to visitors.
    you just need a domain name. They will use it like it's theirs and pay you some of the money they make from your domain name in advertising.
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    • Profile picture of the author jokarl
      I thought parking was pretty much dead today? I mean its only if you have lots of typein traffic you will get something at all.
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      • Profile picture of the author andthensome
        You don't need a website, just a domain. If you registered with GoDaddy, you can park there for a small price, but I recommend Sedo. It's free and you can put a price on your domain so you might get some offers on it from their marketplace.
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  • Profile picture of the author The Simpleton
    Domain parking is very hard to monetize these days, because all the good domains are gone. GONE! The domains which are still rich in keywords are either too long to be effective for parking or they're in a weak market. If you can buy some of the really good domains for a hefty price, only then can you see some huge results from domain parking.
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  • Profile picture of the author Always-A-Warrior
    Domain parking is only pennies compared to if you built a site with a single clickbank offer.

    There's certain DP companies that will only except premium names or more than a 100 names and is one of them.

    I use whypark and bodis but not much action lately.
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  • Profile picture of the author Revolves
    I will highly recommend bodis. They always pay on time and there is no minimum payout requirement. If your domain has made 10 cents you get paid 10 cents to your Paypal account.
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  • Profile picture of the author zhang9547
    “bodis” is a very good choice!
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  • Profile picture of the author Cool2212
    yup, bodis is pretty awesome
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    • Profile picture of the author Meharis
      Originally Posted by Cool2212 View Post

      yup, bodis is pretty awesome
      What's really awesome is Not to park your domains.
      Any one page site with Adsense and/or affiliate link
      will give you more money.

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      • Profile picture of the author renhoek
        Originally Posted by Meharis View Post

        What's really awesome is Not to park your domains.
        Any one page site with Adsense and/or affiliate link
        will give you more money.

        I agree - for about 6 months I've had several domains parked at sedo - gotten very little exposure and ZERO clicks. I have some very low profile adsense sites that are about the same age and I have made a few dollars from them. Its a no brainer.
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      • Profile picture of the author MarketologyTeam
        Originally Posted by Meharis View Post

        What's really awesome is Not to park your domains.
        Any one page site with Adsense and/or affiliate link
        will give you more money.

        To each their own. Personally I do both. But I will say my domain parking accounts do quite well . It's just not an easy way out, which is what most people fail to understand when parking domains. A lot of work goes into managing a successful parking portfolio.
        UNLIMITED CONTENT - 100% CopyScape Passed, EZINE Quality Articles. PM me for info.
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  • Profile picture of the author pennington33
    I didnt think people still you domain parking. Wow you learn something new everyday.
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