Has Anyone Legitimately Gotten Rich Off Of Affiliate Marketing?

65 replies
Most of the affiliates I know make just enough money to either replace or at least supplement another source of income if they are lucky. That said are there actually people who have gotten to at least six figures who would be considered wealthy or well off simply by doing affiliate marketing?
#affiliate #legitimately #marketing #rich
  • Profile picture of the author christopher jon
    are there actually people who have gotten to at least six figures who would be considered wealthy or well off simply by doing affiliate marketing?

    You don't see many of them here because most affiliate marketers are not in the MMO niche. Most of the people on this forum are either new and trying to learn or are selling MMO products. The rest are off doing whatever, selling dog biscuits or something.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by christopher jon View Post

      You don't see many of them here because most affiliate marketers are not in the MMO niche. Most of the people on this forum are either new and trying to learn or are selling MMO products. The rest are off doing whatever.

      The picture you see here is a hugely distorted one because it comprises a preponderance of people in the MMO/IM-advice niches together with struggling newbies and a collection of recidivistic believers in all those urban myths of internet marketing. Most successful affiliates aren't in those niches. They're off doing whatever.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ti
      Originally Posted by christopher jon View Post


      You don't see many of them here because most affiliate marketers are not in the MMO niche. Most of the people on this forum are either new and trying to learn or are selling MMO products. The rest are off doing whatever, selling dog biscuits or something.

      Just curious, why did you bring up the MMO niche into the conversation? Do you really feel that most everybody posting is just promoting a leveling guide for a game like World of Warcraft?

      To answer the OP post, I've earned 7 fig/year, but the key isn't IM. IM in my opinion is just 1 single piece of the puzzle. Not even the most important one. The real key to the puzzle is providing something of real importance, something that truly is useful. Once you have that you can utilize IM techniques to broaden your audience and appeal.

      Affiliates Wanted --> http://Pwnboxer.com <-- Promote to your MMORPG/World of Warcraft Niche
      Insanely Popular Software Lets You Play 5x WoW+ On 1 PC - 100% Legit Bliz Approves Multiboxing
      Current Affiliate Stats: June 4th 2011: EPC = $3.50, Conversions = 10.2%, $23.50/sale

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      • Profile picture of the author premiumplr
        Originally Posted by Ti View Post

        Just curious, why did you bring up the MMO niche into the conversation? Do you really feel that most everybody posting is just promoting a leveling guide for a game like World of Warcraft?
        Perhaps we have initials mixed up, MMO in this case means Making Money Online and NOT Massively Multiplayer Online.
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        • Profile picture of the author Ti
          Originally Posted by premiumplr View Post

          Perhaps we have initials mixed up MMO in this case means Making Money Online and NOT Massively Multiplayer Online.
          Ahh that is it! I was wondering why the first person to respond suddenly jumped into the concept that everybody was only affiliating Massive Multiplayer Online (MMO) products. Looks like MMO can mean something else.

          Because, well, making MMO eBooks is what I do (as a vendor, see my signature )

          Affiliates Wanted --> http://Pwnboxer.com <-- Promote to your MMORPG/World of Warcraft Niche
          Insanely Popular Software Lets You Play 5x WoW+ On 1 PC - 100% Legit Bliz Approves Multiboxing
          Current Affiliate Stats: June 4th 2011: EPC = $3.50, Conversions = 10.2%, $23.50/sale

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    • Profile picture of the author nrb
      Originally Posted by christopher jon View Post


      You don't see many of them here because most affiliate marketers are not in the MMO niche. Most of the people on this forum are either new and trying to learn or are selling MMO products. The rest are off doing whatever, selling dog biscuits or something.
      "selling dog biscuits or something" ... sorry you hit a funny bone with this comment.
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
    No. Never.

    It couldn't possibly work. :rolleyes:

    Originally Posted by christopher jon View Post


    You don't see many of them here because most affiliate marketers are not in the MMO niche.

    That doesn't mean they may not visit this forum though.

    There's a lot more to be gained here than just selling make money online stuff.

    Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    They're called super-affiliates. Partial list on this page at bottom
    Super Affiliates | Affiliate Marketing

    Many have gotten rich from affiliate marketing.
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    • Profile picture of the author magnates
      Of course , there are people who are rich from affiliate marketing . i know many 6 figure , 7 figures earners . I have seen clickbank earnings that made me want to lose sleep and do the work I have been putting off for so long
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    • Profile picture of the author shabit87
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      They're called super-affiliates. Partial list on this page at bottom
      Super Affiliates | Affiliate Marketing

      Many have gotten rich from affiliate marketing.
      I was gonna say something similar, but you don't have to be a super-affiliate. But a list helps tremedously and a great relationship with your list is important. I think a good mixture of affiliate marketing along with freebies that are valuable and somewhat exclusive can be the key to bringing wealth from affiliate marketing.
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      • Profile picture of the author rob mills
        so I been trying to start out affiliate marketing to pay for my college education and im completely clueless.I've been trying for 5 months and I've gotten as far as making a couple social media accounts, finding a niche and trying to get a free website that gives me all I need to start my business(which I couldn't find).Where is the best place to get a free website with no money that you be able to make proper money out of? My mom is doing good and needs a helping hand because I lost my dad 5 months ago and I want to raise enough money to be able to finish my education.any help in affiliate marketing and a step direction, books, references or advise would be very much appreciated.

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  • Profile picture of the author hotlinkz
    Originally Posted by Jon Tees View Post

    Most of the affiliates I know make just enough money to either replace or at least supplement another source of income if they are lucky. That said are there actually people who have gotten to at least six figures who would be considered wealthy or well off simply by doing affiliate marketing?
    I see a lot of clues embedded in your question that may reveal why the vast majority only earn supplemental or no income from affiliate sales.

    If someone were to focus on launching and operating a non-IM, non money making affiliate busines and ignore the majority of gimmicks and razzmatazz, a lot more would be earning full-time incomes.

    Set a goal of making X number of sales per day and do whatever is necessary to "buy" those sales at the least expense possible.
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    • Profile picture of the author CyberSorcerer
      Originally Posted by hotlinkz View Post

      I see a lot of clues embedded in your question that may reveal why the vast majority only earn supplemental or no income from affiliate sales.

      If someone were to focus on launching and operating a non-IM, non money making affiliate busines and ignore the majority of gimmicks and razzmatazz, a lot more would be earning full-time incomes.
      This is exactly the truth.

      I DO NOT recommend, or encourage, ANY of my students to get into the MMO/IM niche. Do what you know, or what you love, and you'll have a better chance of success.

      All the examples that I'm building through out the course is all on various hobbie like topics.
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  • Profile picture of the author andybeveridge
    There are many successful affiliate marketers. Just like every niche online, there will be those that see success and those that fail. It's all about planning and seeing it through.
    Get organised and know what you want to achieve.

    Become a Digi Warrior and join us in the successful Dig Warrior IM Academy
    Join us at www.digiwarrior.com

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  • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
    Here's a short write-up about a pair of UK guys who started a small
    website back in 1999. It was a shopping comparison site related to
    financial services, pretty sure.

    I read about this earlier in the year.

    About 5 years ago their business was valued/estimated at close to
    a billion - affiliate marketing... non-MMO/IM niche...

    Affiliate Internet Billionaire – Comparison Shopping Rakes in the Cash - 5 Star Affiliate Blogs

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    • Profile picture of the author Tom Lazenby
      Originally Posted by KenThompson View Post

      Here's a short write-up about a pair of UK guys who started a small
      website back in 1999. It was a shopping comparison site related to
      financial services, pretty sure.

      I read about this earlier in the year.

      About 5 years ago their business was valued/estimated at close to
      a billion - affiliate marketing... non-MMO/IM niche...

      Affiliate Internet Billionaire - Comparison Shopping Rakes in the Cash - 5 Star Affiliate Blogs

      Ahhhhh that makes me feel sick I that I didn't discover IM back in the early, early days...I'd have bought the domain sex.com ($14,000,000) and lived happily ever after.

      Not Only That, It's Perfectly Legal & Whitehat!
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      • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
        Originally Posted by chameleon View Post

        Ahhhhh that makes me feel sick I that I didn't discover IM back in the early, early days...I'd have bought the domain sex.com ($14,000,000) and lived happily ever after.
        Yeah I know what you mean I had a chance at a number of million dollar domains back in 1994 but at the time I thought $75 a year to register was too much ... My bad!
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    It depends on how you define "rich"...
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      It depends on how you define "rich"...
      He is now rising from affluence to poverty.

      - Mark Twain
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      • Profile picture of the author bmcgoff
        Originally Posted by myob View Post

        He is now rising from affluence to poverty.

        - Mark Twain

        I think that most aspiring IMers are looking for freedom, not riches. You might argue that it's the same thing, but for me, 1k/month automated is worth 5k/month working 10 hour days.

        I'm trying to escape the rat race, not become a billionaire!
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        • Profile picture of the author momo1978
          Originally Posted by bmcgoff View Post

          I think that most aspiring IMers are looking for freedom, not riches. You might argue that it's the same thing, but for me, 1k/month automated is worth 5k/month working 10 hour days.

          I'm trying to escape the rat race, not become a billionaire!
          Well said Dude;

          I heard that, I'm trying to have that back door income available for emergency or vacation or anything I might need around the house, Not saying that I'm going to quit my 8-5 job, but I want to be free and not rely on Corporate America that has a lot of changes and can throw you out any time they feel like it. Thats what im trying to accomplish with the online money making formulas, gigs and Ebooks ive been buyying. Till now nothing yet accomplished. But im staying postive and trying to focus on one venue and workit and master it and replicate the method.
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        • Profile picture of the author hikerguy777
          Originally Posted by bmcgoff View Post

          I think that most aspiring IMers are looking for freedom, not riches. You might argue that it's the same thing, but for me, 1k/month automated is worth 5k/month working 10 hour days.

          I'm trying to escape the rat race, not become a billionaire!
          I'm with you brother.

          That said, my current 8:30-5:30 gig is basically and affiliate marketing company. It has a unique twist in that they also sell licensing for some of their products, but a substantial portion of their income is in AM.
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  • Profile picture of the author momo1978
    I would like to earn something and i'm still struggling to see results.
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  • These are Amazon Affiliates:

    Paula and Wanda recently on video showed their viewers earnings of 34k in one month.

    If I remember correctly, Jan roos who does Amazon too earns roughly 10 k a month or so.
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  • Profile picture of the author g36
    I think there was super affiliate I met. I forget in which forum. He made about $1000 daily and he was Clickbank apex member at that time.
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    The answer to your question is yes.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ti
    What does it mean to be a Clickbank Apex?

    Affiliates Wanted --> http://Pwnboxer.com <-- Promote to your MMORPG/World of Warcraft Niche
    Insanely Popular Software Lets You Play 5x WoW+ On 1 PC - 100% Legit Bliz Approves Multiboxing
    Current Affiliate Stats: June 4th 2011: EPC = $3.50, Conversions = 10.2%, $23.50/sale

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    • Profile picture of the author Peter Clark
      Originally Posted by Ti View Post

      What does it mean to be a Clickbank Apex?
      It means you are one of the top 100 current clickbank earners.
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      • Profile picture of the author jan roos
        I earn just over 10K a month from affiliate marketing and to me it's great money but I am not even in the same league as some super affiliates.

        These guys make a killing with affiliate marketing and there's a lot of opportunity out there so to answer your question YES there is a ton of money to be made in affiliate marketing. You just have to find something that works and then do it over and over again until you meet your income goals.



        I'll teach you how to make money like a Mamba.

        Sign up for the free money mambas newsletter!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3848508].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author myob
          Yeah, Jan is relatively just a pipsqueak among the big dogs.
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          • Profile picture of the author jan roos
            Originally Posted by myob View Post

            Yeah, Jan is relatively just a pipsqueak among the big dogs.
            Most definitely!

            Btw Paul, I'm gonna hit u up one of these days regarding your solo email service.



            Ps. I see you are in LA. Do you ever come up the coast to the San Luis Obispo Area? Would dig to buy you a beer one day.

            I'll teach you how to make money like a Mamba.

            Sign up for the free money mambas newsletter!

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            • Profile picture of the author myob
              Originally Posted by jan roos View Post

              ...I see you are in LA. Do you ever come up the coast to the San Luis Obispo Area? Would dig to buy you a beer one day.
              Beer? Isn't that wine country? LOL! I do travel a lot, but mostly flying. A few weeks ago I was in Santa Barbara, kinda closeby so yeah that sounds great. Don't know exactly when I can hop on over yet, though.
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              • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
                Originally Posted by myob View Post

                Beer? Isn't that wine country? LOL! I do travel a lot, but mostly flying. A few weeks ago I was in Santa Barbara, kinda closeby so yeah that sounds great. Don't know exactly when I can hop on over yet, though.

                Since you're a jet-setting kinda guy... if you're ever gonna be in
                Philly, let me know.

                I'll buy you a cuppa joe.

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                • Profile picture of the author myob
                  Originally Posted by KenThompson View Post

                  Since you're a jet-setting kinda guy... if you're ever gonna be in
                  Philly, let me know.

                  I'll buy you a cuppa joe.

                  You're on; at the Starbucks on S Broad St?
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                  • Profile picture of the author royljestr
                    Originally Posted by myob View Post

                    You're on; at the Starbucks on S Broad St?

                    I agree with the comments about avoiding the IM niche. That is where everyone starts and where everyone fails except the self-proclaimed gurus.

                    In order to find where the money is in affiliate (or any other) marketing you first need to know the problem!

                    What problem are people facing?

                    Are they willing to pay money for information (or products) to fix that problem?

                    Then you find a product that fixes the problem.

                    Lastly you have to connect the people with the problem with the solution via marketing, seo, articles, websites, etc.
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                    • Profile picture of the author Kal Sallam
                      Originally Posted by royljestr View Post

                      I agree with the comments about avoiding the IM niche. That is where everyone starts and where everyone fails except the self-proclaimed gurus.

                      In order to find where the money is in affiliate (or any other) marketing you first need to know the problem!

                      What problem are people facing?

                      Are they willing to pay money for information (or products) to fix that problem?

                      Then you find a product that fixes the problem.

                      Lastly you have to connect the people with the problem with the solution via marketing, seo, articles, websites, etc.
                      well you should have explained in more detail because it's quite contradicting when you say avoid the IM niche and try to find a problem then a product that fixes the problem...but doesn't The IM Niche appeal to a huge audience with FINANCIAL PROBLEMS?

                      maybe you meant find a problem in a less saturated market?
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                      • Profile picture of the author myob
                        It's real simple. Avoid niches where people have FINANCIAL PROBLEMS if you want to make the big sales.
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                        • Profile picture of the author Virtualghost
                          You say keep away from people with financial problems,but some products are being bought by these people hoping your product will rescue them from financial problems IE.Lottery winning systems sold relatively cheap would attract these buyers so I think it depends on what your selling and whether you want to charge large price less buyers,lesser fee more buyers.
                          Just an opinion.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    $1000 a day if fine, but he didnt mention how much money he was spending to get that.

    His PPC bill might have been $500 a day. But still $500 a day profits is pretty good right?

    Aff marketing is how I broke into this game ...I sucked at first, but coming back here in teh WF and learning from the smart brains I was able to make $300 a week, and then more than my day job a few months later. That was a few years ago, but such a big acheivement for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author christopher jon
    I had to google that word.

    Just curious, why did you bring up the MMO niche into the conversation?
    MMO = Make Money Online

    IM = Internet Marketing

    MMORPG = Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game

    The similarities used to confuse me too since MMO is also used as an acronym for MMORPG.

    It depends on how you define "rich"
    When you can afford this...

    whoops.. picture is a little larger than I thought
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  • Profile picture of the author LoyalQ
    Personally, I apologize, but no. Not that I have experienced myself.

    Elizabeth Moore
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    • Profile picture of the author StudioArtha
      Great thread! There are so many real pro's chiming in here! That alone answers the question.

      Yep, there are many folks just killing it in affiliate. Remeber the 80%/20% rul? It may be more skewed toward 90%/10% in IM. There are recipes to success, and I do not mean buying the latest WSO about making $10,000 this week. Find someone who is really doing it and see if they will mentor you!
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  • Profile picture of the author monsternet
    Originally Posted by Jon Tees View Post

    Most of the affiliates I know make just enough money to either replace or at least supplement another source of income if they are lucky. That said are there actually people who have gotten to at least six figures who would be considered wealthy or well off simply by doing affiliate marketing?
    The answer is YES!

    I personally have made many hundreds of thousands of dollars selling other people's products as an affiliate.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rockmanfl
    Yes but you have to remember many of them got in when business was just getting going, from the ground floor basically, not too say that you still can't be successful but there is a lot more competition now. So anything u can do to stand out would be a big help. Just don't expect to become a millionaire, but u can still make good money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joey Babbs
    Originally Posted by Jon Tees View Post

    Most of the affiliates I know make just enough money to either replace or at least supplement another source of income if they are lucky. That said are there actually people who have gotten to at least six figures who would be considered wealthy or well off simply by doing affiliate marketing?
    of course people legitimately get rich! It is is crazy to think otherwise....I have friends that make a couple thousand every day...

    I know it isnt easy but trust me there are tons of millionaires online...

    It is possible, you just have to think outside the box.


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  • Profile picture of the author MickAdamski
    Interesting Thread. There are alot of Affiliate Marketing Millionaires and billionaires for that matter. Affiliate Marketing is not a new concept and is not only isolated to the internet.

    What is affiliate marketing?? It is selling other peoples products and services in return for a commision ... Right?

    So then pretty much every business in the world is in the affiliate marketing business. Walmart, Amazon, Ebay, all Realtors, the list goes on and on. It just used to be called sales men or retailers. The internet is just a newer medium to get a sales message accross but the basic affiliate concept has been around for some time.

    So the answer is YES.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    When you say RICH, what do you mean? Do you mean $20,000 per month online or even $50,000 per month?

    The only way to get rich with affiliate marketing is to work with programs that pay you residual income and income from upsells.

    If you are going to focus on affiliate programs that pay you $10-$40 per sale and one time commission, I can tell you right now that you are not going to get rich and you will have a hard time making real money to quit your job.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jon Tees
      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      When you say RICH, what do you mean? Do you mean $20,000 per month online or even $50,000 per month?

      The only way to get rich with affiliate marketing is to work with programs that pay you residual income and income from upsells.

      If you are going to focus on affiliate programs that pay you $10-$40 per sale and one time commission, I can tell you right now that you are not going to get rich and you will have a hard time making real money to quit your job.

      Wealth to the point that you no longer need to worry about money, aside from where and how you are going to spend it. Financial security to the point that you needn’t worry about “picking up an additional job” to supplement your online income/expenses, or worse yet having to abandon your online pursuits completely to work a more “traditional” 9-5 job for someone else. Exact figures could be subjective as someone could live comfortably on an amount of money someone else would consider “Not enough.”
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    My mom is doing good and needs a helping hand because I lost my dad 5 months ago and I want to raise enough money to be able to finish my education
    Get a J.O.B.!!
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author tritrain
    It depends on what you call rich. There are people that are making a very good living, such as ProBlogger.com. With all the changes in the Google algorithm, many of the old methods don't work any more.

    The ones that weather the changes best are the ones that have a consistently good following (audience). It also happens to be the way that successful affiliate marketers become successful affiliate marketers. Big following.
    Domains for sale - see seopositions.net
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  • Profile picture of the author hardworker2013
    Yes there are some who have become rich from Internet Marketing, these are who you call the super affiliates. However i know a few Internet marketers who earn a 6 figure income each year but who doesn't consider themselves super affiliates, it just depends on you following a system that works well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert999
    Originally Posted by Jon Tees View Post

    Most of the affiliates I know make just enough money to either replace or at least supplement another source of income if they are lucky. That said are there actually people who have gotten to at least six figures who would be considered wealthy or well off simply by doing affiliate marketing?
    In some countries you will be called Rich if you can earn only $1k/mo while in other countries a person earning $10k/mo is not called a rich person. But point here is that people are making lots of money from affiliate marketing. Especially from clickbank and Amazon average affiliate marketers are earnings thousands of dollars per month. The super affiliates or more successful affiliate marketers are earning 5 or 6 figures income per month.
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  • Profile picture of the author cindynorwood
    i am sure there are supper affiliate make crazy money from affiliate marketing, with huge mailing list and enough money to build hype around products they are promoting.
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  • Profile picture of the author fdmarketers
    Hello Jon
    They certainly exist.
    Many have thrived from affiliate marketing.
    it is essential to form, plan and organize work.
    You just have to find something that works and work hard, to achieve the objectives.
    You can get great advice following the link below.

    good work
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  • Profile picture of the author greatdn
    I'm sure there's many people who have the strategy down pat and have a team of people working with them who do very well. Most of us are hobbyists and have a daytime job, having said that, the most I have made in a month is in the low $xxxx range
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  • Profile picture of the author Cosmit
    shawn hogan got rich off of affiliate marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    IMO...The best way that the average person can make a living or even if you strive to make 7 figures(obviously you will have to scale and be more aggressive!) is through CPA Lead Generation.

    The end user doesn't have to buy anything (no credit card needed), they just need to fill out a form...higher conversion rates.

    As a list builder (which is the best way to do this), there is no need to build a relationship. So you don't have the hassle of having to provide good content(which is what builds the relationship). You just mail until they unsubscribe. While that may sound bad, it really isn't. Most will stick around for a very long time.

    There are good paying leads ($20-$60 and higher depending on the vertical) that you can make work on a front end campaign. It just comes down to how many messages do you need to send to break-even on your email acquisition costs.

    Anyway, I've generated insane money doing this. I'm not even going to bother saying how much because the consensus here is that those on here, either aren't making big money or they are just trying to hawk their wares. So everyone would probably just think I was full of crap. Oh and just about all of it was outside the IM/MMO vertical.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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  • Profile picture of the author aongsg
    This is the question i have been asking...We are lured into this online business venture from the so called "gurus" who claims to have made millions thus achieving financial freedom but I have not known anyone personally who have made it with this rags to riches story to tell. Is this really doable?
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    • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
      Originally Posted by aongsg View Post

      This is the question i have been asking...We are lured into this online business venture from the so called "gurus" who claims to have made millions thus achieving financial freedom but I have not known anyone personally who have made it with this rags to riches story to tell. Is this really doable?
      You should read my post right above yours. I have nothing to gain saying it works if it doesn't.
      How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
      20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10078192].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author AffiliatePrograms
        Originally Posted by DIABL0 View Post

        You should read my post right above yours. I have nothing to gain saying it works if it doesn't.
        Okay, so what's the best "list builder" and what's the best way to "build" a "list"?
        ♦ HighPayingPrograms.com - 100% free super high paying programs. Make up to $10,000+ per deal & lifetime revenue share.
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        • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
          Originally Posted by AffiliatePrograms View Post

          Okay, so what's the best "list builder" and what's the best way to "build" a "list"?
          95%+ of all the leads I have ever generated has come from co-reg.

          The bulk of which was using aged data (lists) that I purchased. Over the past several years it has gotten harder to get good deliverability, but you can still generate substantial money doing it that way. Plus you can almost automate the entire process to where it just runs around the clock.

          While I still do the aged stuff, all my focus these days is on real-time co-reg and fresh co-reg lists. Which I have done in the past, it didn't make as much financial sense back then, as it was still possible to get good delivery with the aged data.

          Now, the big money is with the real-time/fresh because it's possible to maintain good deliverability while scaling, but it's more work to achieve / more human interaction needed.
          How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
          20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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        • Profile picture of the author aongsg
          Originally Posted by AffiliatePrograms View Post

          Okay, so what's the best "list builder" and what's the best way to "build" a "list"?
          So guys lets get back to the heart of the matter. I agree with you that it all boils down to list building, your "Subscriber List". I read somewhere that you need to hit at least 100,000 subscriber list before your online business can generate enough $$ for comfortable living. So the real challenge in this business is to generate traffic for you to build your subscriber list. How can you realistically generate traffic to start building your list from zero? I see two approaches highlighted so far; Paid traffic and Free traffic. Since i just started in this endeavor i would prefer free traffic approach - so what are the most practical or quickest techniques out there to start building list from free traffic??! However, the question is is this feasible? Maybe the truth is its only by paid traffic that you can really build a substantial list. I don't know.....
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  • Profile picture of the author visimedia
    I think the key to succeed with affiliate marketing alone (not just looking for supplemental/ side income) is to have large number of databases, traffic, and those stuff..

    affiliate marketing is all about selling, it means it's a numbers game.. including how many traffic you get, how's the conversion rate (measure n optimizing), those stuff..

    I'm on my way to successfully do affiliate marketing big time learning n implementing good content marketing.

    It's not easy but cliche saying like the following is true : when there's a will, there's a way.

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    • Profile picture of the author heavysm
      Being "rich" is subjective. I felt rich making my first $1,000 in a month several years ago, and I thought i was on top of the world lol

      And at the time my income had been purely from affiliate marketing. I scaled that to about $7-8k monthly until i moved onto other things (becoming a product creator, for one), but some people on this forum will 100% swear by being an affiliate versus being a product creator.

      Everyone has a different path, and you're no different. Affiliate marketing might be simple since the product is already created, but if you're just starting out mastering traffic generation needs to be your first step (just saying, I know that wasn't your question).

      The top earners on clickbank are a good example of the success of affiliate marketers.

      Mark Ling is a 7 figure affiliate, though he has products. He makes more from affiliate marketing than his own products (which makes sense because he promotes way more affiliate products than owning his own products).

      And then you have the world of CPA marketers, who are purely affiliates and make 6 - 7 figures yearly (there is some debate about whether these are true affiliates since they're more lead generation rather than product affiliates).

      So the question really isn't about whether or not marketers have legitimately reached that level with affiliate marketing. The question whether or not you want to replicate that success and what you need to get there.
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  • Profile picture of the author allegandro
    Yes, I know people that started IM from their basement and know have 100+ people working for them.

    But what is rich? If I would be from Ukraine and I would make a 1000$ a month, I would be able to have a really nice life, outside the main city with my own house, car and traveling. but If I would live in downtown London, I would need 10 times that, and even then I would not be able to do all I wanted.

    I think most people who are successful in IM have 2-3times average salary and have a happy life, and that makes them rich.


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