How to get 125 visits from only one comment
Commenting is a great thing. It brings me more traffic than some of my guest articles.
So I'm here today to reveal the secret of getting 100+ visitors from one comment.
Once I've got 125 visitors from ProBlogger.net [The largest blog about blogging and making money online]. Here is how I did it:
1. I didn't spam. If you do, you wont get approved when the site's admin moderates the comments.
2. Comment on a high traffic blog with lots of subscribers. I commented on ProBlogger.net (171,000+ RSS subscribers and 120,000+ Twitter followers). I got 3 replies on it.
3. One of the most important things: Be the first or at least the fifth to comment. People don't read the 127th comment or so

4. Comment on the most recent post. It's probably the most popular for that day or those days. Make sure to subscribe to the blog's RSS feed to know instantly about a new article.
Hope this helped.
Best Regards,
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