Product Refunded - Customer BUYS IT AGAIN and Opt in For Monthly Membership Subscription! WTH?
So I stayed calm, and received an email from the customer on the same day the request was started, explaining the reason. Although I did not agree with the reason, I could see it was not going to be worth my time fighting it. In fact, the refund caused me to add some important information to my sales page.
So I simply thanked the former customer for the information and moved on. Lo and behold a few weeks later, the customer shows up in my ClickBank sales again! I received an email explaining how they had tried a competitor's similar product, was not satisfied, and returned to my product. As an added bonus for my income, they also signed up for a backend product that is a monthly subscription.
Due to the extensive discussions here at WF on just this topic, I was able to stay calm and ended up recouping the initial sale plus gain extra income through the membership.
So thanks, Warriors, for your good advice and your willingness to share your ClickBank experiences with everyone here!
Click Here.
Ralph Smith
Mercenary development and deployment.
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