Product Refunded - Customer BUYS IT AGAIN and Opt in For Monthly Membership Subscription! WTH?

12 replies
A customer returned one of my ClickBank products and explained the reason. I am new at listing products at ClickBank, but I had read plenty here at WF before I listed, so I knew to expect refunds, to stay calm, to treat the person with respect, to look forward and not look back...

So I stayed calm, and received an email from the customer on the same day the request was started, explaining the reason. Although I did not agree with the reason, I could see it was not going to be worth my time fighting it. In fact, the refund caused me to add some important information to my sales page.

So I simply thanked the former customer for the information and moved on. Lo and behold a few weeks later, the customer shows up in my ClickBank sales again! I received an email explaining how they had tried a competitor's similar product, was not satisfied, and returned to my product. As an added bonus for my income, they also signed up for a backend product that is a monthly subscription.

Due to the extensive discussions here at WF on just this topic, I was able to stay calm and ended up recouping the initial sale plus gain extra income through the membership.

So thanks, Warriors, for your good advice and your willingness to share your ClickBank experiences with everyone here!
#buys #clickbank #clickbank refunds #customer #membership #monthly #opt #product #refunded #subscription #wth
  • Profile picture of the author LB
    Well handled.

    The reality of CB refunds is that scammers who are out to cheat you are going to do it no matter what. Fighting it only results in negative reviews and chargebacks.

    Give refunds cheerfully and it stops any potential issues and always opens the door to good customers to return again.
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  • Profile picture of the author pdrs
    Someone should ban that spambot above me.


    Nice work on getting the customer back though, it also goes to show you that you're really outperforming your competition which is always nice to know as well!
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgiaB
    Hi Diane,

    It seems you learn a lot about custom service. Congratulations! That is the way to handle it.

    I wish you success with your CB product,
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    • Profile picture of the author rts2271
      What you provided was real value and excellent customer service. Something that is very lacking these days. When a customer discovers that they are usually a customer for life.

      You kick a$$
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      • Profile picture of the author Diane S
        Originally Posted by LB View Post

        Well handled.

        The reality of CB refunds is that scammers who are out to cheat you are going to do it no matter what. Fighting it only results in negative reviews and chargebacks.

        Give refunds cheerfully and it stops any potential issues and always opens the door to good customers to return again.
        That is probably the most important aspect I learned here at WF - once you realize and accept that, then refunds are not so negative. They become just one more facet of offering a ClickBank product.

        Originally Posted by pdrs View Post

        Nice work on getting the customer back though, it also goes to show you that you're really outperforming your competition which is always nice to know as well!
        Yes, you bet I was happy when I heard a negative about a competitor. Keeps my confidence level high - that my product does have value.

        Originally Posted by Murt@gh View Post

        Sounds like being polite and respectful allowed you to get that sale back and also the addtional signup for membership. You are definitely doing something right aren't you Diane, being negative about refunds has no benefits.
        The great advice here at WF helped my attitude stay positive. There is just no point in irritating anyone over a refund. That will get you nowhere, but staying on the positive side can have lasting results that will benefit you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Murt@gh
    Sounds like being polite and respectful allowed you to get that sale back and also the addtional signup for membership. You are definitely doing something right aren't you Diane, being negative about refunds has no benefits.
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  • Profile picture of the author brobdingnagian
    Nicely done, Diane. You handled it exactly as I would have, too. Of course, I made a few 'mistakes' before learning my current state of grace...
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  • Profile picture of the author NateRivers
    That's funny. It's also a sign that you could create a backend product that's priced higher. On one of my small niche sites, there are about 20 people that buy any freaking thing I offer, and they ask me when other stuff is coming out.
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    • Profile picture of the author Presto Smith
      I know where you are coming from Diane. Keeping it cool when someone wants to return a product is a test of patience.
      Glad to hear it worked out so well for you.

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      • Profile picture of the author Diane S
        Originally Posted by brobdingnagian View Post

        Nicely done, Diane. You handled it exactly as I would have, too. Of course, I made a few 'mistakes' before learning my current state of grace...
        Hey thanks, Brobdingnagian. It is not clear at first that just doing nothing when ClickBank sends you that dreaded email about the refund request is the right response. Do nothing, the refund happens, and after it goes through you can send an email to the former customer asking for feedback. In my case the customer contacted me on same day of refund request.

        Originally Posted by NateRivers View Post

        That's funny. It's also a sign that you could create a backend product that's priced higher. On one of my small niche sites, there are about 20 people that buy any freaking thing I offer, and they ask me when other stuff is coming out.
        That's a good feeling, isn't it! I get requests for products (additional tutorials on IM software), and the requests are all good ideas, but since I am moving on to niches outside of IM, I am not taking action.

        Originally Posted by Passive Income Presto View Post

        I know where you are coming from Diane. Keeping it cool when someone wants to return a product is a test of patience.
        Glad to hear it worked out so well for you.

        Hey thanks, Presto! Yeah, here at WF we be cool... Just knowing about the expected normal refund rates made it easier to accept. So far my refund rate is below normal, so no complaints here. Things could be worse!
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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    Originally Posted by Diane S View Post

    A customer returned one of my ClickBank products and explained the reason. I am new at listing products at ClickBank, but I had read plenty here at WF before I listed, so I knew to expect refunds, to stay calm, to treat the person with respect, to look forward and not look back...

    So I stayed calm, and received an email from the customer on the same day the request was started, explaining the reason. Although I did not agree with the reason, I could see it was not going to be worth my time fighting it. In fact, the refund caused me to add some important information to my sales page.

    So I simply thanked the former customer for the information and moved on. Lo and behold a few weeks later, the customer shows up in my ClickBank sales again! I received an email explaining how they had tried a competitor's similar product, was not satisfied, and returned to my product. As an added bonus for my income, they also signed up for a backend product that is a monthly subscription.

    Due to the extensive discussions here at WF on just this topic, I was able to stay calm and ended up recouping the initial sale plus gain extra income through the membership.

    So thanks, Warriors, for your good advice and your willingness to share your ClickBank experiences with everyone here!

    You handled this the way refunds should be handled: with calm demeanor and professional execution. I learned a long time ago to not take refunds personally. There could 1,001 reasons why someone is asking for a refund. Granted that there are people out there that will try and rip you off, but after millions of processed transactions over the past decade, I have learned that most people are actually honest.

    I've also learned not to punish the 98% of honest buyers for the actions of the 2% that just want something for nothing.

    My philosophy with refunds is simple: I keep it short, polite, and professional. And I generally ask them for feedback on how we could serve them better. Yes, I even do this if they ask for a refund 30 seconds after they made the purchase. Unless the person explains why they're asking for the refund (even then it might not be the real reason), I have no real way of knowing the WHY. So I focus on the HOW, which is giving them the refund and moving onto my next customer or prospect.

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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    • Profile picture of the author Diane S
      Originally Posted by Rod Cortez View Post

      You handled this the way refunds should be handled: with calm demeanor and professional execution. I learned a long time ago to not take refunds personally.
      Thanks, Rod, and I must emphasize that without comments like yours made in plenty of threads on this topic, I would have been ill-prepared. I am not the most patient person in the world - just ask my kids! - so believe me, reading about the process and learning from other Warriors, such as yourself, really helped PREPARE me. On this refund I typed my email to the customer through CLENCHED TEETH! And I left it in draft for a few hours, reviewed it before sending, toned it down, turned some statements into questions, and then sent it off, never expecting a response. That draft function of email has saved my arse on numerous occasions. It is easy to be misunderstood in an email message. Add that fact to my severe case of "foot-in-mouth" disease, and it is a wonder I don't have an inbox full of replies with WTF? subject lines! :rolleyes:
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