How To Increase Your Opt In By 100% Or More

7 replies
Hey folks.

I know some are struggling to get more optins and sales.

...and maybe you already heard to test, test, and test.

This post is just to nail the point in our stubborn heads the power of split testing.

So I did test my squeeze page using, A/B Testing Tool | Split Testing and Multivariate Testing Software - Visual Website Optimizer.

What's really surprising is how I increased my opt ins from 12.7% to 26.4%.

It's not about the headline, body copy, layout, like most tips you'll get from a copywriter.

I simply change one thing...

And that is, change the text in the form submit button.

I changed the text in my button from "subscribe me" to "submit".

Why did it increase the optins?

Here are my analysis...

1. The word "Subscribe Me" seems to require more commitment. Maybe some thinks that they'll be required for a payment or something. And nobody wants commitment.

2. The word "Submit" is the most common word you'll see in the button and so they know they have to click that.

Again, you have test it in your market.

But the point is do some split testing...

Increasing website visitors is not always the logical choice to get more optins.
#100% #increase #opt
  • Profile picture of the author Shaun OReilly
    Congruatulations on actually testing.

    Testing is a great habit to build if you want to continually
    increase conversion rates throughout your process.

    By doubling your visitor-to-subscriber opt-in rate you can
    effectively double the number of subscribers you get from
    the same traffic.

    Yet - unfortunately most people don't bother to test at all.

    Continually run tests to let your visitors tell you what the
    most effective copy and designs are to maximize conversions
    and profits.

    Pros test. Amateurs guess.

    Dedicated to mutual success,



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    • Profile picture of the author Sandor Verebi
      Hi JJ,

      Congrats, this topic is always timely, especially for beginners. Your case shows that little things can help a lot sometimes. And people overlooked that oftentimes.

      I just would like to make some supplement that also helps to increase your opt-in:

      1. Offer to your visitors a strong value in exchange for opt-in. I observed, that nowadays you need to give a much higher perceived value (ebook, report, audio, video, etc.) than just offering your newsletter.

      2. It makes a difference, where you put your opt-in box. You should split test various locations, colors, and designs. Best place may be for opt-in box is above the fold on your website. Make sure it is as easy as possible to opt-in.

      3. Don't ask more data than necessary, because people will click away from your site right away.

      4. I found that you can get better result, if your text on your button is something like "Change Your Life" "Increase your Income" "Get your free gift" "Get started now" etc. But this text is dependent on your fribies.

      Many successes,


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      • Profile picture of the author paraschopra
        Hi JJ,

        Thanks for talking about the results you got from split testing (glad you used my product, Visual Website Optimizer. Hope you enjoyed using it!).

        It's unfortunate that not a lot of people do regular testing even when it can provide some amazing ROI.

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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Originally Posted by JJOrana View Post

    Why did it increase the optins?

    Here are my analysis...

    1. The word "Subscribe Me" seems to require more commitment. Maybe some thinks that they'll be required for a payment or something. And nobody wants commitment.

    2. The word "Submit" is the most common word you'll see in the button and so they know they have to click that.

    I think you nailed it here...

    Originally Posted by JJOrana View Post

    Increasing website visitors is not always the logical choice to get more optins.

    I know you nailed it here...
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author webmaster1742
    I have noticed "free download" works 30% better than any kind of "submit" words on the subscribe button.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cliff_OBA
    Split testing is key. It can be hard at the beginning if you don't have too much traffic, but that's no reason not to start. even with 10 people, you can learn something if you repeat the test.
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