I have no passion. I am no expert. I love money. I'll work for it. But HOW HOW HOW?

Coming to point...
I want to setup niche websites and start building some decent income. I sooo want to quit my job, I've had enough with, ya know, the "kingpin" (my boss)!
However, I really have no passion for anything but dancing at parties (doesn't require me to learn any dancing skills really), watching movies on the silver screen (no how-to product on that one in CB marketplace

Oh, and yes, I like travelling... taking vacations (but that's gonna have to wait until I start {strike this}kickin' some ass{/strike this} feeding a lot of MONEY into my wallet.
So, the question is... How should go I about a niche like, say, dog training (for example) when I know nothing about dogs? I resist pets, for some reason.
How should I go about becoming a perceived authority in that niche?
No law-bashing please... It's not unethical or illegal, as I will, to the best of my knowledge, perform due diligence and offer the most value possible in the realm of my understanding about the niche. I'm just another marketer taking up an opportunity, so it isn't illegal or unethical.
Come to think of it... if it was, half of the Warrior Forum's population would be in jail

Help me please

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