I have no passion. I am no expert. I love money. I'll work for it. But HOW HOW HOW?

8 replies
Well of course I have passion for ... (I'm a 25-year old straight healthy male and I love my girlfriend a lot)

Coming to point...
I want to setup niche websites and start building some decent income. I sooo want to quit my job, I've had enough with, ya know, the "kingpin" (my boss)!

However, I really have no passion for anything but dancing at parties (doesn't require me to learn any dancing skills really), watching movies on the silver screen (no how-to product on that one in CB marketplace ), etc.

Oh, and yes, I like travelling... taking vacations (but that's gonna have to wait until I start {strike this}kickin' some ass{/strike this} feeding a lot of MONEY into my wallet.

So, the question is... How should go I about a niche like, say, dog training (for example) when I know nothing about dogs? I resist pets, for some reason.
How should I go about becoming a perceived authority in that niche?

No law-bashing please... It's not unethical or illegal, as I will, to the best of my knowledge, perform due diligence and offer the most value possible in the realm of my understanding about the niche. I'm just another marketer taking up an opportunity, so it isn't illegal or unethical.

Come to think of it... if it was, half of the Warrior Forum's population would be in jail [just kidding... I love you Warriors and love the Warrior Forum.. no offence meant]

Help me please
#expert #love #money #passion #work
  • Profile picture of the author spectrefax
    If you know nothing about a niche, you shouldn't try to sell products for it. Because you'll likely be unsuccessful unless you do your homework and educate yourself on the niche.

    I'd suggest doing some type of service until you find a niche you're interested in. Write and sell article packs or something similar. Once you start writing articles for other people, you'll start to see niches you'd like to get involved in. Then, you can start your niche sites.

    Best of luck.
    *Reserved for cool stuff*
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  • Profile picture of the author tayuyaa
    You can become an expert in any niche you want in a short period of time.

    You just need to learn and to read any thing you can on the topic of your choice. Creating products is just a matter of sharing information, if you can find some good infos, you can share it and sell it, period.

    Of course if you dont want to take that road, just try to do some services, you dont need any skilss if you outsource everything.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adie
    Oh, and yes, I like travelling... taking vacations (but that's gonna have to wait until I start {strike this}kickin' some ass{/strike this} feeding a lot of MONEY into my wallet.
    My suggestion....always bring a camera wherever you go, take photos and start blogging about the places you visited... Travel niche is very good in adsense and at the same time, I am 100% sure you'll enjoy it... Just keep a record of what you are doing, going here and there without knowing your blog is earning... Isn't it interesting?

    I think that answers your word s "I have no passion"

    Good luck


    Moderator's Note: You're only allowed to put your own products or sites in your signature.

    Signature edited.
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  • Profile picture of the author esk
    if you want to sell for example dogtraining materials you should educate yourself on that topic.

    This includes reading alot in forums, buy a couple books and also you should buy an infoproduct about dogtraining.

    Especially if you plan to sell a infoproduct.

    But you should know that if you go in a niche like dogtraining that you won't be able to test your stuff if you don't own a dog yourself.

    I can speak from experience that if you go into a niche where you can't test your stuff it will be very difficult.

    You will get alot emails from prospects who want to know something. Alot of these questions can't be found in the internet or in books.

    I would advice you to create a info product about dancing. A good way to do that would be to upload some videos on youtube with tutorials about basic stuff.

    I think the best way to start would be to educate people how they can dance to every kind of music just by following the beat with some simple footwork.

    With these videos you want to create alot of interest for your product and then just simple send those youtube people to your sales letter.

    I hope this helps you.
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  • Profile picture of the author funkynassau
    Just my two cents but you need to find passion about something. You wont succeed if you cant truly love and get involved in whatever you decide to sell. Being indifferent isnt going to work!

    ChipFixx custom mixed auto touchup paint kits.

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  • Profile picture of the author Sharvey25
    To me its all about knowing the right people. I am tired of my boss just as you are so in an attempt to get to better places I've been going around expanding my social network finding something that suits me better. So while expanding your social network find something that you enjoy being involved with and work hard at it nothing ever comes easy. Best of luck to you in your search.
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  • Profile picture of the author bahamut1990
    Hi that's exactly the kind of person that can use my website believe me it's new yeah but it surely is not one of those nonsense stuff that try to sell their useless products .everything is for free,it will show you all the sources you will need
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  • Profile picture of the author Shaun OReilly
    Originally Posted by theultimate1 View Post

    However, I really have no passion for anything but dancing at parties (doesn't require me to learn any dancing skills really), watching movies on the silver screen (no how-to product on that one in CB marketplace ), etc.

    Oh, and yes, I like travelling... taking vacations (but that's gonna have to wait until I start {strike this}kickin' some ass{/strike this} feeding a lot of MONEY into my wallet.

    So, the question is... How should go I about a niche like, say, dog training (for example) when I know nothing about dogs? I resist pets, for some reason.
    How should I go about becoming a perceived authority in that niche?
    If you have a passion or interest in dancing, movies, travelling,
    etc, then I'd recommend looking for a way to make money in
    one of those niches.

    (There are plenty of people making money in those niches - so
    why not you?).

    I would NOT recommend entering a niche you have no passion
    for and especially entering a niche you don't have expertise in.

    Follow your passion and develop REAL expertise in one of your
    subject areas.

    Dedicated to mutual success,



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