Sacrificing your affiliate commission

8 replies
So I was considering ways in which to incentivize subscribers to purchase a product through your specific affiliate link and something occurred to me.

Lets say you are trying to promote some product A. Product B is a secondary product, maybe something you promote later in your autoresponder series, or maybe something that is a little old.

Why not make a deal with the owner of Product B, and say "Give me a special link so that my subscribers can get your product for 50%, but I make no affiliate commission from it." This is assuming the affiliate cut was 50%.

Then tell your subscribers that if they buy Product A through you, you will give them a 50% discount on product B. The owner loses no money by making you this deal, you don't make say $20, but you might make a whole ton more commissions on a a higher selling product.

I don't see a lot of people doing this. Why not?
#affiliate #commission #sacrificing
  • Profile picture of the author TCrosby
    Or just doing this without it being an incentive for another sale. Just as a way to reward your list.

    If you did this for a product that offers 100% affiliate commissions, you could actually give the product away for free to your list.
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      You won't find any owner agreeing to this because that would devalue the product in the market, and negatively impact other affiliates.
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  • Profile picture of the author mgallone
    Like myob says, owners most likely won't agree to this.

    However, the idea is actually quite interesting, and does raise another possibility.

    Offer the product to your site visitors, with the provisio that you will refund them $xx% (your commission) after purchasing through your list. A great way to quickly build your list and trust amongst your subscribers.
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    • Profile picture of the author patey88
      Originally Posted by mgallone View Post

      Offer the product to your site visitors, with the provisio that you will refund them % (your commission) after purchasing through your list. A great way to quickly build your list and trust amongst your subscribers.
      If you're promoting products sold through Clickbank, be aware this is against their rules.

      From their Affiliate Dos and Don'ts page...

      "Don't offer bonuses of cash or cash equivalents (such as gift cards) for customers who purchase a product through your HopLink. This is not allowed in ClickBank's Client Contract. You can, however, offer other types of bonuses, such as additional ebooks or related products, to customers who purchase through your HopLink."
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      • Profile picture of the author Naeem Sikandar
        Yes,it will devalue the product in the marketplace of clickbank. and I can't see any point doing so. because what you gonna get. but there is always a tradeoff.By the way you can do the following ...

        you should contact the product owner,whichever you wanted to promote, and tell him that you have got a very responsive list and you want to provide awsume value to your list by offering his product.You tell him that you need a favor of 50% discount for your list and and 5% your's commission. they will obviously do it. I have done the same .. and it worked...

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      • Profile picture of the author mgallone
        Originally Posted by patey88 View Post

        If you're promoting products sold through Clickbank, be aware this is against their rules.

        From their Affiliate Dos and Don'ts page...

        "Don't offer bonuses of cash or cash equivalents (such as gift cards) for customers who purchase a product through your HopLink. This is not allowed in ClickBank's Client Contract. You can, however, offer other types of bonuses, such as additional ebooks or related products, to customers who purchase through your HopLink."
        Thanks patey88, I didn't know that... spot the non-Clickbank affiliate
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  • Profile picture of the author g36
    The idea might be creative, but the product owners won't like it


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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      I hope this doesn't come across a churlish or dismissive, but I don't actually want people to buy a product from/through me because I'm effectively offering a discount. I don't like competing on price - I don't think it pays, in the long run, in my sort of business.

      I want people to buy from/through me (and especially to buy things that they've already seen and not bought from/through other people) because I'm the one they trust, and the strength and integrity of my recommendation sells it to them. That's the underlying basis of my affiliate marketing business.
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