What would you if you think the support desk is giving you misinformation?

3 replies
I've been searching for an affiliate program that will support recurring monthly payments, recurring monthly commissions for affiliates, and pay the affiliates instantly via Paypal as every payment is received. (And yes, I know RAP with an addon will do it, but I was looking for something with a larger marketplace of affiliates...)

I am a vendor in one of the marketplaces that will do the recurring monthly payments, and recurring monthly commissions for the affiliates.

I searched to find out if this program offered monthly recurring commissions and even found a post from the very owner of the program, right here on WF from a while ago, where he said that his program would be offering it...

But I couldn't find any info on it (and this was an old post, so I figured he must have done it by now) but found nothing.

So I emailed the support desk, and the response I got was that

"No one can offer instant paypal commissions...what happens if a customer refunds? This never came to truition. After your affiliate selss the item, if the customer refunds, then there will be no commissions. That is why you have to wait for the refund period to expire on your item before paying out any commissions. Focus on what [PROGRAM]does right now and not what they tried to do in [another year]"

His first sentence put me off, because, well Rapid Action Profits DOES offer instant Paypal commissions! So does digi-results now too...

So now, I'm thinking this guy has no clue what he's talking about, and I'm wondering if he's just some flunkie and if I should just contact the program owner directly, (he's got a pretty good rep as far as I know) or if I should just continue my search....


#desk #giving #misinformation #support
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    his program would be offering it...
    This never came to truition.
    Sounds to me like the idea was considered and discarded. That's the conclusion I would draw and I fully understand affiliate programs operating this way.

    Sometimes what people plan to do changes when they look at the reality of implementing the plan.

    You could ask the owner - but I'd do it without accusing his help desk of not having a clue.

    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    If liar's pants really did catch on fire, watching the news would be a lot more fun.
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    • Profile picture of the author Sid Hale
      Hi Dani,

      The post you mentioned was started by the owner of the affiliate network in question after having first been exposed to the Paypal Adaptive Payments process, using their API, and he wrote a very long post about how his affiliate network was going to implement that process.

      That thread got a lot of attention at the time, but I don't think the OP ever revisited the thread, or posted any additional follow-up regarding his plans for implementation (I followed the thread for quite some time, because he was one of my competitors).

      As you have seen, Adaptive Payments was never implemented in that affiliate network, and they still handle affiliate commissions via Paypal mass pay. The response you received appears to be what their support staff was given as the reason for not implementing Adaptive Payments, but as you pointed out, it was/is possible.

      Apparently, after researching the features, he decided that Adaptive Payments did not match his business model, or that conversion to that model was cost prohibitive.

      Regardless, as you pointed out, it was a very old thread - and things change.

      Sid Hale
      Coming Soon... Rapid Action Profits (Pro)

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      • Profile picture of the author VanessaB
        Kay and Sid,
        Thank you both.

        I wouldn't have out and out told him his support staff was daft, though I sure would want my customer to tell me if my support staff was giving out misinformation to customers. I like this program for a lot of it's other features, and a good portion of my products are in it and work very well within it, it just doesn't support this one particular model, but such is life.

        I will have to either choose the alternative, or accept having to pay affiliates manually. ugg... more bookkeeping!

        The Recon Report
        Reliable Results, Predictable Profits
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