What would you if you think the support desk is giving you misinformation?
I am a vendor in one of the marketplaces that will do the recurring monthly payments, and recurring monthly commissions for the affiliates.
I searched to find out if this program offered monthly recurring commissions and even found a post from the very owner of the program, right here on WF from a while ago, where he said that his program would be offering it...
But I couldn't find any info on it (and this was an old post, so I figured he must have done it by now) but found nothing.
So I emailed the support desk, and the response I got was that
"No one can offer instant paypal commissions...what happens if a customer refunds? This never came to truition. After your affiliate selss the item, if the customer refunds, then there will be no commissions. That is why you have to wait for the refund period to expire on your item before paying out any commissions. Focus on what [PROGRAM]does right now and not what they tried to do in [another year]"
His first sentence put me off, because, well Rapid Action Profits DOES offer instant Paypal commissions! So does digi-results now too...
So now, I'm thinking this guy has no clue what he's talking about, and I'm wondering if he's just some flunkie and if I should just contact the program owner directly, (he's got a pretty good rep as far as I know) or if I should just continue my search....
Sid Hale
Coming Soon... Rapid Action Profits (Pro)