Squeeze Page vs Sales Letter - My Personal Stats Revealed

23 replies
Hey Warriors,

Got some test results that may interest some of you.

We all know (or assume) that running our traffic to a squeeze page works better than running the traffic directly to your sales letter.

Well it's been a long time since I tested this so I thought I would run a small test. Below are the results:

Total Hits sent by PPC: 3726

I used a split script to evenly send the traffic to 2 different pages.


Traffic Directly to Sales Letter:

Hits: 1863

Sales: 13

Sales Conversion Rate: 0.7 %

Page 1 Revenue: $611 (13 x $47 product)


Traffic Directly to Optin Squeeze Page:

(users are sent to same sales letter after opting in)

Hits: 1863

Optins: 483

Sales: 12

Sales Conversion Rate: 2.5 %

Revenue: $564 (12 x $47 product)

Sales Generated by AutoResponder Followup Messages (so far after 10 days): 9

AutoResponder Revenue: $423 (9 x $47 product)

Page 2 Overall Total Sales: 21

Page 2 Overall Total Revenue: $987



Sending traffic to my squeeze page (instead of directly to sales letter) produced MORE sales, generated MORE revenue, increased my conversion rate (I guess by qualify the traffic by going thru optin first) and also allowed me to build a list of 483 subscribers.

Obviously these tests may be different in different markets. But for me sending to a Squeeze Page instead of directly to my Sales letter is a no-brainer.

Anyway I thought some might find these stats interesting

#letter #page #personal #revealed #sales #squeeze #stats
  • Profile picture of the author tommygadget

    If I might ask, did your squeeze page have any video on it? Was it a straight opt-in? Also, what were you selling? You don't have to be specific, was it an ebook, service, CPA offer? These questions are only to clarify your results for me! Thanks! Oh, forgot to ask, what was the cost per click?

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    • Profile picture of the author Nathan Hangen
      Awesome test, thanks for sharing the info!

      How many messages did you follow up with? Any idea how many messages it took to get the sale?
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  • Profile picture of the author dhudiburg
    Great test results! Thanks for sharing these. Do you mind if I post this to my blog with a link back to this post? I think my readers would be very interested in these results.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Ramsay
    Hello Tom

    Yes optin page had a video on it.

    Product was a downloadable software (my own, not affiliate product).

    Hope that helps

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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Ramsay
    Hello dhudiburg

    Sure linking to this post is no problem

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  • Profile picture of the author BrainDance
    great info Cindy, thanks for sharing, i'm sharing it with my blog people.
    I am taking on only ecover design work for the next 90 days. Rates are 47.00 for single cover, discounts for multiple..just ask! No payment until completed.
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    • Profile picture of the author Widmaer Telisma
      Thanks Cindy for this valuable information, but Im just wondering about the 12 sales you made on page 2, were they generated within the first 10 days? or by redirecting to your sales page after opting in? (if it's not too confidential)

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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Ramsay
    Hello nhangen

    I have 38 in my AR series delivered every day. In otherwords they get an AR follow-up every day for 38 days all directing them back to same sales letter.

    The above stats are for the first 10 days of my AR follow-ups so hopefully more sales are to follow making the sending to Squeeze page even more of a winner.

    No unfortunately I don't have stats on which AR message created the sale. Gotta work on that

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    • Profile picture of the author Nathan Hangen
      Excellent, thanks for the additional info. I've been wanting to add that sort of model to my current protocols, but never got around to it. This might be the motivation I need to do so.
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    • Profile picture of the author dhudiburg
      Originally Posted by dramsay View Post

      No unfortunately I don't have stats on which AR message created the sale. Gotta work on that
      Looks like you are getting about a 2% conversion rate from your AR, so I'm sure you will be able to increase that over time and with testing.

      Are you planning on now doing split-testing on your Squeeze page?

      If it were me, I'd focus there and also do some price testing before focusing on the AR -- that will probably give you the best improvements.
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  • Profile picture of the author lakshaybehl

    And to add to Tom's questions, I'd like to know what niche was this "thing" in?

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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    Interesting stats. This means that 75% of your sales came as a result
    of the autoresponder follow-up. This means that I have to start charging
    75% of the sales letter cost for autoresponder series.

    Thanks for sharing.

    -Ray L.,
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[350812].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author lakshaybehl
      Originally Posted by Raydal View Post

      Interesting stats. This means that 75% of your sales came as a result
      of the autoresponder follow-up. This means that I have to start charging
      75% of the sales letter cost for autoresponder series.

      Thanks for sharing.

      -Ray L.,
      Its not 75%... Its 9/(9+12) =~43%

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[350887].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Raydal
        Originally Posted by lakshaybehl View Post

        Its not 75%... Its 9/(9+12) =~43%

        I guess that I stated that wrong, but I was thinking ...

        Sales Letter = 12 sales
        Autoresponder = 9 sales

        So whatever I charge for the sales letter I will charge (9/12) 75% of that price
        for the autoresponder series.

        But you are right, its not 75% of the TOTAL sales, its 75% of the sales letter sales.

        -Ray L.,
        The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Ramsay
    Hello Lakshay

    I'd rather not reveal my exact niche... But I can tell you it has nothing to do with Internet Marketing or the Make Money Market.

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    • Profile picture of the author lakshaybehl
      Originally Posted by dramsay View Post

      Hello Lakshay

      I'd rather not reveal my exact niche... But I can tell you it has nothing to do with Internet Marketing or the Make Money Market.

      That's OK>> Not revealing your niche that is. But these results vary greatly from one niche to another. There are niches where people are so used to autoresponders that they hate the email messages written to them. Like the IM niche. Then there are niches where people believe that the marketer/seller is himself writing the emails and then they read them and by the time they figure out its an automatic email sent to everyone, they are already sold...

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  • Great test, thanks for sharing.

    If you don't mind me asking, what was your net profit after ppc costs?

    I'd be delighted to know...
    "The successful man is the one who finds out what is the matter with his business before his competitors do"
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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Ramsay
    More Answers:

    >> how much did you pay for clicks?

    Total PPC cost for this test was $281. So I guess an average CPC of $0.13

    >> Are you planning on now doing split-testing on your Squeeze page?

    Yes. I am constantly testing my Squeeze page. Currently coverting around 26%.

    >> Im just wondering about the 12 sales you made on page 2

    Yes these 12 sales were generated when visitor was instantly directed to sales letter after opting in.

    >> what was your net profit after ppc costs

    Approximately $700 profit (not including merchant account fees) and this profit should rise as my new subscribers are only at message 10 of my 38 message series.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ric Raftis
    Very interesting post Cindy. Of course one must assume that there has been a fair bit of work go into your AR series as well as a follow up to the squeeze page..

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  • Profile picture of the author Clark
    It's all about the follow-up with WARM prospects and this test will be statistically consistent in ANY niche because of the system used to pre-qualify then qualify the prospect to warm into an eventual customer through repeated messaging exposing the product/brand.

    I wonder... why do they run the same commercials on TV repeatedly?
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Forey
    Can you use a squeeze page then forward to the sales page if you are using RAP and have affiliates?

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  • Profile picture of the author Hendry Lee
    Thanks for sharing the results. Such information is gold.

    Lakshay, I know what you mean. I also feel exhausted by quickly going through each of the autoresponder messages that I receive every day, let alone reading them all.

    However, one would argue that people hate lists that have nothing but only sales pitch. For that reason, some people refuse to opt-in to any list.

    But marketers still sell millions worth of products from autoresponders.

    And add to the fact that some people also close a browser window if the page is nothing but sales copy. So, at the end of the day, it all evens out.

    Perhaps, it is worth trying the reverse opt-in method, where the visitors got part of the content / video first and then later get the other half if they opt-in.

    People who dislike the idea should give the full video away, and then ask for opt-in for another full video.
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