What sells better: Ebooks vs. Real Books that you can find at the bookstores?

13 replies
1.What sells better: Ebooks vs. Real Books that you can find at the bookstores?

2. Does any book company publish E-books exclusively?
#books #bookstores #ebooks #find #real #sells
  • Profile picture of the author bross
    1. I would say that depends on promoting

    2. Not sure
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  • Profile picture of the author jasonsystema
    Ebooks are really beginning to take off and I think in a few years they will rival physical books in popularity. It's very possible that, given 10 to 15 years, physical books will be a thing of the past except in certain areas. As for which sells better, I'm not sure. I know Kindle is becoming very popular and, since those books are cheaper and instantly available, they do sell well and I think they will only continue to improve in performance.

    As far as I know, there are no publishers that deal exclusively with ebooks.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jenny Dunham
      1. I think it depends a lot on the person who is buying the book as well as how it is promoted. Some people will always the prefer the feel of a paper book whereas others are willing to adapt to newer technology.

      It also might be affected by how badly and quickly the person wants the book. Bookstores are carrying fewer titles than they used to, so ebook versions may become more popular because they're more readily available.

      2. I haven't researched that so I couldn't say.

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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by GoogleWarrior View Post

    1.What sells better: Ebooks vs. Real Books that you can find at the bookstores?
    "Real" books from bookstores/supermarkets/other outlets. No comparison at all. The digital book market, enormous though it is, is estimated (by people like Nielsen, I think, who monitor these things for a living) still to be nowhere near the hard-copy book volume. (I mean "physical copy", not "hardbacks" specifically).

    Though one could argue that "nobody can know" because nobody can reliably monitor small/individual publishers' online sales.

    Even Amazon (who have their Kindle business as well), sell roughly equal numbers (slightly more digital, admittedly), but they're clearly atypical, because of Kindle.

    Today's news.

    There are millions (tens of millions? hundreds of millions?) of annual physical book sales in some of the world's most densely populated countries in which internet penetration is still relatively low.

    I'm not the only person who likes her "pound of paper".

    Originally Posted by GoogleWarrior View Post

    2. Does any book company publish E-books exclusively?
    Yes, clearly. Thousands, surely? In this forum alone, there must be many members who own small publishing businesses whose only sales are digital.
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    • Profile picture of the author mikecole62
      I would say e-books sell better on the internet and that's from someone who is giving away a free book. A physical free book. To answer your next question Amazon Kindle sells just e-books. You can sell your e-book there also.

      My name is Michael Cole Business Solution Specialists. Visit http://MAKESIXFIGURESNOW.COM and pick up your FREE book and uncover the of success in business.

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  • Profile picture of the author jazbo
    You might as well ask "which sells better, apples or oranges".
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by jazbo View Post

      You might as well ask "which sells better, apples or oranges".

      There are statisticians and researchers in both private and public sectors of industry/trade/economics whose job it is to monitor, study and report on that, as well.
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      • Profile picture of the author DireStraits
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post


        There are statisticians and researchers in both private and public sectors of industry/trade/economics whose job it is to monitor, study and report on that, as well.
        I suppose that that'd more useful than counting sheep, but I imagine the end effect would be pretty simil--

        ... ZZzzzzzzzz.
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      • Profile picture of the author myob
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post


        There are statisticians and researchers in both private and public sectors of industry/trade/economics whose job it is to monitor, study and report on that, as well.
        Don't spose any of them reports are available on Amazon Kindle?
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  • Profile picture of the author KunTaoM
    1. I think e-books sell better due to the fact that you don't have to wait to get them, plus they're eco-friendly. Can't go wrong there.

    2. I imagine a lot of companies sell e-books exclusively, especially when e-books are gaining more popularity.
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  • Profile picture of the author kamalmix
    eBooks are better. for example, when someone buy them, they just pay and get his ebook, and you will still sit in your house on sofa and ebook is delivered successfully, got the point?
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  • Profile picture of the author TracyNeedham
    I think the better question would be "What sells better in my market...?" (Or to my audience).

    I always recommend clients go digital first--so they can refine their book before sinking the time and money into publishing it.

    Inevitably, you finish and think of things you wish you'd said differently or that you forgot to include. And finding out what buyers like/don't like can be invaluable too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ben Gordon
    1. It really matters on your niche. One niche may sell better via eBook while another niche will sell better in book stores.

    For example; a book about internet marketing vs. a fictional story.

    In that case, the first book; about internet marketing, would probably sell better online while the fictional story would probably sell better physically, inside the store.

    2. Yes, CreateSpace offers a service. They publish it and ship it for orders via Amazon, but they do take quite a cut of money. There's also another company, but they're even worse. They cost even more. I've dealt with CreateSpace before, they're legit. I would recommend using them.
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