GoDaddy promo: $1.47 for .COM

19 replies
Hey Warriors

Just got a promo code for GoDaddy: INDY129.

It works...just tested and bought .com for $1.47 for 1 year.


#$147 #godaddy #promo
  • Profile picture of the author Tinu
    Great find. I'm off GoDaddy but still.

    "Your attitude towards a given situation is more important than the facts that actually prevail."

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  • Profile picture of the author Margo Tuul
    Yeah, GoDaddy had same offer about 6 months ago, but i missed then. Even now GoDaddy says that this offer is expiring after 20,000 redemptions or at 11:59 PM on June 16, 2011 (whichever comes first).

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    • Profile picture of the author axus_auto
      Originally Posted by Margo Tuul View Post

      Yeah, GoDaddy had same offer about 6 months ago, but i missed then. Even now GoDaddy says that this offer is expiring after 20,000 redemptions or at 11:59 PM on June 16, 2011 (whichever comes first).
      You are almost right. In actual fact, they run this promo every month from about the 15th - 20th onwards. The offer does end after a couple of days.

      Believe me, I am the cheapo who religiously uses the codes every month
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  • Profile picture of the author lewistrio2
    Just want to say thank you. Just returned from GD website and the code worked great.

    When your ready to convert those IM profits to a REAL business, we can help you find the perfect franchise. And best of all our service is free (the franchise companies pay our fees) Visit our database of the 300 Best Franchises in the US .

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  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    I didn't need a domain right now, but for $1.47, how can you resist? So I did some quick keyword research and bought one.


    Tim Pears

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  • Profile picture of the author MrJoe
    Thank You Margo..... It works fine.....

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  • Profile picture of the author jskarthik1
    It's time to grab a domain name and start couple of new sites.

    Thanks for the great info.
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    • Profile picture of the author xohaibx
      Originally Posted by jskarthik1 View Post

      It's time to grab a domain name and start couple of new sites.

      Thanks for the great info.
      How do you grab "one" domain name and start a "couple" of new sites? Just curious!
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  • Profile picture of the author arfraser
    I tried INDY129 with COMPUTERIZED-BOOKS.COM and the total stayed at $12.17, so I didn't buy, lol.
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  • Profile picture of the author riya@seogirl
    Well is this for those who use there credit card instead of paypal money to pay and can it be used multiple times as I have already used my credit card once for such an offer?
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    • Profile picture of the author HankTheCowDog
      Originally Posted by riya@seogirl View Post

      Well is this for those who use there credit card instead of paypal money to pay and can it be used multiple times as I have already used my credit card once for such an offer?
      I grabbed a domain yesterday and today the promo code wouldn't take on the second domain, even before I got to the payment screen.
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      • Profile picture of the author MerlynSanchez
        The INDY29 code for the $1.47 price no longer works.

        I was able to get $7.49 .com's with cjc749b010.

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        • Profile picture of the author cooler1
          Originally Posted by MerlynSanchez View Post

          The INDY29 code for the $1.47 price no longer works.

          I was able to get $7.49 .com's with cjc749b010.

          It still works, i just bought one. Maybe you typed it in wrong as it's INDY129

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        • Profile picture of the author kurtistb
          Originally Posted by MerlynSanchez View Post

          The INDY29 code for the $1.47 price no longer works.

          I was able to get $7.49 .com's with cjc749b010.

          I just used it about 60 seconds ago.
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  • Profile picture of the author makemoneywithben
    thanks dude will give it a go
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Franklin
    Add this to your bookmarks and you'll always have the best Go Daddy Codes -> Live GoDaddy Promo List

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    • Profile picture of the author HankTheCowDog
      Originally Posted by Michael Franklin View Post

      Add this to your bookmarks and you'll always have the best Go Daddy Codes -> Live GoDaddy Promo List
      Snap, hey thanks Michael
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