Did you get banned from Aweber?

43 replies
I've been with Aweber for about 5 years now and have about 500,000 leads in my account.

I received an email saying they are shutting my account, without any apparent reason:


Hello Peng,

After investigating a number of complaints in
regards to your account and subscriber process, it
has been determined that you are using your AWeber
account in a way that is generating an unacceptable
number of complaints.

Unfortunately at this point we are no longer able to
work with your account, as the complaint level is placing
our deliverability in jeopardy.

This has become too much of a risk for both our sending
reputation and that of our customer base.

For these reasons, your account has been closed effective
immediately. We ask that you do not open a new account as we
can no longer service your business. I apologize for any
inconvenience and if you have any questions please feel
free to contact us.

Lindsay Valente
Email Best Practices Manager
AWeber Communications, Inc.

This email was created using the AWeber Support System


2 other friends of mine received the same email at the same time so I'm guessing it's a mass ban kind of thing. Perhaps some red flag automatically triggered by their system.

I was very surprised at this because the niches I operate in is not in the "make money" niche and emails are targeted at mainly gamers. I don't spam offers, I don't email everyday, all leads are double opt in, I have never bought leads, never imported any. I'm very curious how these "complaints" come about!

I've sent them an email and am still waiting for a reply.

That being said, after being a customer for so long, after all these years, I'm very disappointed they can just shut my account without any warning. They do know that as internet marketers, our business thrives on the list and by doing this they are taking away just about everything we have... right?

Then again, I'm pretty sure in their TOS, it states that they can do pretty much whatever they want to my account.

Was wondering if there's anyone out there who's in the same boat as I am?
#aweber #banned
  • Profile picture of the author vicone
    I received an email saying they are shutting my account, without any apparent reason:
    I'm only guessing but perhaps they don't relate the number of complaints received to the number of leads in your account. In other words, they are not working on a percentage.

    If that's the case, with 500,000 leads, no matter what sort of email you send them, you are bound to generate some complaints.

    By targeting those who generate the most complaints, Aweber will then distance itself from the cause and stay on good terms with the networks. This being the case, they would, perhaps, prefer to have many smaller accounts than a few large ones which are easily identified by the networks as 'troublemakers'.

    I'm only speculating - raising these thoughts for consideration.

    As an afterthought: Are you able to retrieve your list from them? Do you have a copy of your list(s) of subscribers?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3947609].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
      Originally Posted by vicone View Post

      I'm only guessing but perhaps they don't relate the number of complaints received to the number of leads in your account. In other words, they are not working on a percentage.

      If that's the case, with 500,000 leads, no matter what sort of email you send them, you are bound to generate some complaints.

      By targeting those who generate the most complaints, Aweber will then distance itself from the cause and stay on good terms with the networks. This being the case, they would, perhaps, prefer to have many smaller accounts than a few large ones which are easily identified by the networks as 'troublemakers'.

      I'm only speculating - raising these thoughts for consideration.

      As an afterthought: Are you able to retrieve your list from them? Do you have a copy of your list(s) of subscribers?

      That sounds plausible to me....and a bit scary.
      100% Unique Sales Page Website +100% Unique Internet Marketing Product
      + Support! All of this, just $397! (PM Me For Details!)
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      • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
        Originally Posted by LegitIncomes View Post

        That sounds plausible to me....and a bit scary.
        It does say on the site on this page the acceptable level of complaints.

        1000 people 1 complaints
        5000 people 5 complaints
        20000 people 20 complaints....and so on

        The OP I believe would have had around 500 complaints.

        Aweber from those stats are going on a 0.1% complaint rate.

        Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3949364].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Dexx
          Originally Posted by Richard Van View Post

          It does say on the site on this page the acceptable level of complaints.

          1000 people 1 complaints
          5000 people 5 complaints
          20000 people 20 complaints....and so on

          The OP I believe would have had around 500 complaints.

          Aweber from those stats are going on a 0.1% complaint rate.
          lol, gotta love that if 2 people (out of a list of 2,000), decide to complain, then your account is at risk for being suspended without ANY notice (or ability to backup and download your list).

          Sounds like a great opportunity for people to abuse the system and screw over their competition...hire someone on Fiverr to subscribe to a couple "Guru lists" with fake accounts, confirm, and then flag them as spam...

          Great policy. :rolleyes:

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  • Profile picture of the author KunTaoM
    That sound scary to be honest. I own aweber account since 2004 and never receive any warning so far.

    It must be something you did which caused your account closed. Otherwise they have no reason of doing so.

    You are doing right by contacting them, I looking forward to know the answer as well so that we can learn something to avoind getting similar situation.

    Out of curiosity, did you backup your list?
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    • Profile picture of the author PandaPoacher
      I can't say that this has been my experience. I didn't think it was even possible for this to happen. The only thing I can think of is that possibly you've had multiple members inadvertently report you. Since you have such a large list it would be easy for several opt outs to push a button that says "report his as spam" after they unsubscribe from your list.

      I've done it before but not out of malice but just because it was the only option given to me in order to unsubscribe from some lists in the past. You might want to look at what your unsubscribe page options were available to your public. That is if at some point you can. Good luck!

      How to Get WSOs for FREE
      Complimentary Report
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    • Profile picture of the author Peng Joon
      @ KunTaoM I'm sure this was arbitrary as I received the email the same time as a few other internet marketers. Exact same email, exact same time.

      @vicone The last time I had backed up my list was 2 months back but I've had 2 major launches since then.

      @PandaPoacher The unsubscribe link is readily available to the reader. I do not push it down it with empty spaces etc. Come to think of it, maybe it could be competitors reporting this.

      I hope to hear something from Aweber soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
    When you get a list that big you need to take it in house. NEVER rely on a third party to handle and CONTROL your income. You will always lose.

    It's not really that hard to whitelist your email server, even though services like aweber want you to think it is.

    Rob Whisonant
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  • Profile picture of the author slyfong
    Yep, I too, to got my account terminated, roughly 12 hours ago.

    The exact same mail.

    To be honest, I'm very disappointed with Aweber. I've been using their service for... over 3 years now, and without a single word of notice, I (try to) log in one morning, barely a couple of hours after my login, to find my account TERMINATED (?!?)

    No warning, no suspension, nothing. Why not work with the paying customer?

    There was more disappointment to follow. I immediately launched a Live Chat with one Kristie, but her responses were slow, and obviously scripted. I called their customer hotline, and spoke with one Mark, and his responses were word for word whatever Kristie was copy/pasting me.

    I argued that with the size of my list (around 2000), and my open rate averaging 200+, my spam complain rate was low - hovering between 0.1 - 0.2. thats 2 complaints every time i broadcast a mail to 2000 leads.

    They kept repeating that it wasn't just that, it could be:

    a. complaints regarding my follow up emails (my response: i don't use follow up emails)

    b. direct complaints via emails to aweber (my response: how could aweber terminate my account based on phantom charges, and not show any proof of this so-called emails? furthermore, couldn't my competitors simply be sabotaging my list by opting in with multiple emails and complaining?)

    c. it could be even ISPs complaining, and so on and so forth, affecting their delivery service and even resulting in a shutdown of aweber servers, and other doomsday scenarios (right, which my 2 mails a week to only 2000 leads could case)

    In the end, I gave up and said I wanted to talk to their Best Practices Manager, who wasn't available but "promised" to give me a call back - I'm still waiting for that call.

    Also, the guy on the phone told me they WOULD NOT send me a backup of my leads, which i find totally unacceptable. I don't have anything resembling a recent backup, as I never thought it to be necessary - I play by all the rules, spam count is always below 2.0, double opt in from day 1, and I send my subscribers relevant content (also gaming niche).


    according to Aweber's Anti Spam Policy

    "Note: we don't presume guilt. We investigate all potential spam incidents thoroughly before making a decision. But once we've made a decision, we act fast."

    Right. My friend received the exact same email 1 minute before I received mine, so obviously this is a mass action on behalf of Aweber's part.

    Other links: (had to break them up as I'm not allowed to post links yet)


    1. craigcaron aweber suspending accounts are you next

    2. frankbauer avoid aweber mistakes

    3. warriorforum aweber shutting down im accounts

    In the above cases, all 3 eventually got backups of their account, so i'm hoping worse case scenario, I manage to get a backup to mine as well.

    But still, extremely disappointed
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    • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
      Originally Posted by slyfong View Post

      Also, the guy on the phone told me they WOULD NOT send me a backup of my leads, which i find totally unacceptable.
      This is where my nerves get picked up.

      A guy works is butt off for 5 years, and then Aweber does not give him a Full Backup after closing HIS account without warning?

      This is bad business.
      People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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    • Profile picture of the author Shaun OReilly
      I don't know the full story of what's happened in these

      As a customer, you would expect to at least receive a
      warning message prior to the termination of your account.

      That way, you could begin to correct the issues that are
      causing the problems.
      Originally Posted by Peng Joon View Post

      @vicone The last time I had backed up my list was 2 months back but I've had 2 major launches since then.
      If you have a list of 500k you should be backing it up
      at least once a day.

      After all, your list is the most valuable asset in your
      entire Internet business - right?

      Originally Posted by slyfong View Post

      Also, the guy on the phone told me they WOULD NOT send me a backup of my leads, which i find totally unacceptable. I don't have anything resembling a recent backup, as I never thought it to be necessary - I play by all the rules, spam count is always below 2.0, double opt in from day 1, and I send my subscribers relevant content (also gaming niche).
      Whether you have your list hosted with a third-party
      autoresponder service such as AWeber - or host your
      own list - take responsibility to back-up your own lists.

      Don't rely on someone else to protect your assets.

      Dedicated to mutual success,



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  • Profile picture of the author Andreas Quintana
    The same happened to me...

    Had to start over again with Getresponse ^^
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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    i lost my accounts last September with them after i asked them to switch off some anlytics thing i was paying for....

    Just like any big Net biz these days they seem to ban first ask later (or not at all) Everyone gets swatted with the same TOS crap with no (very little) human common sense.

    15 Minute Forex Bar Trading System Free at

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  • Profile picture of the author xxxJamesxxx
    That's disgusting they can do that.

    You build a business with them thinking it's safe and with a click of finger... They're taken your business away.

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    • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
      I think the lesson here, as Sean has so rightly put it, is to do a daily back up of your lists.

      This is no different from building business's on Blogger or any other third party platform, you don't really control it. By backing up all your data daily, you minimise the risk and relinquish some of that control back.

      I do agree, you are paying them and you should have the right to take what you've worked hard and paid for, however, as can be seen here, that's not the case.

      Therefore all you can do is minimise the risk.

      None of my lists are anywhere near the size of the OP's but I still back them up daily (or someone else does and it takes all of a minute) and it's one less thing to worry about.

      Frankly I'm amazed at how calm the OP's being. If I'd just lost 500,000 subscribers, I wouldn't have a keyboard to type this thread with....it'd be in pieces along with the monitor and probably some of the people around me

      Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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  • Profile picture of the author TheSEguy
    Sounds like the power dogs of the internet are just following suit to what all the big companies do. One mistake and your out.

    Sending emails asking why wont get you anywhere unfortunately.
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  • Profile picture of the author tkulzer
    I can't comment about specific accounts publicly for obvious privacy reasons.

    However, we don't arbitrarily close customer accounts. That just
    wouldn't make any sense. The email that Peng Joon received says exactly
    why the account was closed: "generating an unacceptable number of

    That data is available in every account every time you login and is absolutely
    not hidden from anyone.

    * What Is An Acceptable Complaint Rate? :: AWeber Knowledge Base

    * How Do I Lower My Complaint Rate? :: AWeber Knowledge Base

    * Where Do I Find Out How Many Complaints I've Received? :: AWeber Knowledge Base

    It's extremely rare that an account is closed with no notice. If it is closed
    without notice that account is usually doing one or more things so egregiously
    bad that there's no way we can let it continue.

    Follow email marketing best practices and engage properly with subscribers
    that have explicitly requested information from you and you'll never have
    a problem. Over 104,000 other current clients enjoy excellent email
    deliverability because we hold all clients to the same quality standards.

    Tom Kulzer
    CEO & Founder
    AWeber Communications, Inc.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3948865].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tkulzer
    Sorry, but 5 or 6 of over 104,000 accounts does not make for a mass banning.

    Simply says that a bunch of your buddies were doing stuff they likely knew they
    shouldn't have been doing and got caught at the same time.

    Tom Kulzer
    CEO & Founder
    AWeber Communications, Inc.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3948937].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
      Originally Posted by tkulzer View Post

      Sorry, but 5 or 6 of over 104,000 accounts does not make for a mass banning.

      Simply says that a bunch of your buddies were doing stuff they likely knew they
      shouldn't have been doing and got caught at the same time.
      Hi Tom,

      I do have a question for you,

      (Nice to meet you by the way, I wasn't aware you were here)

      As the OP has paid for this service, not to mention investing a significant amount of time on it, will he be able to download his list of 500,000 potential customers?

      I appreciate you closing his account, they are your rules but what about the asset he's built up. He got that list to his Aweber account and he paid for that account.

      I'm interested on how he stands with this.

      Also if Peng has several unrelated lists on his account and he's never had any problems with those, does this banning mean he's lost all those lists he's spent time on and not actually broken any rules on, as well?

      I'm not putting you on the spot, it's something I've been thinking abouit today. As has already been mentioned in this thread, Peng was being extremely reckless not backing up such a big list in the first place.

      I also appreciate this isn't easy for you in light of the fact you can't say everything that needs to be said and the customer can, rather conveniently, leave out bits that might be important.

      Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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  • Profile picture of the author LarryC
    That's unfortunate. I never knew people got banned from AWeber. I use it, but so far only have a small list. I don't get it -doesn't using their system mean that everyone who gets your mail has opted in? So what are they complaining about?
    Content Writing, Ghostwriting, eBooks, editing, research.
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  • Profile picture of the author tkulzer

    I know exactly how many accounts we close for violating our terms of
    service and having bad email marketing practices. I'm intimately involved
    in those policy decisions and watch those metrics closely for obvious
    reasons. A forum thread isn't needed to tell me that we close accounts.
    Yes, it happens. Is it widespread? No it's not, since the vast majority
    of small business owners do email marketing the correct way.

    Unfortunately those that post in these threads rarely give all the details
    of what they were doing that resulted in them getting terminated. While
    those folks didn't follow our terms of service, I'm compelled to and can't
    bring to light the information they are clearly leaving out for privacy

    Tom Kulzer
    CEO & Founder
    AWeber Communications, Inc.

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  • Profile picture of the author tkulzer

    Account backups are available for all clients at any time with a few simple mouse clicks:

    * How Do I Backup My Messages and Subscribers? :: AWeber Knowledge Base

    Tom Kulzer
    CEO & Founder
    AWeber Communications, Inc.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3949249].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
      Originally Posted by tkulzer View Post


      Account backups are available for all clients at any time with a few simple mouse clicks:

      * How Do I Backup My Messages and Subscribers? :: AWeber Knowledge Base
      Oh I know that Tom, I back mine up first and last thing daily. I did say...

      Peng was being extremely reckless not backing up such a big list in the first place.
      I was just interested in what happens once it's closed, has he got the opportunity to get subscribers then and are all his other accounts affected?

      Not to worry though Tom, I think that's clear enough.

      As I said earlier, follow the TOS and back up daily. Personally I'm very happy with Aweber.

      I'm quite surprised Peng hasn't been back really. He has an opportunity here and now to talk to the CEO of the company, far better than waiting for an email from support

      Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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  • Profile picture of the author Peng Joon
    Thought I would give an update as to what's happening. I just got off the phone with customer support. They were efficient and I was hardly kept on hold.

    I was told of the exact reason my account was banned. It was because I sent an email to a Farmville list about the launch of a Dating product. At first glance, it definitely will look like spam, but it's actually related because it's by the same author. (Tony Sanders)

    While it is a grey area on whether the email is targeted, I felt it was a very harsh decision for an honest mistake. There was no warning whatsoever, one strike and that was it.

    In addition, they said I will not be able to get a backup copy of my leads as my account has been deleted.

    Tom, I've sent you an email. Maybe you can look at it when you have the time?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3949497].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
      Originally Posted by Peng Joon View Post

      I was told of the exact reason my account was banned. It was because I sent an email to a Farmville list about the launch of a Dating product. At first glance, it definitely will look like spam, but it's actually related because it's by the same author. (Tony Sanders)
      I think this maybe one of the reasons you had some complaints, forget Tony Saunders.

      People signed up for Farmville, sadly for you, this isn't even remotely related to the dating niche.

      If I signed up for Frank Kerns list and he sent me viagra emails, I'd complain about that too.

      Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3949543].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tkulzer

    Those are guidelines, which are applied with common sense and human review.
    We're not just going to randomly cancel client accounts without a very good

    Remember, what you're seeing here from people who have had an account cancelled
    is only a small part of the bigger story. Complaints are rarely the only factor that
    goes into it, but it is certainly an important factor.

    Tom Kulzer
    CEO & Founder
    AWeber Communications, Inc.

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  • Profile picture of the author waken
    Have you ever try to just contact them to at least export your lists? 500k double optin worth a lot of money. Try your best to recover them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    Tom, thanks for joining the discussion. Appreciated.

    Personally I think a customer should be able to receive a full backup, even after Aweber's decision to terminate his account.

    Otherwise, your company is acting like a 85 year old running a Gym: if a guy is caught peeing in the pool, he's banned without warning and can't go inside the gym - ever.

    Problem is, now he can't go inside the gym to grab his stuff, including his wallet he forgot last time he went to gym...

    Your comment?
    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    The problem with these kinds of threads is that nobody, except maybe Tom, knows the full story. And releasing those details would be highly inappropriate in a public forum. Utlimately the onus is on the enduser who agreed to the terms of service and use when signing up with Aweber, including backing up their own list. Anytime you use some one else's platform you have to play by their rules. In Aweber's case, they have to protect the integrity of their entire system.

    Though I'm inclined to agree with Fernando that not allowing someone to retrieve their list is pretty harsh. I don't see why the account can't be placed on hold and then the customer is contacted with a deadline before the account is actually deleted. That would seem a much better business practice to me.

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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    • Profile picture of the author Murt@gh
      Originally Posted by Fernando Veloso View Post

      This is where my nerves get picked up.

      A guy works is butt off for 5 years, and then Aweber does not give him a Full Backup after closing HIS account without warning?

      This is bad business.
      I am thinking about using Aweber in the future and I would ALWAYS back up my business files anyway, as I think it is stupid not to if I'm honest. On that note though, I would expect them to 100% allow me to download the very latest copy of my list regardless of the account being closed or not, let us hope that is the case.

      Originally Posted by Richard Van View Post

      I think this maybe one of the reasons you had some complaints, forget Tony Saunders.

      People signed up for Farmville, sadly for you, this isn't even remotely related to the dating niche.

      If I signed up for Frank Kerns list and he sent me viagra emails, I'd complain about that too.
      :p lol Yeah, I don't think it is fair for Aweber though, to have threads created about them IF the person that is complaining about Aweber is clearly doing the wrong thing. If you are emailing completely random niche products to a targeted niche, that is essentially spamming.

      I am not siding with anyone as I know problems always can arise in things, hope you get your full backup, anyway Peng Joon.

      Take care.
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  • Profile picture of the author doorkicker13
    I would also like to know if these guys are going to be able to export their lists now that their accounts are banned. It would be a shame to lose an entire list just because a few people complained.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
      Originally Posted by doorkicker13 View Post

      I would also like to know if these guys are going to be able to export their lists now that their accounts are banned. It would be a shame to lose an entire list just because a few people complained.
      If you've read Tom's responses (the CEO of Aweber) you would have gotten your answers. He already stated that if an account gets deleted there's no way to retrieve the list. Secondly, he already mentioned that people do not get their accounts banned just because a few people complain, there are other factors involved.

      I've sent out millions of e-mails using Aweber to multiple lists in the past 9 years and have never had an warnings or issues with Aweber because I make sure that I build a relationship with my list and that all my offers are relevant to the content that is being provided.

      Aweber has a lot of training on how to follow their best practices so you can build a list in a manner that won't get you into trouble. If you don't want to follow their guidelines and TOS then you're better off using another service or hosting and serving your own list.

      "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
      - Jim Rohn
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3950179].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author doorkicker13
        Originally Posted by Rod Cortez View Post

        If you've read Tom's responses (the CEO of Aweber) you would have gotten your answers. He already stated that if an account gets deleted there's no way to retrieve the list. Secondly, he already mentioned that people do not get their accounts banned just because a few people complain, there are other factors involved.

        I've sent out millions of e-mails using Aweber to multiple lists in the past 9 years and have never had an warnings or issues with Aweber because I make sure that I build a relationship with my list and that all my offers are relevant to the content that is being provided.

        Aweber has a lot of training on how to follow their best practices so you can build a list in a manner that won't get you into trouble. If you don't want to follow their guidelines and TOS then you're better off using another service or hosting and serving your own list.

        So, someone sends out one email to their list that isn't directly related and they deserve to have their account deleted with no warning? Negative. They should at least be warned and afforded the opportunity to export their list before that list is deleted forever.

        I don't use AWeber, I don't have a list, and I have no interest in building a list. However, I think it's bad business to delete an account without warning enough to allow the customer to export that list. Especially a paying customer of 5+ years. It's just wrong. Reminds me of PayPal's business practices, and personally that is not a category I'd like to be in.
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        • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
          Originally Posted by doorkicker13 View Post

          So, someone sends out one email to their list that isn't directly related and they deserve to have their account deleted with no warning? Negative. They should at least be warned and afforded the opportunity to export their list before that list is deleted forever..
          You're writing something that I never wrote. No one in this thread has stated that the account got banned because of one e-mail. Though keep in mind if that one e-mail jeopardizes the entire Aweber system, especially if you're sending it to that many people, it's not inconceivable. As already stated more than once, there are other factors involved. Again, only Aweber knows all the details and they cannot state them in a public forum.

          I don't use AWeber, I don't have a list, and I have no interest in building a list. However, I think it's bad business to delete an account without warning enough to allow the customer to export that list. Especially a paying customer of 5+ years. It's just wrong. Reminds me of PayPal's business practices, and personally that is not a category I'd like to be in.
          I agree with you on that point. Some ample time should be given so the end user can retrieve their list.

          "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
          - Jim Rohn
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3950721].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author doorkicker13
            Originally Posted by Rod Cortez View Post

            You're writing something that I never wrote. No one in this thread has stated that the account got banned because of one e-mail. Though keep in mind if that one e-mail jeopardizes the entire Aweber system, especially if you're sending it to that many people, it's not inconceivable. As already stated more than once, there are other factors involved. Again, only Aweber knows all the details and they cannot state them in a public forum.

            I agree with you on that point. Some ample time should be given so the end user can retrieve their list.

            I must have misread your original post Rod, I'm sorry. I've used AWeber with no problems and will use them again when/if I have the need. They are great in my opinion but there's always room for improvement and I really hate the fact that they have deleted accounts with no warning. I know they have to protect their company, but give a warning - as you agree.

            If there is room to improve, do it and avoid situations such as this. As we all know outstanding customer service is absolutely key to long term success.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3951658].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ladywriter
          Originally Posted by doorkicker13 View Post

          Reminds me of PayPal's business practices, and personally that is not a category I'd like to be in.
          Agree. And as a newbie, knowing I'm one mistake away from an automatic loss of account, without warning, is....not comforting.

          I won't choose an autoresponder based on one forum thread, obviously, but it's certainly something to consider.
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          • Profile picture of the author doorkicker13
            Originally Posted by kstark View Post

            Agree. And as a newbie, knowing I'm one mistake away from an automatic loss of account, without warning, is....not comforting.

            I won't choose an autoresponder based on one forum thread, obviously, but it's certainly something to consider.
            I'm not here to bash AWeber, as with any product or service there is always room for improvement.

            I've used AWeber and I was satisfied when I used their services. I don't have the need for their services now, but if I do again in the future I would use them again.

            I would just suggest you backup your list as often as you feel necessary to avoid losing the whole thing if your account was closed without warning.
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  • Profile picture of the author kb24
    I was going to use aweber in the future but after reading this thread I have second thoughts.. anybody know any autoresponders with a one time payment? I know autosenders is one and I think auto response plus is another does anyone know of any others? I know aweber IS the autoresponder to use but after readind this thread....having second thoughts..
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    • Profile picture of the author Dexx
      Originally Posted by kb24 View Post

      anybody know any autoresponders with a one time payment?
      Email Marketing | Email Marketing Software | Interspire Email Marketer

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    • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
      Originally Posted by kb24 View Post

      I was going to use aweber in the future but after reading this thread I have second thoughts.. anybody know any autoresponders with a one time payment? I know autosenders is one and I think auto response plus is another does anyone know of any others? I know aweber IS the autoresponder to use but after readind this thread....having second thoughts..

      You did read the thread didn't you?

      You can back up your list in minutes, the OP hasn't done so for 2 months.

      He also sent a dating email to a farmville list, which I imagine generated a lot of complaints.

      I feel desperately sorry for the OP but sadly, had he backed up before this happened, he'd still have those subscribers.

      As Mike's said above, watch Awebers advisory video's and back up daily (twice preferably, morning and night) this will take minutes.

      There are also variables that can't be mentioned here for privacy reasons.

      Finally, don't discount what is potentially the best autoresponder, on the basis of a thread in a public forum. That would not make good business sense, do your own due diligence

      Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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  • Profile picture of the author l23bc
    Been reading through the post its very strange times we all facing,Thank the heaven's i have closed my Aweber Account because now we have 3 servers set up to do the work(In house mail server ect) we back up our lists and its been a better turn out since leaving aweber behind. and alot cheaper also,

    No Link here or Nothing to Promote Just a Old Happy Warrior User reading Topics

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  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    Tangential to the OP's point, but if I had anywhere near half a million double opt-in subscribers, I'd be cooling my heels on a beach on my private island in the Caribbean. I would have a dedicated team to handle my email delivery and related issues. The last thing I'd do is use a third party. Jesus, even half-ass monetization of a true double opt-in list of that size should result in many tens of thousands of dollars every month. Maybe even six figures every month.

    I digress, I know, but what the hell man? LOL Long before you got to 500K you should have set up your own robust delivery and management system.
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