Improve site that already has massive amounts of traffic

by soup
2 replies

If you had a site that has say, 100000 a month, mainly due to long tail keywords because you have so much content. How would you go about optimising this for even more traffic without constantly adding pages.

I know I could focus on individual pages, but analysing my rankings for all pages and the keyword combinations that are used would take too long.

Any ideas?
#amounts #improve #massive #site #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author LMC
    Do you have a Google Webmaster Tools Account.

    Make one, wait a few days and extract all the keywords that WT is tracking. Analyze your current positions across the keywords and send backlinks to those keywords that are not yet in the first positions.

    Or make your traffic convert more.
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  • Profile picture of the author WebsiteDeck
    I agree, you can multiply the traffic by finding out which keywords give you most. Also, like you said, it is a good idea to add more pages and post more content so that the existing users can also get a decent kick out of the site.
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