How to make 200$ a Day with Twitter without a Twitter account!

by tmoby
117 replies
*Update* Check the bottom of the post for my free in depth ebook I wrote for this method

First of all, Hello!

Second of all, this is just a small twist to a regular method, but it can yield INSANE results when you get it going.

The method revolves around the usage of "pay with a tweet" or "pay with a facebook post".

Here's the easiest example;

If you have an e-book for download don't sell it for cash. Make sure it's stuffed full of YOUR affiliate links. Now rather than a buy it now button use a pay with a tweet button.

Imagine just 1 person downloads it, tweets that to there 100 followers, 2 of those followers download it and tweet to their 100 followers, 2 from each of those download etc..

There doing all the work for you now!

This is the by far the easiest way to create an residual income because of the viral capabilities!

Try and be unique and creative with it!

Now I just scratched the surface on how beneficial pay with a tweet is! Once you manage to hit around 10 - 20 dollars a day with it, you can sit back and watch it grow EVERY DAY without doing work! Everyone else is doing it for you!

So there's my first share! I hope I explained it well enough, I was trying to get it out as fast as possible! It's a very simple and straight forward method but an extremely powerful money making technique. I could have sold this as a very in-depth ebook, but I was feeling generous today!

and also..


#200$ #account #day #make #twitter
  • Profile picture of the author John Marshall
    Sounds awesome.

    Thanks for the share.

    Kind regards,

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    • Profile picture of the author tmoby
      Originally Posted by Higgey View Post

      Sounds awesome.

      Thanks for the share.

      Kind regards,

      Can't reply to PM's yet as I'm still fairly new.

      But I think you'd be glad to know I am planning on writing a more in depth ebook about this idea due to the great response I've recieved. I'll be sure you're the first to know when I've finished! (And of course it will also be free for all Warriors)


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  • Profile picture of the author BenFromSoMo
    This is very interesting.

    If you do any kind of blogging and want to try the next big thing, PM me.

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  • Profile picture of the author Damani Tabor
    Originally Posted by tmoby View Post

    First of all, Hello!

    Second of all, this is just a small twist to a regular method, but it can yield INSANE results when you get it going.

    The method revolves around the usage of "pay with a tweet" or "pay with a facebook post".

    Here's the easiest example;

    If you have an e-book for download don't sell it for cash. Make sure it's stuffed full of YOUR affiliate links. Now rather than a buy it now button use a pay with a tweet button.

    Imagine just 1 person downloads it, tweets that to there 100 followers, 2 of those followers download it and tweet to their 100 followers, 2 from each of those download etc..

    There doing all the work for you now!

    This is the by far the easiest way to create an residual income because of the viral capabilities!

    Try and be unique and creative with it!

    Now I just scratched the surface on how beneficial pay with a tweet is! Once you manage to hit around 10 - 20 dollars a day with it, you can sit back and watch it grow EVERY DAY without doing work! Everyone else is doing it for you!

    So there's my first share! I hope I explained it well enough, I was trying to get it out as fast as possible! It's a very simple and straight forward method but an extremely powerful money making technique. I could have sold this as a very in-depth ebook, but I was feeling generous today!

    and also..


    That is actually worth exploring at great length.


    What specific software do you use for your pay with a tweet functionality?

    And how did you do yesterday?

    Is there fluctuation with this method, of have you gotten a steady viral lift?

    Do tell.

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  • Profile picture of the author ladywriter
    I've seen this before, and I thought it was a clever idea and a nice twist on the "release your ebook for free and put your links in it" idea.

    Thank you for sharing it here.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shazia Mirza
    Very good information, will try this out!
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  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    Sounds like a viral campaign, good idea, indeed.

    I think these things can take off or they can kind of not take off, heh heh.

    But still, interesting method to use when seeing if one of your ebooks could go viral.

    As long as it was something cool or people liked reading, it may work, well.
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  • Profile picture of the author xxdksxx
    Don't think I have ever heard of anything like this interesting.

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  • Profile picture of the author Amrutg
    Amazing idea. Does it really work well ?
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisAlta
    That's an awesome method, I'll definitely take action on it!

    How would you go about setting up a pay with a tweet link though and keeping track of everything? I'm savvy on the business end of thing but when it comes to the minor details that make everything work I'm a FAIL waiting to happen haha.

    Any extra details would be awesome, cheers!
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  • Profile picture of the author NickFarina
    Great idea, definitely something I will implement in the not too distant future.
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  • Profile picture of the author Deltia
    Thats an interesting twist!
    Have you experienced much success from it?
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael D Forbes
      I'm kind of behind on tracking, as I slapped this up pretty fast yesterday, and just added the buy button now.

      I'm getting a good amount of hits on the page, but I think thus far, most of them are WF members checking it out. I'd love to have someone with a big Twitter following punch it real quick and see what happens.

      I should have tracking wrapped up in a few minutes so I'll know how much comes back from Twitter.
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      • Profile picture of the author Vanessa Reece
        Originally Posted by Micheal D Forbes View Post

        I'm kind of behind on tracking, as I slapped this up pretty fast yesterday, and just added the buy button now.

        I'm getting a good amount of hits on the page, but I think thus far, most of them are WF members checking it out. I'd love to have someone with a big Twitter following punch it real quick and see what happens.

        I should have tracking wrapped up in a few minutes so I'll know how much comes back from Twitter.
        I'm interested in your results - I just tweeted you. I was also wanting to see how it works. Very seamless. Thanks for the book too

        Thanks to the OP too for sharing this twist.

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  • Profile picture of the author shahriyar
    This is an interesting concept, I came across this scheme a while ago. Haven't tried it yet thought, but the feedbacks finally encouraged me to give it a go.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
    This is great and something worth considering but really how many people will use the aff links in the book. You really have to go quite viral to make bank.

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    • Profile picture of the author clickforseo
      rather than those dead squeeze pages, use facebook fan pages for the 'pay with a tweet' offers, and with one of the many wordpress plugins for creating FB fan pages. Its better this way when going viral as you key into a social network.
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  • Profile picture of the author O0o0O
    This could work if you have a VERY popular product and you would need start your first tweet out to thousands of people to get it to go viral. Otherwise it will just run out of steam. Plus your tweet needs to be very catchy as to get the highest percentage of clicks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Maggs
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael D Forbes
      Originally Posted by Rob Maggs View Post

      I think it's a good idea and well worth a try, I think I'll use it to give away some cool software. It would be interesting to hear how Micheal D Forbes is getting on.

      Any updates Michael?


      I've had a good bit of interest from this forum mostly, curiosity clicks for the most part it looks like. My personal Twitter presence is quite limited, so I'm hoping someone with a big, responsive following will get it going.

      Check it out here

      Someone said you need to have a message that really stands out, and I'm not convinced I have that exactly, I threw it out there fast without much thought.

      The more I think on it, the more I would do different.

      I did have a couple affiliate link clicks from it today though.
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  • Profile picture of the author luckyshah290
    Yeah .. I Know This strategy ........

    But How About Making it Some More Advanced..

    Try This With a Pop-ups on Your blogs or Website ... Wherever you own ..

    You can get faster Tweets And Cash in Your Bank..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3967220].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Elion Makkink
    Really, really interesting share. Thanks! Anyone tried it out yet?

    Elion Makkink

    Become an SEO Hustler too at

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  • Profile picture of the author PLRwithAlex
    Very interesting twist. I'm going to check it out. I also look forward to hearing some followup.
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert M Gouge
    I've put this on a site of mine to test.

    I am a little nervous that they may spam the users that elect to 'pay with a tweet' - I can't imagine they'd be too crazy...maybe the occasional tweet here and there? Seems like a really neat idea that would be wasted if they abuse people who use their service.

    But then again, I've seen companies do much dumber time will tell.
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  • Profile picture of the author pankajguptag
    Yes, It's a really nice idea. I will give it a try. Thanks a ton for sharing this useful information.
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    • Profile picture of the author tmoby
      Hi Everyone! Sorry I haven't been around here for a few days .. but I'm glad people have found this method helpful. Also great response I didn't expect it!

      Just a few responses to everyone (it may be long!)

      Originally Posted by Damani Tabor View Post

      That is actually worth exploring at great length.


      What specific software do you use for your pay with a tweet functionality?

      And how did you do yesterday?

      Is there fluctuation with this method, of have you gotten a steady viral lift?

      Do tell.

      I personally use pay with a tweet - the same one Micheal D Forbes used on his example site.

      I also find the fluctuation occurs mostly at when starting, really when it's in the "in between stage", where it's not necessarily big, but not that small. After you get over that initial hump you'll still see fluctuation, but also a constant, noticeable steady growth.

      Originally Posted by redicelander View Post

      Sounds like a viral campaign, good idea, indeed.

      I think these things can take off or they can kind of not take off, heh heh.

      But still, interesting method to use when seeing if one of your ebooks could go viral.

      As long as it was something cool or people liked reading, it may work, well.
      You said it. It can take off or it can not take off. It really depends on the demand within the niche and how interesting and useful the product is. Pay with a tweet definitely didn't work for me with my first few books, so don't get discouraged if it doesn't go viral right away. Keep working at it and try and get some feedback about your product/ebook (to see how interesting it is to other people).

      Originally Posted by VegasGreg View Post

      Call me paranoid, but I tried a Twitter app way back in the day and next thing I knew it was spamming ads through my account. Never tried this service, but that scares me.
      That's true some apps do spam. I've never found this to be the case with this site, but there are many other sites that offer pay with a tweet, so you can always try other ones. You can always revoke access to the app right after you tweet anyways, so that kin of ensures it won't spam!

      Originally Posted by Micheal D Forbes View Post

      Looks like there are two identical threads on this. I think the OP is probably related to the company somehow. Oh well, I went ahead and implemented a test this afternoon if you want to take a peek at how it goes together.

      Should be interesting to see how it pans out. Yes, I know, my landing page formatting is goofy...
      I can assure you I have nothing to do with the tweet site! I didn't mention it in my thread because I didn't want to support a certain one. There's many sites that are usable for this. As for the double thread, I posted in the wrong section and I didn't know how to move it or delete it, so I reposted here!

      Anyways though thank you for the great example! I'm sure that helps allot of people. (I also tweeted this to my followers for you, keep me updated on how it goes)

      I'm really glad to see someone taking action on this!

      Originally Posted by ChrisAlta View Post

      That's an awesome method, I'll definitely take action on it!

      How would you go about setting up a pay with a tweet link though and keeping track of everything? I'm savvy on the business end of thing but when it comes to the minor details that make everything work I'm a FAIL waiting to happen haha.

      Any extra details would be awesome, cheers!
      Yo Chris, I actually haven't done to much in terms of tracking, just Google analytics for my landing page.

      Just a quick search on Google and I see something called tweetburner, where you can shorten, track, and share URL's. You could use that to track your URL people tweet. I've never used tweetburner so I'd look into it a bit more though. Hope that helps?

      Originally Posted by Deltia View Post

      Thats an interesting twist!
      Have you experienced much success from it?
      Yup! I'd rather not say exactly how much I earn from it though. I started a few months ago, failed a few times, but finally got one going about 2 months ago and its been steadily growing ever since. I will just say that it's been well worth the time

      Originally Posted by shahriyar View Post

      This is an interesting concept, I came across this scheme a while ago. Haven't tried it yet thought, but the feedbacks finally encouraged me to give it a go.
      It's definitely worth a try. Even if you use just use this method for promoting yourself or your business, doesn't have to be stuffed with affiliate links.

      Originally Posted by Mike McAleer View Post

      This is great and something worth considering but really how many people will use the aff links in the book. You really have to go quite viral to make bank.
      Depends on what niche and affiliate offers you put in your book. But then it also depends on what you consider making bank. If you're gunning for 5,000 a month then yes, it would probably have to go pretty viral!

      But you would be surprised, with the right offers and content, I would say you could easily create an extra residual 100-200 a month no problem. I'm sure tons of beginners would love even that much!

      Originally Posted by O0o0O View Post

      This could work if you have a VERY popular product and you would need start your first tweet out to thousands of people to get it to go viral. Otherwise it will just run out of steam. Plus your tweet needs to be very catchy as to get the highest percentage of clicks.
      I agree with this, but I believe the best thing to do is actually create a landing page and get it to #1 on Google. That way you will have a fair of targeted traffic ready to tweet your book. It's a much more reliable way to keep your product popular and tweeted.

      I 100% agree with making it catchy to receive clicks - can't argue there. That's probably one of - if not the most important thing for this method.

      Anyways sorry for the super long post, I'm trying to get more involved here in Warrior forum so I'll try and check back more regularly.

      Feel free to ask more questions I'd be glad to try and help.

      Also I've decided to try and write a more in depth ebook about this method (different ways of using it, niche ideas, how to write good tweetable messages, whatever I think of)

      and of course I'll make it free for everyone at this forum (or maybe even pay with a tweet? haha)

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  • Profile picture of the author KabirC
    Never heard of anything remotely like that, hope a lot of people will take action.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paleochora
    Now if the 'gift' book or report is re-brandable (especially with free rebranding rights) you could get some real viral juice going.
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    • Profile picture of the author Paleochora
      Originally Posted by Paleochora View Post

      Now if the 'gift' book or report is re-brandable (especially with free rebranding rights) you could get some real viral juice going.
      So I was going to have a morning off...the sun is shining...the beach is beckoning...

      But I read this thread and decided to test this out instead.:rolleyes:

      Here's my quickly thrown up test for this
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      • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
        Originally Posted by Paleochora View Post

        So I was going to have a morning off...the sun is shining...the beach is beckoning...

        But I read this thread and decided to test this out instead.:rolleyes:

        Here's my quickly thrown up test for this
        Nice squeeze page. If someone downloads your ebook and rebrands it will you make any money off the affiliate links as well as the person who re-branded it?

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3972858].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Paleochora
          Originally Posted by mraffiliate View Post

          Nice squeeze page. If someone downloads your ebook and rebrands it will you make any money off the affiliate links as well as the person who re-branded it?
          Hi. No I won't, unless they are two-tier sign ups. If there is an affiliate program which you get a % commission on the business done people who sign up through your link and the person rebranding joins that program through the link on the rebrander form then, yes.

          But, that carries down and your affiliate link will be in place for the people who rebrand after you have shared it. Nice, eh?

          I will benefit from a bit of 'name-branding' and the non-affiliate links back to my members site. Also not everyone rebrands 100% of the report.

          @tmoby. The buy for a tweet button is bottom right of the video. In my browser (Firefox) the red arrow at the end of the vid points right at it. Also shows fine in IE. Which browser are you using?

          Anyone else not seeing it? Here is the page:
          Just Pay Me With A Tweet | Get a free report - no opt-in!
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      • Profile picture of the author Paul Barrs
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        • Profile picture of the author tmoby
          Hey everyone, I've noticed that 'pay with a tweet' Facebook posting has been down for quite a while. Check out " Estago " in Google. It all seems to work there (and they have nicer buttons!)

          Just thought I'd mention them, just found it. I don't have any affiliation with them.

          Originally Posted by Paul Barrs View Post

          Don't fal into the trap that if it doesn't make 5-figures this month it's a failure.
          Very well said, allot of people tend to think the internet is a go big or go home kind of place.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3975800].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Paleochora
          Of course, Paul. No probs, mate.

          Originally Posted by Paul Barrs View Post

          Mike, not really so. It just takes consistency.

          I'm still earning $100 - $200 a month from affiliate links in eBooks I published up to 9 years ago... STILL! Each and every month, without fail.

          Don't fal into the trap that if it doesn't make 5-figures this month it's a failure.

          Hey Barry,

          Love the squeeze page video. Can I steal a few ideas from it

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      • Profile picture of the author James Hessler
        Originally Posted by Paleochora View Post

        So I was going to have a morning off...the sun is shining...the beach is beckoning...

        But I read this thread and decided to test this out instead.:rolleyes:

        Here's my quickly thrown up test for this
        Hey Barry, Efgaristo, to eleftheros biblio, as they say in Greece. Used to live in Athens after working as a rep on a small Greek Island Andros, many many years ago. how life has changed.
        Thanks for your report, Im usre to find a use for it, I know i will.



        The BEST web TV show on the Internet

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  • Profile picture of the author Yudhistira Mauris
    Awesome! Any tools we can use to implement this method?
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    • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
      Originally Posted by maurisrx View Post

      Awesome! Any tools we can use to implement this method?
      Did you read this thread?
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  • Profile picture of the author Edie47
    Interesting concept - sounds like a number of people are checking out the system. I wonder about the spam, though, if someone decides to abuse your Twitter account. Hopefully that won't happen. Looking forward to hearing more about the results.
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  • Profile picture of the author renukoot
    Does Twitters really downlaod that ----- ???

    Now a days most of followers are just Bots.. Guess who will download that!!!
    Signature - Upto 75% Discount on SSL Certificates & Website Scanner. If you don't find what you looking for, raise a support query and we will get you that SSL Certificate.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3971969].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Paleochora
      Originally Posted by renukoot View Post

      Does Twitters really downlaod that ----- ???

      Now a days most of followers are just Bots.. Guess who will download that!!!
      I guess it depends on the tweet that is written to promote the download as to how successful they are.

      Bots don't figure in this model, but most people who have a proper Twitter account will have human followers.
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  • Profile picture of the author cpadualcore
    I am using sharec@sh links with paywithtweet and earning quite good

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    • Profile picture of the author tmoby
      @Paleochora Videos great! Though I couldn't find the pay with a tweet button? I want to tweet it to my followers for you!

      Originally Posted by cpadualcore View Post

      I am using sharec@sh links with paywithtweet and earning quite good
      Glad to hear! Have you thought about using your own content lockers though? You could be making 3x as much
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3972660].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author cpadualcore
        Originally Posted by tmoby View Post

        Glad to hear! Have you thought about using your own content lockers though? You could be making 3x as much
        I tried it with CPA offers, but results not good. Looks like people at twitter are tired of email submits offers from cpalead nd all

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      • Profile picture of the author JGcane88
        This sounds amazing! Im just imagining the endless possibilities!!!
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      • Profile picture of the author bman227
        Has this actually worked for you or is this just an idea you had?
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        • Profile picture of the author tmoby
          Originally Posted by IdeaViator View Post

          Good idea but would it convert ? Twitter is full of bots nowadays and I'm scared of marketing there because of all junk traffic that would be coming to my websites.

          Do you have the same opinion on twitter traffic or am I just paranoid ?
          I somewhat agree here. You can look at it 2 ways:

          It's going to be a real person who wants to download your ebook, so I would assume they are not twitter spammers who have thousands of bot followers. They are most likely tweeting to their 50-100 followers who are actually friends. Same goes for Facebook posts.


          Look at it as a numbers game. If its tweeted to 10,000 people, a mix of bots and random accounts trying to build up followers, your at least going to get a few clicks of interest to your product. And if they click their legitimately interested so I wouldn't call it junk traffic.

          Anyways I could be wrong, but maybe it's just because I've never received tons or junk traffic from Twitter.

          Originally Posted by bman227 View Post

          Has this actually worked for you or is this just an idea you had?
          This method has actually worked for me. I will tell you that you will probably NOT get it right the first time. Like anything, this takes constant tweaking to get it right. An interesting topic and, MOST importantly, a catchy tweet which will get people to click through.
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          • Profile picture of the author Jo_Shua
            Originally Posted by tmoby View Post

            They are most likely tweeting to their 50-100 followers who are actually friends.
            That's the part that has me stoked!

            Imagine this:

            You are an Internet Marketing consultant for offline businesses. So, you help them expand their brand socially to up their local customer sales.

            Here is one thing you could use Pay With A Tweet (or some similar tool) for. Have a special coupon ONLY available through Pay With A Tweet.

            This coupon could be something like: 15% off your entire family meal... 30 days free gym membership... Two weeks free tanning... and so forth.

            The only way to get the coupon and to print it out is to Tweet about it or share it on Facebook.

            There you go!

            Most local people tweeting or sharing on Facebook are going to have just their friends and family that they follow. When they do share the tweet or post to Facebook, then, they get to download and print out the coupon.

            And if they have a coupon they will more than likely going to be coming into your store so they can cash in on their freebie. AND they will be glad (excited) to be the first one to share this great offer with their friends and family... Before someone else does.

            Hope that gets someone's mind juices flowing!
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            • Profile picture of the author tmoby
              Originally Posted by Jo_Shua View Post

              That's the part that has me stoked!

              Imagine this:

              You are an Internet Marketing consultant for offline businesses. So, you help them expand their brand socially to up their local customer sales.

              Here is one thing you could use Pay With A Tweet (or some similar tool) for. Have a special coupon ONLY available through Pay With A Tweet.

              This coupon could be something like: 15% off your entire family meal... 30 days free gym membership... Two weeks free tanning... and so forth.

              The only way to get the coupon and to print it out is to Tweet about it or share it on Facebook.

              There you go!

              Most local people tweeting or sharing on Facebook are going to have just their friends and family that they follow. When they do share the tweet or post to Facebook, then, they get to download and print out the coupon.

              And if they have a coupon they will more than likely going to be coming into your store so they can cash in on their freebie. AND they will be glad (excited) to be the first one to share this great offer with their friends and family... Before someone else does.

              Hope that gets someone's mind juices flowing!

              Awesome twist! I am very tempted to give this a go with some of my clients.

              Originally Posted by quiescen View Post

              As a novice copywriter, I'd like to point out that the word 'pay' is a poor choice and one that will turn off potential tweeters. What about something like...

              Tweet and Get it FREE! or
              FREE with a Tweet!

              More compelling AND much more likely people will do it!
              Great advice, this never even crossed my mind!
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3980109].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dadamson
    Interesting money-making method!

    First time I've heard of doing it that way! haha
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  • Profile picture of the author kamalmix
    I didnt get. For example i am an affiliate of clickbank, i will use in place of "buy", pay with tweet button, if they will downlaod, how i will earn money?
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    • Profile picture of the author H.Miller
      Originally Posted by kamalmix View Post

      I didnt get. For example i am an affiliate of clickbank, i will use in place of "buy", pay with tweet button, if they will downlaod, how i will earn money?
      You can't use it with affiliate products. You can use it with either a free report you write yourself or with the rebrandable reports you can get from some vendors to help promote their products. You could put affiliate links in your free report and if someone makes a purchase you will get paid. With rebrandable reports the links are already in them so all you have to do is drive traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author harryhumph
    Easiest method ever! LOL.. Twitter is very powerful, Its just that very few people have learned to harness the power Im gonna go ahead an try this RIGHT NOW!
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  • Profile picture of the author harryhumph
    I would think that Facebook is better than Twitter, but I may be wrong...
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  • Profile picture of the author freeman84
    wow this is really different from other marketing methods. thanks for the share.
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  • Profile picture of the author freeman84
    is there a way to include optin too so u can rinse and repeat? should i juz simply add a squeeze page before the download? or should i just be creative?
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  • Profile picture of the author tmoby
    Originally Posted by kamalmix View Post

    I didnt get. For example i am an affiliate of clickbank, i will use in place of "buy", pay with tweet button, if they will downlaod, how i will earn money?
    If you wrote an ebook you could place the affiliate link to your product in it. So when people read YOUR ebook that you've given to them for free, they may choose to purchase the product through your books link.

    @freeman84 I've never tried an opt-in page before the pay for a tweet, but I'm sure that could work. I would say build a solid opt-in list then send them products as usual and make one of them pay with a tweet. I think if you did it that way it could come across less spammy? Hope I explain that right. Good thinking though just be creative with the method!
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  • Profile picture of the author kamalmix
    ah... but there average that some people will read it actually - 1% for me. Because see, they dont pay for it, they just tweet, after they open someone's ebook and there is an affiliate link of mine, if the ebook wont be interesting - they wont buy... anyway i will try
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  • Profile picture of the author james96
    Thanks for sharing this. I will try it out in a moment.
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  • Profile picture of the author james96
    I have set up my Pay with a Tweet. Waiting to see how it goes and come back to give feedback.
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  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    I have often read that Twitter and Facebook traffic are not very responsive to monetization methods as they don't respond very well by clicking on your ads or buy now buttons. Are you able to make money using this traffic source?

    What is the best way to use this method? Or can you direct me to any additional reading material on this marketing method that you recomend?

    Tim Pears

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  • Profile picture of the author sociallid
    That's a great idea! I'm going to implement it today!
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  • Profile picture of the author rekerlolz
    I am going to give this a shot right now because I have NOTHING to lose . The only thing I can't figure out is how to turn my PDF file into a downloadable URL link
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    • Profile picture of the author Paleochora
      Originally Posted by rekerlolz View Post

      I am going to give this a shot right now because I have NOTHING to lose . The only thing I can't figure out is how to turn my PDF file into a downloadable URL link
      Leave it as a pdf, it will work just fine.

      is there a way to include optin too so u can rinse and repeat? should i juz simply add a squeeze page before the download? or should i just be creative? 05-29-2011 07:47 PM
      Best way to get opt-ins would be to use the Boomerang List Builder software to put an activation key requirement on whatever you sell for a tweet. PM me, as I have another free, re-brandable report you can have which covers this method in some detail.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monidelgagrillo
    Originally Posted by tmoby View Post

    First of all, Hello!

    Second of all, this is just a small twist to a regular method, but it can yield INSANE results when you get it going.

    The method revolves around the usage of "pay with a tweet" or "pay with a facebook post".

    Here's the easiest example;

    If you have an e-book for download don't sell it for cash. Make sure it's stuffed full of YOUR affiliate links. Now rather than a buy it now button use a pay with a tweet button.

    Imagine just 1 person downloads it, tweets that to there 100 followers, 2 of those followers download it and tweet to their 100 followers, 2 from each of those download etc..

    There doing all the work for you now!

    This is the by far the easiest way to create an residual income because of the viral capabilities!

    Try and be unique and creative with it!

    Now I just scratched the surface on how beneficial pay with a tweet is! Once you manage to hit around 10 - 20 dollars a day with it, you can sit back and watch it grow EVERY DAY without doing work! Everyone else is doing it for you!

    So there's my first share! I hope I explained it well enough, I was trying to get it out as fast as possible! It's a very simple and straight forward method but an extremely powerful money making technique. I could have sold this as a very in-depth ebook, but I was feeling generous today!

    and also..



    That's very useful information!! Thanks
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3974271].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sociallid
    Its' on my site. Works great. Will post results.
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  • Profile picture of the author H.Miller
    Wow! This is really a great idea. I am going to use it immediately. Thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author rekerlolz
    I am having troubles creating my button. Someone PLEASE help! When I goto test my own button I make the tweet and hit the download button...than it brings me to the download link I put in ...without the ending extension at the end which in this case is (PDF)...which results in a 404 error.

    Any idea why my extension is being deleted when you click the download button?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3974709].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Matty40
      Originally Posted by rekerlolz View Post

      I am having troubles creating my button. Someone PLEASE help! When I goto test my own button I make the tweet and hit the download button...than it brings me to the download link I put in ...without the ending extension at the end which in this case is (PDF)...which results in a 404 error.

      Any idea why my extension is being deleted when you click the download button?
      Umm are you putting the product in the public html folder? and then when pay with a tweet ask for the location just type
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  • Profile picture of the author nickv
    Im pretty good with HTML and do you track this... ie. Make sure that they really tweet it?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3974731].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Matty40
      Originally Posted by nickv View Post

      Im pretty good with HTML and do you track this... ie. Make sure that they really tweet it?
      Well they have to tweet it before "pay with a tweet" give them the download link, of coarse afterwards if they really wanted to they could go and delete the tweet.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jo_Shua
    Very interesting concept.

    I'm working on a local gym's web and social presence. I believe I will use this tweet button instead of an opt-in for a fitness report written by the owner and see how it goes viral locally.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3974791].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author giseo
    thanks for the share.

    Tired about blogging about tedious subjects like blue widgets and four slice toasters? Learn how to have fun and profit blogging about a continually growing massive multi-billion industry. Find out how to do it for only $5 here!

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  • Profile picture of the author James Hessler
    Ive just finished my first project and product, (phew its had its trials I can tell you) What a very interesting and karmic way to 'pay for 'stuff'. I have a TAF script embedded in my video for optins to get my free video tutorial, and Devon Browns exit pop up if they choose not to do so, in an effort to further explain the trust I like to imbue in 'telling friends', thereby sending my visitors to the page where they can eventually access their free download. Now Ill ask them to 'pay with a tweet' on the exit pop up video.

    Thanks for the share, and the advice on this thread. Really exceptional.

    James Hessler

    The BEST web TV show on the Internet

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    • Profile picture of the author tmoby
      I'm glad to see this thread has got so many people trying it out! Remember to update here with results so everyone can see how it's working out for you.

      @Paleochora I'm using Google chrome but it was actually my fault. I forgot I had adblock which blocked the button. Anyways I tweeted it out for you so hopefully you see some activity!
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  • Profile picture of the author christina ward
    Thanks for info, I might try that.

    Thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author tmoby
    --- Also started writing the ebook

    I'll go into step by step detail on exactly how to set this up from start to finish. I will also include other great uses for this, and some ideas I've just thought of today

    Is there anything in specific anyone wants me to include or go into greater detail?

    I'm open to any requests.
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  • Profile picture of the author cryst
    sounds good....but need to apply and see those strategies ..... whether is works or not......
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  • Profile picture of the author Paleochora
    Thinking a little further....if security is a worry for you and you are wary of using these sites, or if you want to develop a ton of traffic, you can get a script which does this for $60.
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    • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
      Originally Posted by Paleochora View Post

      Thinking a little further....if security is a worry for you and you are wary of using these sites, or if you want to develop a ton of traffic, you can get a script which does this for $60.
      What script are you referring too that is $60

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      • Profile picture of the author Michael D Forbes
        Barry, nice job on the squeeze page.

        I'm just checking in with a progress report... I may be missing something in my tracking, but for some reason I have no clicks from Twitter, which seems strange. Maybe my Tweet message just stinks, maybe they are coming in as "direct" hits, I have quite a few of those.

        I have a couple sites that have picked up my link and posted as "free" content. That's fine with me.

        Someone commented on my copy. Yes, I know it bites... any suggestions to make it better?

        Overall, I'm impressed with the idea, not impressed with my own implementation as it was done fast with almost no thought. I can say, for the small amount of time I put into it, if it manages to pull 2 or 3 affiliate sales EVER, it will have been worth my time.

        If not, it's expanded my thinking a fair amount, and I will try it again sometime.

        My Pay With A Tweet Test

        Constructive criticism welcomed!
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        • Profile picture of the author IdeaViator
          Good idea but would it convert ? Twitter is full of bots nowadays and I'm scared of marketing there because of all junk traffic that would be coming to my websites.

          Do you have the same opinion on twitter traffic or am I just paranoid ?
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      • Profile picture of the author Paleochora
        Originally Posted by mraffiliate View Post

        What script are you referring too that is $60
        Here is a link to it (not affiliate) Scripteen - Web Scripts - Scripteen Paysocial Script
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    • Profile picture of the author ganesh
      Originally Posted by Paleochora View Post

      Thinking a little further....if security is a worry for you and you are wary of using these sites, or if you want to develop a ton of traffic, you can get a script which does this for $60.
      Can you mention the name of the software? I like the idea but yes,security is a big concern.

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  • Profile picture of the author david pauls
    Wow, that's interesting! Thanks for the great share!
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  • Profile picture of the author Cloudzz
    Good idea, i can see how this could become viral fast
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
    Well, just my 2 cents here.

    I have been using (testing) Pay With A Tweet for a few months now and without going into great detail, can report that my results have been pretty bad.

    Here is a little bit of what I discovered along the way.

    Twitter conversions for anything are very poor.

    Remember that just because someone sends a Tweet out to 10,000 people that doesn't mean that those 10,000 are all going to see it.

    They have to be on Twitter at the time of the Tweet to read it.

    It's not like an email list where people can read the messages at their leisure.

    Out of those that do click on links, the highest conversions come from people clicking on links to videos and blogs not offers.

    The people who are looking for a freebie (like a Pay With A Tweet offer) about simple marketing techniques, don't have a big enough list of Twitter followers to send anyone back to your Pay with a Tweet page.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3978811].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tmoby
      Originally Posted by Matt Maiden View Post

      Well, just my 2 cents here.

      I have been using (testing) this (Pay With A Tweet) for over 5 months now and without going into great detail, can report that my results have been pretty bad.

      Here is a little bit of what I discovered along the way.

      Twitter conversions for anything are very poor.

      Remember that just because someone sends a Tweet out to 10,000 people doesn't mean that those 10,000 are all going to see it.

      They have to be on Twitter at the time of the Tweet to read it.

      It's not like an email list where people can read the messages at their leisure.

      Out of those that do click on links, the highest conversions come from people clicking on links to videos and blogs not offers.

      The people who are looking for a freebie about simple marketing techniques, don't have a big enough list of Twitter followers to send anyone back to your Pay with a Tweet page.
      Good points, thanks for the input.

      Also I might add, if your thinking of trying this I suggest you try and find a different niche rather than the make money niche. Most social network users probably think it is spam. Not to say you can't have success in it, I just think it takes more work to find Twitter users who will take you seriously.
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  • Profile picture of the author dagaul101
    Nice tip, the good thing about the social networks, is the ease in which a post can go viral, simply give them what they want and they promote your site for you
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  • Profile picture of the author chinedu86
    This is a really slick method,i think i will give it a try.

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3979905].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author quiescen
    As a novice copywriter, I'd like to point out that the word 'pay' is a poor choice and one that will turn off potential tweeters. What about something like...

    Tweet and Get it FREE! or
    FREE with a Tweet!

    More compelling AND much more likely people will do it!

    Play Piano in Just 1-Hour! Free Lesson Shows You How!
    Online Piano Lessons by Quiescence Music

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  • Profile picture of the author Badger
    Great share! Can't wait to implement.

    Feel free to create a guide on different methods to monetise anyone!
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  • Profile picture of the author tmoby
    I've almost completed a step by step in depth ebook with various twists and alternate uses for this method.

    If anyone has any ideas or twists they've thought of PM me or post it here! I'll include it at the end of my ebook and put a link to your website (or wherever you'd like).

    Doesn't have to be a tested idea, just a creative twist that you think would work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jkhurramov
    Nice tips,
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  • Profile picture of the author Nulli Secundus
    Wow a great idea thanks for the share, I could see the report spreading through tweeter circles non stop!
    Get your hands on the Make Money Online Guide for FREE($47 value)
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    Check it out!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3981754].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author shmeeko69
    Originally Posted by tmoby View Post

    First of all, Hello!

    Second of all, this is just a small twist to a regular method, but it can yield INSANE results when you get it going.

    The method revolves around the usage of "pay with a tweet" or "pay with a facebook post".

    Here's the easiest example;

    If you have an e-book for download don't sell it for cash. Make sure it's stuffed full of YOUR affiliate links. Now rather than a buy it now button use a pay with a tweet button.

    Imagine just 1 person downloads it, tweets that to there 100 followers, 2 of those followers download it and tweet to their 100 followers, 2 from each of those download etc..

    There doing all the work for you now!

    This is the by far the easiest way to create an residual income because of the viral capabilities!

    Try and be unique and creative with it!

    Now I just scratched the surface on how beneficial pay with a tweet is! Once you manage to hit around 10 - 20 dollars a day with it, you can sit back and watch it grow EVERY DAY without doing work! Everyone else is doing it for you!

    So there's my first share! I hope I explained it well enough, I was trying to get it out as fast as possible! It's a very simple and straight forward method but an extremely powerful money making technique. I could have sold this as a very in-depth ebook, but I was feeling generous today!

    and also..


    Some good information here and although Twitter can be a bit hit and miss, your idea of giving something for nothing and having your affiliate links built in makes perfect sense and then setting up a chain reaction through Twitter.

    The Rock n Roll of Marketing Reviews
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3981823].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tmoby
      Originally Posted by Jkhurramov View Post

      Nice tips,
      Originally Posted by Nulli Secundus View Post

      Wow a great idea thanks for the share, I could see the report spreading through tweeter circles non stop!
      Originally Posted by shmeeko69 View Post

      Some good information here and although Twitter can be a bit hit and miss, your idea of giving something for nothing and having your affiliate links built in makes perfect sense and then setting up a chain reaction through Twitter.

      Glad to see you found it usefull!!
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  • Profile picture of the author tmoby
    I have just finished an in depth ebook about this method. It includes various twists and alternate uses for the method. I am giving it away free to all Warriors, all I ask is you pay with a tweet!

    Check out the link in my signature or Click Here
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  • Profile picture of the author ColleenHale
    I keep seeing this method mentioned for Twitter and FB. I think it's worth a try, but may be something you have to keep doing over and over to actually see results.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lo
    Oh my, this ROCKS!
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  • Profile picture of the author Clayton Rice
    Interesting method. I've never heard of paying for a product with a tweet, but that's definitely a pretty cool idea. Too bad the eBook that I have written right now and I'm waiting for the perfect time to launch it doesn't have any affiliate links inside it. haha

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4084516].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author clature
    This thread is like saying ..... How I sold 20 guitars when I don't play the guitar. lol
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  • Profile picture of the author volkansen
    very interesting method, thanks for posting.
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