PDF on How to self-publish your ebook as a physical book... free great resource

3 replies
Found This- hope you find it useful! lots of great information...

#book #ebook #found #googling #physical #selfpublish #today
  • Profile picture of the author BizBooks
    I'm sure if i had done a better job of titling the thread more people would have been helped by this book and thread. so- here goes...
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Whyte
    Hi BizBooks

    I just saw this. Thanks for making the link available to the forum. I just finished downloading it and will have a look at it.

    Maybe it is just me, but maybe the reason you are not getting so much traffic is that people here seem to be so focused on electronic products and not books made of paper.

    Once you cross the bridge into the land of printing via paper, you have an entirely different supply chain to work with, not to mention delivery, storage and all the other things that an eBook writer never has to deal with.

    Anyway, thanks again!
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  • Profile picture of the author BizBooks
    you are abolutely right, but having a printed book gives you a certain credibility.... a la Joel comm.....
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