What's next?
I have a very important question.
I started my internet campaign two months ago.
I created Landing page, Aweber acc for one year.
Also I've bought TweetAttacs, now I'm folowing 300 people every day. I'm waiting for a moment, when I will have 1000 followers, and then I'll sent DM to them with a link Amazing Relationship Guides!
Is it good strategy?
I'm trying to get traffic from safelists, but it does not work well, unfortunately I have only 14 subscribers
I have already invested $400 in this, and my main chance is Twitter?
I can't write articles yet, because of my english.
But my goal is 100$ dollars every day. (despite the fact that I have not made any sales yet).
But I'm working hard, every day, many hours... Reading, reading, all the information about affiliate marketing.
I need advices, I need help, can somebody show me the way?
Thanks for attention, and sorry for my english
P.S. Here's my Twitter Acc
kamalmix -
[ 2 ] Thanks - 1 reply
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[ 1 ] Thanks
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