6 replies
Hi Warriors.
I have a very important question.
I started my internet campaign two months ago.
I created Landing page, Aweber acc for one year.
Also I've bought TweetAttacs, now I'm folowing 300 people every day. I'm waiting for a moment, when I will have 1000 followers, and then I'll sent DM to them with a link Amazing Relationship Guides!
Is it good strategy?
I'm trying to get traffic from safelists, but it does not work well, unfortunately I have only 14 subscribers
I have already invested $400 in this, and my main chance is Twitter?
I can't write articles yet, because of my english.
But my goal is 100$ dollars every day. (despite the fact that I have not made ​​any sales yet).
But I'm working hard, every day, many hours... Reading, reading, all the information about affiliate marketing.
I need advices, I need help, can somebody show me the way?
Thanks for attention, and sorry for my english

P.S. Here's my Twitter Acc
  • Profile picture of the author kamalmix
    first of all dude, your english is okay
    second of all, to get more information i advice to enter the war room, there are very interesting topics which can help you to invest your money so there will be big profit.

    and about promotion... twitter strategy is ok, but why dont you try also facebook fan page strategy? try to work with it also.

    good luck.
    hope this helps.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by kamalmix View Post

      twitter strategy is ok, but why dont you try also facebook fan page strategy?
      Why do you imagine the "Twitter strategy" is ok, Kamal?

      Why do you imagine that a "Facebook fan-page strategy" will be an appropriate way forward, here?

      If, as you say, you're completely new to internet marketing, yourself, why are you trying to advise others who are looking here for informed, experienced opinion and guidance? :rolleyes:
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  • Profile picture of the author Souldja
    And what about PPC. Can I promote my landing page by Adwords?
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by Souldja View Post

    Also I've bought TweetAttacs, now I'm folowing 300 people every day. I'm waiting for a moment, when I will have 1000 followers, and then I'll sent DM to them with a link Amazing Relationship Guides!
    Is it good strategy?
    Whether or not it's a good strategy depends on whether they're people potentially looking for relationship guides, if that's what you're promoting.

    Marketing is about getting offers in front of targeted traffic.

    Originally Posted by Souldja View Post

    I'm trying to get traffic from safelists, but it does not work well
    It won't.

    Safelist traffic is targeted, but not targeted for relationship-guides: they're all people who are themselves looking for traffic to build their own lists. If you're promoting guidebooks on "how to build your list" or "how to get extra traffic" then it's the right traffic for you (to some extent). If you're promoting relationship guides ... not so much.

    Originally Posted by Souldja View Post

    I need advices, I need help, can somebody show me the way?
    In marketing, you have to match your offer to the market. Marketing is about getting offers in front of targeted traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author kamalmix
    yes you can but it will be very costly. i advice you to cost as less as you can money and other stuff in promotion doing by yourself i mean all what you know. like me. i am new to internet marketing and i am learning all the books which i need in affiliate marketing niche (selling).
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  • Profile picture of the author Souldja
    And what about PPC and my landing page?
    I understand what marketing is about.
    And I have one more question:
    I use html messeges in my newsltetter, but I've noticed that marketers don't use pictures in their newsletters. Why? Maybe I shoud remove it?
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