First month with over $100 with Amazon

39 replies
So I did what people have been suggesting - putting up more Amazon text links on my websites. Result - I have made $103 so far with Amazon. It's a start.

I will replace some Adsense for June and see if that brings in more money. Adsense has been doing poorly for me the last couple of months anyway.
#$100 #amazon #month
  • Profile picture of the author LynneCarey
    Congratulations... That is a great start and sounds like something you can build on.
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  • Profile picture of the author waterburn
    Thanks. I have several informational (adsense) websites, and I'm going to try adding amazon product links right on the home page for one of them. I currently have a "products" page with all the links, but I figure why not add the same product links right on the home page? At least the best selling products? I'll see how it goes.

    Make changes, test and find out what works better - that's the key to improvements!
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  • Profile picture of the author axus_auto
    That is fantastic! Maybe you should also add some pictures and link them with your Amazon tag. I think people like to click on images
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Banks
    Way to go bud! I just had my first $1000 amazon month last month. Milestones are great, keep on pushing and making that internet money!
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    • Profile picture of the author Success With Dany
      Originally Posted by Jeremy Banks View Post

      Way to go bud! I just had my first $1000 amazon month last month. Milestones are great, keep on pushing and making that internet money!
      Will you reinvest the full 1000$ or spoil yourself a bit?
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  • Profile picture of the author Terri LC
    Congrats Waterburn....all the successful Amazoners claim that it is the text links that have the best conversions.....keep it up!!

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  • Profile picture of the author waterburn
    Thanks, yeah amazon is a powerful solution for sure. Since they have so much stuff, people end up buying a lot of other products I don't promote on my sites. That's because they get "tempted by Amazon", once they get there... related products, product recommendations based on earlier browsing, etc. Amazon is smart. I only wish my visitors would end buying some high end plasma tv's or other high priced items! They haven't so far.
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    • Profile picture of the author omk
      You could try picking a few high priced products. Write some really good, in depth reviews with good pictures and review info. These types of rich warm up pages have a much higher conversion rate than hoping to get a sale of of a traditional short paragraph or quick description and link combo.
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      • Profile picture of the author thedog
        Originally Posted by omk View Post

        You could try picking a few high priced products. Write some really good, in depth reviews with good pictures and review info. These types of rich warm up pages have a much higher conversion rate than hoping to get a sale of of a traditional short paragraph or quick description and link combo.
        This is what I'm doing... also, include video when you can, and make the site look professional.
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  • Profile picture of the author banananose3
    WOW great job!

    Panda ninja!

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  • Profile picture of the author Jake Gray
    Don't settle for $100.

    Continue to scale it up bit-by-bit.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    Good job! You inspired me to make some posts with Amazon links.

    So... umm... thank you... I think, and hope.
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    • Profile picture of the author Gaz Cooper
      CONGRATULATIONS that your first milestone next goal is $200 just rinse and repeat what you are doing and it will continue to grow each month.

      I really believe Amazon is the easiest way for any newcomer to IM to start making money online.

      Keep up the good work

      Gaz Cooper

      Beginners Guide to getting started in CRYPTO, FREE Ebook on a Massive Opportunity as the World shifts to Digital payment

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  • Profile picture of the author Henry White
    All these milestones are important regardless of size because you have to reach them before you get to the larger ones that are truly life-changing.

    It may not look all that impressive, but you've gone from zero to 4-figures with this one stream of income! That's only 2 orders of magnitude away from the "magic" 6-figures everyone seems to have as an interim goal on their way to being a millionaire!
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    • Profile picture of the author kyiko
      well done

      If you have several sites, check where the most sales came from and promote that one a little more and you should see a bit more sales.

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      • Profile picture of the author PatriciaJ
        That's brilliant. It took me years to make anything with Amazon using their promotional tools. Then I started adding text links and linked images and the sales started to come in and grow every month. I'm sure that will happen to you too.
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  • Profile picture of the author waterburn
    Thanks for all the encouragement. I am starting to add more Amazon links throughout sites. Hope to make $200 within a few months.

    I want to mention my strategy : talk about good products that can help with specific problems or needs, then link to the product in your text in an inviting way. Pictures are good too, but sometimes people don't know they can click on an image, so text links are still very important.

    I have tried Amazon stores too, but those perform very poorly for me.
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    • Profile picture of the author thedog
      I made 8c last month with amazon, someone bought a $2.50 audio jack

      I've been working hard on 4 sites for the past 3 weeks. Invested in a good amazon wso, and good quality articles... I'm going to make some money out of this if it kills me!

      I also have 3 adsense sites... the one in my sig is getting some good traffic, and the conversion rates have gone up a lot since I changed the site from white to black. I've only made $20 in the past 2 months from these, but they've been on hold, now that I'm concentrating on the amazon sites.
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      • Profile picture of the author PatriciaJ
        Originally Posted by thedog View Post

        I made 8c last month with amazon, someone bought a $2.50 audio jack

        I've been working hard on 4 sites for the past 3 weeks. Invested in a good amazon wso, and good quality articles... I'm going to make some money out of this if it kills me!

        I also have 3 adsense sites... the one in my sig is getting some good traffic, and the conversion rates have gone up a lot since I changed the site from white to black. I've only made $20 in the past 2 months from these, but they've been on hold, now that I'm concentrating on the amazon sites.
        Well done. I think that my first sale was a quit smoking savings tin that didn't cost much. The point is that you have made a sale and now that you've broken your duck it won't be your last. With patience, practice and experience you should see your sales grow monthly.
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        • Profile picture of the author thedog
          Originally Posted by PatriciaJ View Post

          Well done. I think that my first sale was a quit smoking savings tin that didn't cost much. The point is that you have made a sale and now that you've broken your duck it won't be your last. With patience, practice and experience you should see your sales grow monthly.
          I made $2 the month before that ... I didn't really know what I was doing.

          I feel confident now that I can make a go at it this time... you just have to take a step back, re-group and come at it the right way. Oh, and put the hard work in.
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          • Profile picture of the author waterburn
            Originally Posted by thedog View Post

            I made $2 the month before that ... I didn't really know what I was doing.

            I feel confident now that I can make a go at it this time... you just have to take a step back, re-group and come at it the right way. Oh, and put the hard work in.
            Sounds like you need TRAFFIC? That's always tough, but keep working on a variety of methods of getting traffic, and the money will come.
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            • Profile picture of the author thedog
              Originally Posted by waterburn View Post

              Sounds like you need TRAFFIC? That's always tough, but keep working on a variety of methods of getting traffic, and the money will come.
              Yes, traffic is what I need.

              Of the 4 amazon sites I'm working on, 1 is up on page 1 of google, serp 6... the keyword get around 1000 exact searches a month.

              The other 3 I'm working on, have much higher searches, around 15k.

              I've decided to go with a warrior seoNuke service... I'm hoping this will make the difference.
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            • Profile picture of the author frank07
              Originally Posted by waterburn View Post

              Sounds like you need TRAFFIC? That's always tough, but keep working on a variety of methods of getting traffic, and the money will come.
              The traffic is most important with Amazon, this will effect to sales. And this can gain by link building. We can do it daily and this will give the good result.
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              • Profile picture of the author PatriciaJ
                I've found that a lot of the traffic that I get come from searches by product name, so these are people already thinking about buying that product.

                I post by product name and I link to product name posts. For instance with article marketing I link to the home page and use the second link for a product name post.
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  • Profile picture of the author gosocialsa
    Amazon ads? I haven't heard of this before. They the same as adsense for Google? work in the same way?
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    • Profile picture of the author waterburn
      Originally Posted by gosocialsa View Post

      Amazon ads? I haven't heard of this before. They the same as adsense for Google? work in the same way?

      It's an affiliate system, where you make a commission on sales you generate.
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  • Profile picture of the author baokhau
    Originally Posted by waterburn View Post

    So I did what people have been suggesting - putting up more Amazon text links on my websites. Result - I have made $103 so far with Amazon. It's a start.

    I will replace some Adsense for June and see if that brings in more money. Adsense has been doing poorly for me the last couple of months anyway.
    Congratulation, waterburn. Keep up your good work
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  • Profile picture of the author shmeeko69
    Originally Posted by waterburn View Post

    So I did what people have been suggesting - putting up more Amazon text links on my websites. Result - I have made $103 so far with Amazon. It's a start.

    I will replace some Adsense for June and see if that brings in more money. Adsense has been doing poorly for me the last couple of months anyway.
    Congratulations in gaining over $100 from Amazon. Your subject matter is certainly a subject which won't disappear overnight and there will probably be a demand for products which eliminated bed bugs. I think you've made the right choice in focusing more with Amazon and less with Google Adsense.

    The Rock n Roll of Marketing Reviews
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  • Profile picture of the author lstoops
    Yes, that is definitely a start! It's amazing what happens when you tweak and optimize things for yourself. Good for you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Franklin

    As you can see, it pays to test and measure your results!

    I've tested all sorts of linking configurations for Amazon and I can tell you hands down that text links by far convert the best!

    Be sure not to overdo the links either. I've found that 1-1.5% text link density is optimal.

    Keep up the great work!

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  • Profile picture of the author vanalli
    Good start. I'm in a similar position. Lot of work to do over the coming weeks.
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  • Profile picture of the author nasuryono

    You can even upgrade it by selling higher priced product. My experience with Amazon is that when I drive people using very expensive product, they tend to stick around on the site and eventually buy something.

    Try that strategy.


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    • Profile picture of the author ChrisGuthrie
      Congrats on your first $100 month. I remember the first time I crossed the $100 barrier, then the $1,000 and then later that year the $10,000 it's a great feeling.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Banks
        Originally Posted by ChrisGuthrie View Post

        Congrats on your first $100 month. I remember the first time I crossed the $100 barrier, then the $1,000 and then later that year the $10,000 it's a great feeling.
        It takes a lot of hustle! Chris has helped me optimize my sites and earn more money, thanks to him I have reached $1000 in one month on Amazon. Read through his blog for some great tips and advice!
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Franklin
    Originally Posted by caseyscreen View Post

    Well i am also interested to make money by Amazon. I have a blog with adsense. How can i earn money through Amazon.

    Please give some idea.
    Hi caseyscreen!

    If you do a search for Amazon and Amazon Associates on here and start with the 5 star threads, you'll have more than enough information to take action on. A lot ofgreat Warriors on here have been generous enough to share their gameplans on here. Just follow what they have to say...No need to reinvent the wheel!

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    • Profile picture of the author JRCarson
      That's a nice start!

      I think if you approach the entire web page as creating a very helpful review/comparison/informational site (instead of just adding some more links) you'll start earning a lot more sooner.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lloyd Buchinski
    Thanks waterburn. I've seen a couple of bedbug sites before, but not with the amount of work you put into yours. I appreciate all the info.

    I also enjoy your username. I'm a bit of a forum rat and I use a few on different forums. They are all interesting, not the 'tds13' sort of username.

    Except for the one I use on this forum. I'll have to work on that one.

    Do something spectacular; be fulfilled. Then you can be your own hero. Prem Rawat

    The KimW WSO

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