Internet Marketing without Google??

63 replies
I was just wondering if we take Google completely out of IM, would people still be able to make the money that they are making today? Imagine a world without search engines. Your opinions please and how you'll be generating traffic in such a scenario?
#google #internet #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author sublime311
    facebook, social media, referral traffic - in theory yes, but i wish there was a course on this.

    If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them... BRUCE LEE

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    • Profile picture of the author bigbabol
      I think there are another way of social media, email marketing, advertising. For social media, you need to build your own community for targeted users. For email marketing may have been a lot of guidance in this forum. Advertising: you advertise on the website had a high PR (traffic was guaranteed). This my simple opinion.

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    • There are a lot more ways than google to make money. For example:

      People who already have a list, they can keep selling to those customers without google.

      Other sources:
      Blogging, and using videos
      advertising your site on a well targeted newspaper / magazine ( can be expensive)

      Free yellow page listings
      the list can go on and on about other tools you can use besides google.

      However, Google is the search giant, so that is where everyone will focus. Makes sense. And all the google "updates" will make it harder for people with auto-blogs, and easier for people who generate original content. Content is still king in IM, just like on day 1. But we want to spin the content, auto-mate it, auto-blog it, and suddenly your site is a robot, and people can pick up on that really quick.
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  • Profile picture of the author tmoby
    Easy - I'd just make a search engine and be rich! haha

    Really though without search engines I would leave the game and actually get a job.
    Or stay with Youtube (but are you counting that as a search engine?) because it would be a million times bigger without Google and all those around!
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  • Profile picture of the author WebsiteDeck
    Well, it would be a hell now wouldn't it? And well lets face it, sooner or later someone would have come up with the idea of a search engine. Or a search "directory" .
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  • Profile picture of the author lacraiger
    if there were no google then another company would just take its place...
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  • Profile picture of the author Ruth P
    I agree with the others above, without Google or other search engines things would be a lot more social. We'd go to sites other people tweeted, or who our friends shared on Facebook and so on. Those with email lists would do well, too, though of course it depends on whether they're trying to sell money on ranking in search engines, in which case the focus would change.

    Whatever happens, I believe internet marketing will develop with it. It already is - some IMers are already utilizing social networks in a huge way. I guess the key is to diversify, and make sure you're building a list from day 1, to make sure you can get traffic from a variety of sources.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tony Marriott
      You can't just judge any situation by imagining it not being there. If Google had nor appeared and grew to the beast it is today then marketers would have already found and used the methods that work.

      Marketers have existed long before Google and will continue to do so long after Google has gone (everything goes eventually -Romans, Ancient Greeks, Ancient Egypt, Rover - all Empires fall eventually).

      I used to sell computer programs on bulletin boards years ago and games programs at the local computer clubs. It wasn't that hard to sell then either, even though there were probably only a few thousand personal computers in the world and most of them you had to build yourself.

      So if Google didn't exist we'd all be using some other method to sell. Actually many would not even have started and so your competition would probably be considerably lower and you might even have made more money!
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  • with out google it will be tough to earn money from internet. if it happen (though it not possible now) i gonna focus facebook,twitter, myspace, different affiliate marketing like comminsion junction, clickbank, maxbounty etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author limestone614
    I would say Facebook is capable of replacing Google on a $ for $ basis.

    Assuming you use Google mostly now.

    You could over time dump Google in Favour of Facebook. It gets some HUGE traffic.
    The Best Organic Traffic Solutions.
    For yours, take the next step: Visit Safeserps
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  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Originally Posted by anuj438 View Post

    Imagine a world without search engines.
    Some of us can actually remember a world without search engines.

    It can be done. It's just that most people are of limited imagination and intellect. When you can't sit and wait for people to find you, that just means you have to go out and find them.

    Which is what a lot of the Google-jockeys should be doing anyway. There are a LOT of people in here not making enough money and whinging about how their Google rankings aren't high enough, but they have good products in a good niche at a good price. If they could just get the offer in front of more eyeballs, they'd make plenty of money, Google or no. And the world is full of ways to get eyeballs other than getting higher in the SERPs.
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      Also experienced marketers are doing quite well in some of the most hotly competitive niches right now without using Google or any other search engine. It is only one of thousands of onfline/offline marketing techniques.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by anuj438 View Post

    I was just wondering if we take Google completely out of IM, would people still be able to make the money that they are making today?

    Article marketing.

    (Not "article directory marketing", probably, but many people seem to feel that doesn't work so well with Google in the equation, either, these days).

    But syndicating articles to get them in front of highly targeted traffic ... (targeted websites and ezines) ... sure, this can work without SEO at all, and can produce steady flows of potential customers without needing search engines.

    One of this forum's highest earners from article marketing, in some fiercely competitive niches (who sometimes makes the post immediately before mine, in a thread) has most of his sites somewhere like Google's 20th page or lower, I understand, and is entirely unconcerned about SEO.
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    • Profile picture of the author Lea Karana
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      One of this forum's highest earners from article marketing, in some fiercely competitive niches (who sometimes makes the post immediately before mine, in a thread) has most of his sites somewhere like Google's 20th page or lower, I understand, and is entirely unconcerned about SEO.

      Hmmm, i wonder who your talking about, lol
      You guys are great, i will try these methods when i learn more about them.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jajamiry
    if google does not exist in place then every like facebook, blog, and other won't exist. it mean you have to go offline to do business
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  • Profile picture of the author Claire Sharp
    Yes, it is possible. There are Twitter, Facebook.... Social Media as we all know. There is advertising and email marketing. These are just few things to generate traffic without google.
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    • Profile picture of the author Coach Louisa
      It will take some re-adjusting but we will adapt. There is always a way to get done what we need.

      My best bet will be Facebook (which includes all the referral and word of mouth), mobile marketing and some JV. My guess is more people are depending less on Google so if this does happen, we are not going to be caught too off guard!

      Visit new website at
      and join me for Free Tutorial at YouTube Louisa Chan

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  • Profile picture of the author GetMoreTraffic
    Google controls just a tiny percentage of Internet traffic. You can easily build a very successful online business without getting a single click from the search engines - and many people do.
    Discover the fast way to accelerate your affiliate income
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  • Profile picture of the author Paleochora
    I agree with most I have read in this thread. Especially about people placing too much emphasis on Google for their success.

    A lot of my money comes from traffic which has nothing to do with Google or any of the search engines. I treat free search engine traffic as a bonus.

    Also, there was a thread today where a guy had his adsense/adwords account pulled from under him for a really stupid (Google's, not his) reason.

    It's worth remembering that people do not check the ad provider before they click and there are tons of contextual ad servers out there - many with better payouts and payment deals than Google.

    We kind of get sucked in to this 'Google mentality' sometimes and ,guys, it aint healthy.
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  • Profile picture of the author luckyshah290
    I Would check my mails Through YAHOO .............

    hahahaha LOL
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  • Profile picture of the author CoolCaesar
    IM marketing without Google would be possible but a world without search engines now it's quite hard to imagine

    My piece of advice.. never concentrate on making money exclusively and solely through Google .. they have the power of leaving you with nothing in a matter of seconds.

    So pay close attention and try to find some ways to build a database of customers and a good reputation.
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  • Profile picture of the author tgdrew
    A world without search engines is a sad world. Money would still be made, but I do believe that you would find a drop in sales as a whole. Thankfully, we have an abundance of search engines.
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  • Profile picture of the author CaesarSEO
    Without Google, at least 70%+ of the money dead for sure.

    Yes, some people don't want to admit it but Google is actually that BIG. End of story.

    So if we can't beat the beast, then let's stand on its side.

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  • Profile picture of the author Clyde
    A world without Search Engines? I can only imagine.

    but the answer is Yes. The internet is just a tool anyways.

    Generate Unlimited Number of Micro Niche Keywords, Multi-threaded EMD Finder PLUS More!

    50% OFF WSO.
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  • Profile picture of the author MIRENGE
    I don't think it will work, we need Google though there are other search engines.
    Interior design .... where beautiful homes is all we care.
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesGw
    I don't really get what people mean when they say without Google. Do you mean would it be possible if all of a sudden Google disappeared and all of the people that would have reached your site from Google will no longer reach it?

    That's not a very realistic scenario.

    If Google just disappeared, the void would quickly be filled by Yahoo/Bing and business would continue as usual, although exact match domains would be back in style. If you're asking if IM could continue if everyone lost (at least) 30% of their traffic then, well, maybe? They wouldn't be making as much money, though.
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  • Remember, though, that without the search engines, no one would ever have found Facebook or Twitter or Youtube to make them popular, either. Without the SEs, these places would have had very few visitors.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dan C. Rinnert
      Originally Posted by Bradley J Anderson View Post

      Remember, though, that without the search engines, no one would ever have found Facebook or Twitter or Youtube to make them popular, either. Without the SEs, these places would have had very few visitors.
      Then how did people find the search engines without search engines?

      Dan's content is irregularly read by handfuls of people. Join the elite few by reading his blog:, following him on Twitter: or reading his fiction: but NOT by Clicking Here!

      Dan also writes content for hire, but you can't afford him anyway.
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      • Profile picture of the author zannix
        Originally Posted by Dan C. Rinnert View Post

        Then how did people find the search engines without search engines?
        They didn't. Search engines found them!
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Lin
    If there is no google, yahoo would probably dominate the search engine. If there is no yahoo, then it would be bing, if there is no bing, then askjeeve, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author omk
    Sure, you'd be able to make money. G@#gle isn't the internet. However, for you to do it successfully without them, you need to really know what you're doing and plan out your strategy and alternate traffic and ranking sources.

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  • Profile picture of the author niffybranco
    eBay amazon tradebit warrior forum ioffer theses are just a few places you could use to build a list of buyers once you have a list that you provide value to you won't need to worry too much about search engines.
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  • Profile picture of the author RJSavoie

    Actually I've learn that many successful marketers don't even rely on search engines to make money online. Like you guys were saying, Facebook , article and similar methods are more likely to make you money then trying to get on the First page of Google.
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    • Profile picture of the author Gubaru
      If you're doing Local internet marketing and have your own products than Craigslist would also be a good source.
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  • Profile picture of the author MatthewNeer
    Just gotta get some old fashioned list building yo!

    Most def, as long as ya got stuff like Facebook PPC and other PPC networks and article directories, you should be aight! Might be a little hard to find that stuff with no Search Engines, but hey, you can most def do it!
    Three (3) Income Streams DFY
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    And Earns From 3 Income Streams
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  • Profile picture of the author Jkhurramov
    You never know untill it happens
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  • Profile picture of the author PeterBirganza
    Originally Posted by anuj438 View Post

    I was just wondering if we take Google completely out of IM, would people still be able to make the money that they are making today? Imagine a world without search engines. Your opinions please and how you'll be generating traffic in such a scenario?
    If Google will not be there than there are also many other search engines that can take over. Search engine like Yahoo has also its own worth and a good name in searching field. it`s not equal to Google but who knows that tomorrow it will be the biggest one as Google came very speedily in searching. You tube, twitter and many others are over there to make money and promote your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Ausin
    I think that in some way this is already happening. Tried to rank for anything even remotely competitive recently? That, of course, is only my experience, but it is way harder than it ever was - you can't just slap crap content and crap links and expect Google to rank you.

    In my opinion, Google is looking really close at the quality of your site and quality of links that point to your site.

    What I mean, is that Google manipulation as we know it is more or less over. Nowadays you need quality content that people actually read and enjoy, and for some methods this is as good as if Google was over.

    I'll agree with others that if the Google really blew up, even more IM would move to social networks, other search engines and so on.

    After all, the basic principle of our (and any) business is: find a need, sell a solution.
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  • Profile picture of the author michaelhenry1
    Internet marketing is nearly difficult without search engine such as Google and if i have to do internet marketing without search engines then i will prefer social media site such as Facebook,Twittor e.t.c to generate traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author JerrickYeoh
    Ofcourse they will. There is always a market there no matter in what search engine.
    But it maybe more niche compare to Google search engine. It still able to survive , just depend where is your target market. There still some country that do not use much on Google search engine.
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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    i think he simply means if you doid not advertise on Google not it google disappeared..

    any how yeah Google should only be a % of your traffic. Let's face it they live in their own bubble wotld and slap sites down on a whim.

    Media buys......look it up (in google) make it at least 50%+ of your traffic.

    15 Minute Forex Bar Trading System Free at

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  • Profile picture of the author RashmiP
    Internet marketing is unimaginable without Google. Is it?
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  • Profile picture of the author rnsinformatic
    As every one give their opinion.
    Here is mine too.
    Without Google internet marketing will be continue with a little fall down.
    But as you said without search engine, in that case Internet Marketing will dies. Search engine means How facebook search for a friend, business, group etc. If there will not be any search functionality in any of site then it become very hard to find new prospectus. But you don't worry. Search Engine will be there as long as Internet exist.
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  • Profile picture of the author dagaul101
    Since Google owns 65% of the searches, that would drastically reduce the avenue for profit
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    • Profile picture of the author Campaignmarket
      In my opinion I do not think Internet Marketing would die!

      Here is a few but strong reasons as to why:

      1/ Internet Marketing existed way before Google did!
      2/ Another search engine would just take its place! I remember the time before Google - do you? Yes Google is a mighty beast now! But there are other online areas for us IM's to make money online! Amazon for instance - it has a buyer based search engine! Besides like I said, another would just takes its place, Bing, Altavista, Yahoo! They're all big - just not as big as Google
      3/ Social Media still works - independently of Google!
      4/ Forums exists - they can also be found via other means than Google!
      5/ Need more reasons? Not a problem! Just look around this thread and I'm sure you get the picture!
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  • Profile picture of the author SchoolofKA
    If there wasn't Google, there would be another search engine to take its place whether it's Yahoo, Bing or something else.
    School of Kick A** | Make Money Like a Hustler [COMING SOON!]
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  • Profile picture of the author rnsinformatic
    As every one give their opinion.
    Here is mine too.
    Without Google internet marketing will be continue with a little fall down.
    But as you said without search engine, in that case Internet Marketing will dies. Search engine means How facebook search for a friend, business, group etc. If there will not be any search functionality in any of site then it become very hard to find new prospectus. But you don't worry. Search Engine will be there as long as Internet exist.
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  • Profile picture of the author flocon
    If there is no google, i would think that people who used google might use other methods to try to look for information/products. So I don't see it necessarily as a loss of users, but rather as a different allocation of traffic across the web.
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    • Profile picture of the author sublime311
      Without a search engine, internet would be chaotic!

      If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them... BRUCE LEE

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  • Profile picture of the author Ayesha F
    To the individual in business, potential customer's queries via search engines can mean great success, depending on how the business is positioned and how easily its products, websites, online ads, social media presence and blogs can be discovered. Every business with a website needs to appreciate the do-or-die relevance of having their business come up on the first page of a web search.
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  • Profile picture of the author jcamb
    It is amazing how many on this thread missed the point. The post owner did not literally mean what happens if google does not exist (dah another search engine would take its place, we would invent a search engine, yahoo will do it, etc crap). He meant what other methods do you use to generate internet traffic.

    so far all advice on this thread was of little use. some folks specifically mentioned ebay, facebook etc. I am selling a tangible product and none of these have helped me (facebook ads have to a certain degree but they cost too much).

    squidoo, hubpages is just a joke, you simply cannot generate traffic from these.

    Any real specific responses? How would you bring 50 visitors a day to a site selling a tangible, luxury product (a gift)?
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    • Profile picture of the author fenixpro
      Originally Posted by jcamb View Post

      It is amazing how many on this thread missed the point. The post owner did not literally mean what happens if google does not exist (dah another search engine would take its place, we would invent a search engine, yahoo will do it, etc crap). He meant what other methods do you use to generate internet traffic.

      so far all advice on this thread was of little use. some folks specifically mentioned ebay, facebook etc. I am selling a tangible product and none of these have helped me (facebook ads have to a certain degree but they cost too much).

      squidoo, hubpages is just a joke, you simply cannot generate traffic from these.

      Any real specific responses? How would you bring 50 visitors a day to a site selling a tangible, luxury product (a gift)?
      Yes, the OP's question is actually quite large and complex if one were to really delve into it. Partly because many of the means other than the search engines for driving traffic, such as websites themselves via banner ads, etc., wouldn't have the traffic that they do because A) most of them wouldn't exist and B) those that did wouldn't be found because most sites are primarily found via SE traffic.

      So to dumb it (or me) down and not complicate it with paradoxes, traffic would (and is) be driven by things like email marketing, social media (PPC and other means), and banner/text ads on sites themselves.

      Marketing is a lot of things, one of which is a numbers game. Untargeted traffic isn't junk, it's just more difficult to convert to specific offers. It's all a matter of taking what's available and directing it at what it will best work with.

      For instance, if I wanted to drive 50 prospects to a high end luxury item daily one way to do this would be with email marketing. The leads could come from newsletters, magazines, and other sources where they already exist and I could purchase them. Or alternatively, I could purchase cheaper and less converting leads via banner ads/PPC on sites or social media and have a funnel in place to get it down to the most qualified 50 leads per day. They might not purchase that day, but I could develop a relationship with them via email marketing or social media and some percentage would purchase down the road.

      Yes, things would be drastically different without G, but a lot of marketers currently make little of their 7 figure / year incomes off of anything related to Google.

      You Are Not Your Thoughts
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  • Profile picture of the author taskemann
    If Google would have disappeared, the other major search engines like Yahoo and Bing would have taken over Google's former market shares.

    So instead of Google as #1, we may would have Yahoo or Bing as #1.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eduard Stinga
    For my main business I don't get any clients from Google and I'm very proud of that. Forums, word of mouth, referrals, etc. Need to market some more, but obviously, nothing related to Google. It's not that I hate Google in itself, but I'm sometimes disgusted by people's eternal struggle to rank high on Google and I don't want to be part of it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jim Nariel
    The key is not to rely on one source of traffic.

    Yes Google as its the biggest search engine however also use other forms Youtube, facebook, twitter etc

    Therefore if your Google life falls through the floor you have other forms to keep you going - so it does not matter...
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  • Profile picture of the author kc33
    It would'nt die, it would just mean that people would stop selling wso's that claim to still rank you after "Google Panda, Penguin, Giraffe, Elephant..." Just start building your own tribe of followers and you will still be successful.
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  • Profile picture of the author sdessensm
    I do not think you can avoid Google, especially, when you are into search engine optimization business. You have to depend on Google for online or offline marketing of your website. However, you can minimize your dependency on Google by opting for social media marketing, blogging, and various other online marketing tools.
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  • I think the answer is clear from the above discussion. If there won't be Google, there are other measures which are already listed like:

    • Social media including facebook, twitter, etc.
    • Email marketing
    • Advertising
    • Blogging
    • Business Listing

    Other than internet marketing one can also opt for direct mail marketing practices as it is :
    • Quick to produce
    • Provides quicker response
    • Highly targeted
    • Less competition
    • More personal
    • Easy to respond to
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