FTC Warning for Affiliate Marketers

15 replies
Just posting a quick reminder, as I've come across quite a few affiliate blogs from Warrior Forum members without FTC disclosure policies. If you're new to affiliate marketing and own a website / blog, take a few minutes to write one up ASAP.

Better to be safe than sorry any day. If you need an example, have a look at mine:


- Matthew
#affiliate #ftc #marketers #warning
  • Profile picture of the author JR Consulting
    Kinda starts out like John Chow's disclosure policy.
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    • Profile picture of the author Matthew Loop
      Yeah... I read through quite few disclosure policies before I put mine together. I laughed so hard when I read John's. I snatched the images from Tim Ferriss blog since he gave readers permission

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      • Profile picture of the author James Sides
        A good tip!

        Just a head's up though. It is my understanding that the disclosure must be on the same page as the affiliate link.



        "People will remain the same until the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change."

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  • Profile picture of the author tmoby
    It's always good to remind people of this, because when your hit, it's usually hard.
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    • Profile picture of the author TryBPO
      Hey Matthew,

      I took a look at your site and really liked it. Particularly, I loved your travel pictures...I've been working on a collection of my own!

      I was wondering if you're open to guest blogging? Additionally, I was wondering if you'd want to or like to write a guest post on our blog as well: AdSense Flippers | AdSense Sites | Micro Websites | Selling Sites | Internet Businesses For Sale

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      • Profile picture of the author Matthew Loop
        Originally Posted by TryBPO View Post

        Hey Matthew,

        I took a look at your site and really liked it. Particularly, I loved your travel pictures...I've been working on a collection of my own!

        I was wondering if you're open to guest blogging? Additionally, I was wondering if you'd want to or like to write a guest post on our blog as well: AdSense Flippers | AdSense Sites | Micro Websites | Selling Sites | Internet Businesses For Sale

        Thanks Justin... Travel is my passion. If it's what you love, then do it more often! Occasionally, I do write guest blog posts when my schedule opens-up. I'll make a note to bookmark the site

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  • Profile picture of the author bogdan247
    Silly question maybe Does this FTC policy affect non-US citizens?
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    • Profile picture of the author HeySal
      Originally Posted by bogdan247 View Post

      Silly question maybe Does this FTC policy affect non-US citizens?
      I don't know how often they get people from other countries but I do know that they bagged a guy in Australia awhile back.

      If you are selling to Americans, the FTC can get to you - at least in some countries. Is it worth the risk that yours might or might not be one of them?

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      • Profile picture of the author Chris Worner
        Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

        I don't know how often they get people from other countries but I do know that they bagged a guy in Australia awhile back.

        If you are selling to Americans, the FTC can get to you - at least in some countries. Is it worth the risk that yours might or might not be one of them?
        While Australia and America do have cooperation agreements in place, Australian Government is not constitutionally allowed to help a foreign power prosecute one of its citizens. In order for the FTC to have successfully prosecuted and fined/jailed an Australian citizen in Australia, the defendant had to be in violation of Australian law.

        If you are referring to that payments processing guy who is also accused of embezzling millions of dollars, he was an idiot and arrested while in the US.


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        • Profile picture of the author Matthew Loop
          Originally Posted by Chris Worner View Post

          While Australia and America do have cooperation agreements in place, Australian Government is not constitutionally allowed to help a foreign power prosecute one of its citizens. In order for the FTC to have successfully prosecuted and fined/jailed an Australian citizen in Australia, the defendant had to be in violation of Australian law.

          Thanks for further clarification, Chris

          For the newest Facebook marketing tips that rapidly grow your online business visit my blog

          Click here to automate every aspect of your online marketing including, SEO, PPC, social media marketing, Facebook ads, article marketing, etc.

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  • Profile picture of the author Andrew O
    Has anyone seen evidence of ONE instance of a regular affiliate marketer receiving a warning or penalty from the FTC? It seems like the guidelines were changed for larger-scale operations, for example, company events where they give away items to bloggers in expectation of a positive review.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Andrew -

      It's like seat belt laws in some states. You might not get pulled over if you don't buckle up - but if pulled over for speeding your fine will be bigger if you aren't buckled up.

      The FTC may not come after small sites now but affiliate programs require the disclosure and violating those terms could be a problem.

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  • Profile picture of the author krjewellers
    I wasn't familiar with a scrilla, interesting. Good read, thanks for pointing this out.
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  • Profile picture of the author Will Leighton
    Thanks for the heads up, ill be sure to implement a page like this shortly.
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