The fastest way to lose affiliates (NEVER DO THIS)

6 replies

Seriously, what is wrong with you?

I can see maybe one, sincere recommendation that says "You know, i hate to promote, but this actually seriously worked for me".


For me, that is the fastest way to lose me as an affiliate, and if you worked hard to get me and other people to sign up and promote you, then it's also the biggest waste of your time.

Even more obnoxious? Having that list owner, promote one of your own products, back to you.

I know its good man, I made it, but I'm probably not going to buy it when I have 500 versions in a folder on my desktop.
#affiliates #fastest #lose
  • Profile picture of the author Buildingfutures
    But if you know its good, why not buy it at my price, which is significantly higher than yours?

    Haha, things like this make me laugh.

    Dont waste affiliates kids!

    Simple Mission Statement "Under the Radar and Over the Top!"
    Sean's Guide To The Forum
    Thoughts of a 22 Year Old Marketer

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  • A solid relationship with a good affiliate is almost a license to print money, no point in abusing it to make a few extra sales (not likely you would anyway)!

    Money isn't real, George. It doesn't matter. It only seems like it does.

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  • Profile picture of the author icjackson
    Very good advice!

    I am about to put my first product on ClickBank, and although I didn't plan on abusing my list, I see now that it's a very sensitive subject and I need to make sure that I really take care of my people.

    I'll try the opposite and try to give periodic freebies. Everyone likes to be taken care of, and if you're making me money, I should show you some love :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author dsmpublishing
    I never send out general promotions to my affiliate list as my affiliates are my gold and if they feel well looked after they will earn you lots of money.
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  • Profile picture of the author severt
    Always, I repeat, Always send your affiliates a free copy of whatever it is.
    Now, I don't mean all affiliates because there are a lot of "free seekers" out there. But if you have 30 affiliates, then just send them a free copy.
    Do you really care about 30 x $xx , 30 x $xxx or 30x $xxxx ???
    What if you lose 30 x 1000 but make 300 x 1000 with those affiliates?
    Think huge
    Never overlook the chase for the almighty dollar.
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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Lockwood
      Originally Posted by severt View Post

      Always, I repeat, Always send your affiliates a free copy of whatever it is.
      Now, I don't mean all affiliates because there are a lot of "free seekers" out there. But if you have 30 affiliates, then just send them a free copy.
      OK, how do we determine who these 30 people are? Just anyone who signed up for an email list about your affiliate program?

      "Even more obnoxious? Having that list owner, promote one of your own products, back to you."

      Call me crazy, but I like it when people promote my products. That usually means I'll be making money. It's not a problem, since I can spot my own products and know not to buy them since I already have them.

      I can think of faster ways to lose affiliates- how about ignoring emails from potential affiliates? For example, someone writing in asking how to sign up for your affiliate program, or someone having trouble like not being able to access the affiliates' area?

      The latter just happened to me the other day- I signed up, could not login to get my aff links using the password I had just created, the password retrieval did not work, and I got no emails from the system about any of that... wrote to the affiliate manager about it and have not heard anything in several days, and this is after telling them I already bought the product and a $997 upsell. I see others promoting the stuff, but I can't get my freaking aff link for it... that bothers me a lot more than if they were sending me ads.
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