26 replies
Hey everyone,

I wanted to make a post to see if anyone is having similar issues as I am, in regards to finding time to work on your IM. I work 8:30-5:30 M-F as a mechanical engineer and am always busy/away from home on the weekends. I try to work on my sites four a couple hours every day after work but this is proving more and more difficult trying to balance work/IM/time with wife.

I am only 25 years old and have certain goals I want to achieve and feel IM is my best option to reach those goals. After 1 year of failing at this I am now just starting to see some decent success, but with my new job I am having a hard time finding time to work on this.

Does anyone have similar issues? How do you manage?

*thinking about buying an ipad or something so I can work on my sites when I am away from home
#finding #time
  • Profile picture of the author lstoops
    OH YES I have those issues too as I'm sure many people do. I just make my business a priority and get as much accomplished in the time I have. I have time in the morning and in the evening and I set specific goals and do them.

    For example, I have X amount of articles to write. I must write those articles within that time that I have dedicated for the business. No Twitter, Facebook, Warrior Forum, TV, etc. etc. Plus, it helps to have a service based business too because you have to get client work done.
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  • Profile picture of the author BloggingPro
    Start outsourcing. When I first started I was doing everything. Keyword research, site building, content creation and SEO.

    So I took the most brutal task and outsourced it. Then I got tired of spending all of my time writing, so I outsourced my content creation. Today I simply do the keyword research and build the sites, however, I am on the verge of outsourcing that.

    You can get great results from this very forum for very reasonable prices, so I would encourage you to check out the Warrior for Hire section right away.
    You're going to fail. If you're afraid of failure then you do not belong in the Internet Marketing Business. Period.
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  • Profile picture of the author Peggy Baron
    This is an issue for a lot of us! I found it easiest for me to get up earlier to get some time in during the wee hours. That meant cheating sleep some days/nights and just going to be a little earlier on others.

    You've got to take your time in small batches - but make them really productive.

    Good luck to you.
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    • Profile picture of the author scorpions84
      Originally Posted by Peggy Baron View Post

      but make them really productive.
      Love about this.

      If I really focused in doing what needs to be done, no FB, chat, Youtube, etc. I can make a complete website in 2-3hours time, given that I outsourced the written articles.

      Although this rarely happen to me.

      Design your IT Network here. Whether it's hosting business, internet marketer with its own server, I'll be able to help you.

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      • Profile picture of the author Gubaru
        I see what your saying Scorpion. So many people in IM get distracted instead of focusing on the task at hand. I also need to improve on my discipline to get work completed. Personally I'm thinking about taking a time management course.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    I also agree with the above. I get most of my work done in the early hours of the morning whether it be working through the night or waking up early. You get so much more done when the rest of the city is asleep. No distractions at all.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dimitris Skiadas
    Originally Posted by carp104 View Post

    Hey everyone,

    I wanted to make a post to see if anyone is having similar issues as I am, in regards to finding time to work on your IM. I work 8:30-5:30 M-F as a mechanical engineer and am always busy/away from home on the weekends. I try to work on my sites four a couple hours every day after work but this is proving more and more difficult trying to balance work/IM/time with wife.

    I am only 25 years old and have certain goals I want to achieve and feel IM is my best option to reach those goals. After 1 year of failing at this I am now just starting to see some decent success, but with my new job I am having a hard time finding time to work on this.

    Does anyone have similar issues? How do you manage?

    *thinking about buying an ipad or something so I can work on my sites when I am away from home
    I am in the EXACT same position as you are buddy.I totally get how you feel.Don't worry, you are not alone nor the only one feeling this way.Here in Greece the time now is 19:00.I just got back from my day M-F job.I left home at 08:00.Now i am feeling exremely tired to do a single thing.I feel very sleepy...But you know what i am doing right now?

    I am in the Warrior forum,reading new stuff, trying to help others,answering questions etc.This thing relaxes me,believe it or not.So, in my opinion,find something you like.This maybe is hanging out with your wife,drinking a coffee with your best friend,bowling,playing basketball,it could be really anything!

    Do whatever you like for a couple of hours and then when you start feeling more relaxed,start your business!And definitely outsource, if you can't manage everything!

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  • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
    you will find time if you want money!

    Believe me. You will find time!

    Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000 MobileSalesSoftware.com
    Invest in domains without the hard work !
    Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

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  • Profile picture of the author Boston Joe
    A focus booster app like this may help you. It is along the lines of what lstoops was saying:

    A Quick Tip To Boost Focus & Productivity

    It allows you to set time limits on certain tasks. It is great for time management.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jkhurramov
    Why haven't you still quit your job?
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  • Profile picture of the author AmandaT
    Most of my issues come from cooking, cleaning, taking care of kids, and still working on my IM. I have a few tips.

    -A laptop or netbook is a great idea. Don't let work run your life, but the ability to pull out that laptop and work while you are away from home really helps. I especially like that I can work even when I'm at a friend's house if nothing is going on.
    -Make a schedule and stick to it. Sit down with your wife to work out what hours are "IM hours" and don't do anything else during those hours.
    -Get rid of distractions. Personally, I use a time management technique where I work for 25 minutes and then get a five minute break. I use that to check my email and facebook. After the five minutes is up, exit all of that and get back to work. After two hours, a 15 minute break. After 4, a half hour break. Of course, you can switch this up to work with your schedule.
    -Don't be afraid to break up your hours. Work an hour before you get ready for work and an hour after you get home. They don't need to be back to back, though normally it is easier for someone to get more work done in a solid block.
    -If you can afford it, outsource. You can outsource as much or as little as you want. This will free up time, but don't do it unless you can afford it.
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  • Profile picture of the author MatthewNeer
    First off, the title of this post is ALL WRONG!

    Instead of "Finding Time For IM", it should be...

    "MAKING Time For IM!"

    You gotta handle business man, don't try to find time, cause "TRYING" keeps the door open for failure, ya digg?

    "MAKING" it happen sets your mindset up for success.

    Meaning, NO MATTER WHAT! Each day you are gonna put in a minimum of X amount of hours. Ya feel me?
    Three (3) Income Streams DFY
    New FREE Website Builds Your List
    And Earns From 3 Income Streams
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    • Profile picture of the author Scott Lambency
      Originally Posted by MatthewNeer View Post

      First off, the title of this post is ALL WRONG!

      Instead of "Finding Time For IM", it should be...

      "MAKING Time For IM!"

      You gotta handle business man, don't try to find time, cause "TRYING" keeps the door open for failure, ya digg?

      "MAKING" it happen sets your mindset up for success.

      Meaning, NO MATTER WHAT! Each day you are gonna put in a minimum of X amount of hours. Ya feel me?
      Exactly. You've got to handle your business.

      You make yourself rich, or you make your boss rich.

      Outsource, for sure... focus on your money making purposes, like copywriting and product creation. Outsource the details like articles, backlinks, traffic, etc...

      I find that, even though I usually sleep in until the middle of the afternoon, that mornings (or right after waking up) are the time of day when I've got the most energy.

      After a full 8 or 10 hours of working at a job, your mind is not going to be as sharp as it is right after you wake up. You'll also be physically tired, so you'll have less energy and focus.

      Set a mini block of time in the morning before you go to work to take care of your IM goals for the day. Wake up a few hours early if that's what it takes.

      You've got to want it. You've got to have nothing less than a burning desire for success to stand a chance in this game. No one else is going to build your multi-million dollar internet empire for you.

      So pay yourself first. Two hours of your day, your first two hours after waking up... sipping coffee and marketing

      Greatness is difficult to appreciate from close up. The great mountain on the horizon is only the ground when you are standing on it.

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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    Set up a schedule and try your best to follow it! Break bad habits and have someone hold you accountable for your action.
    I offer CPA coaching and investment opportunities for those SERIOUSLY interested in making money directly or indirectly with affiliate marketing. PM me for details.

    Read More about CPA/Affiliate Marketing on my Blog
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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    if you buy traffic then it's simply a matter of managing it. 30 mins tops per day....

    15 Minute Forex Bar Trading System Free at

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  • Profile picture of the author Liam Murray
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    • Profile picture of the author Alan Ashwood
      Like yourself I work days, all seven of them. As I'm self employed I've been able to re-adjust my clock so that now I work till about 6.00pm, then spend some quailty family time.

      When the last child is in bed at about 9.30pm, my IM day starts. I actually work 5 or 6 nights from about 10.00pm till 4.00am. There are no distractions and no TV - bliss. The seventh night I sleep.

      I then start a little later, about 10.00am - 11.00am for the day job (still need the dosh).

      I take this business very seriously, but I know the learning curve is steep.

      I liken it to a newborn:
      Helpless in the beginning - then it crawls - cruises - toddles - walks - runs. But it never gives up. It focusses on the next task, and the next task only, and goes for it. We can all learn from that baby.
      1. Avoid Distractions
      2. Focus on the next thing you need
      3. Work to learn/start that thing till it works
      4. Find the next task
      5. Recycle

      There are some pretty good time management tips here, I suggest you take some notes, and apply those that you need, and you can fit around your new enterprise.

      Good luck


      Time vs Money.
      The more money you have, the quicker it can happen. But if you are tight for cash, things will take longer. Either one is an investment worthwhile.
      Now where did I put that pencil?

      Time for a cuppa.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dave777
    Micro manage... Start using your Time and Monies more Creatively! ...

    Your New niche called Job income(s) investing into your Future...

    As suggested! ... Invest a reasonable % of income, from your mechanical engineering profession, slowly increasing, balancing and Expanding into your Preferred business models...

    The Key is building and Focusing on one {Smart} Money making idea, business model at a time! ...

    Once idea #1 is Perfected and well operated and managed, slowly expand into Multiple streams of income(s)...

    All kinds of Benefits from Working at work & in Growing your Network of businesses too at the Same time...

    All the best...
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  • Profile picture of the author prbinc
    I am struggling with similar time management issues. I work a full time job and appreciate all those that do IM and work full time. I have found myself falling behind on what I want to get done. Thanks to all of you for the many helpful tips. i plan to use them going forward. I will become a full time IM professional and give up my day job.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    Its all about managing your time.

    Even if you spend 1 hour a day on something for a week, that is 7 hours you worked on soemthing.

    Pretty cool when you think about it like that.
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  • Profile picture of the author lowkey786
    best advice I would say is get your sites outsourced, pay someone to maintain your sites and do all the work if you don't have the time. Leveraging other people to work for your business is the best way to go and manage your time more freely. You can go to elance or odesk to hire people to work on your sites.
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    • Profile picture of the author Canuckystan
      You are 25, married, with no kids?

      You have more time and energy NOW then you will have for the remainder of your life (especially when the rugrats come along).

      I work from 8:30pm to 11pm 4 days per week which is plenty of time, and I'm older, have the kids, etc etc.
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      • Profile picture of the author John F Kennedy
        I know exactly where you're coming from with this, it is very difficult to juggle yourself when you're starting out.

        The key for me was to write down a realistic action plan. I spent months in the beginning flittering between tasks and getting nowhere fast. But, if you don't yet have children it should be a strole...?

        A few pointers:-

        1. At the end of the week write down a realistic set of achievable tasks to complete on a daily basis.
        2. Be disciplined and finish on whatever time you set yourself, finished or not.
        3. Stick to one task for one evening, if you finish early, go over it, tweak it if necessary. If you don't finish, pick up where you left off next time, no big deal.
        4. If you find yourself backing up, consistently not finishing, be more realistic next time you make your list as it will soon dampen your morale.
        5. Be organised! File everything, digitally and manually. It may seem painful but will save you hours.
        6. Give yourself days off, give the wife some me time.
        7. Outsource where you can providing you can afford Fiverr Don't ever feel that you are somehow failing because you do either. Always remember leverage is key here.

        Hope this helps in some way.

        Ohh, and don't give up, not ever...!
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  • Profile picture of the author Goldenboy
    You should set your priorities. From my point of view, your current work would most likely pay well so I guess there is no need to be a full-time internet marketer. Buying an i-pad is a good idea but its not really necessary. Like I said, set your priorities and create a doable schedule. Your still young and need not to be on the rush but a slow but sure pace in building an IM career is a good start.
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  • Profile picture of the author koppster
    I think everyone has the problem prioritize and discipline.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Miranda
    Treat it like a real business as it is and you will find time!
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    • Profile picture of the author shaunyb1
      The only thing I can add to this is that you can get up earlier each day. I regularly get up at 5.15am to spend 1-2 hours on IM before the wife and kids get up, then its all hell.

      When something excites you, you will want to make it happen. My first ever site I made 10 years ago had me up at 4am every saturday and sunday for 6 months as I grew it.

      it will happen.. just jump over those hurdles a little quicker.
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