How long did it take you?

by OT2131
8 replies
Hey everyone,

I started online last Aug. 2010....I've learned a lot since then and am beginning to understand the whole internet marketing world. I currently have 5 niche blogs set up but am struggling getting traffic. I probably only get about 5 visitors a day to each blog. I've made only around $250 total since I started back in August....What tools would you guys recommend for a beginner to generate more traffic? Also, how long did it take some of you to generate monthly income of say $100 a month?

Thanks Alot!
  • Profile picture of the author Kecia
    What traffic generation methods are you currently using?
    Signature - Blogger. Content Creator. Social Media Enthusiast.
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    • Profile picture of the author laurie390
      Without knowing what you're already doing for traffic, I"ll just throw out some strategies.

      Article marketing - writing articles and submitting them to article directories
      Do guest blogging on other related blogs
      Leave good quality blog comments on related blogs
      Join forums within your niche and be one who offers good, helpful information to others

      Laurie Neumann
      Huge PLR Closeout Sale at Quality Internet Marketing PLR

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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Originally Posted by OT2131 View Post

    Also, how long did it take some of you to generate monthly income of say $100 a month?
    Don't worry about how long it took others to generate a certain amount of income. It is totally irrelevant to you and your situation. There will be some people on this forum who have been doing IM for years and made next to nothing. Then there will be those who have only been in IM for a short amount of time but are making a killing.

    It all comes down to you and how much action you take. Nothing else.
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    • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      Don't worry about how long it took others to generate a certain amount of income. It is totally irrelevant to you and your situation. There will be some people on this forum who have been doing IM for years and made next to nothing. Then there will be those who have only been in IM for a short amount of time but are making a killing.

      It all comes down to you and how much action you take. Nothing else.
      This is about right I think ^

      If you compare yourself with others especially when you are starting out it will get you down if you are finding it hard to make money online.

      I would get a bit of A4 paper (or any size:p) and write down exactly what you have done since last August to make money online.

      There is no push button traffic generation method - everything takes work whether you do it yourself or outsource it.

      However the good news is that you will find more than enough on this forum to make way more than $250 a day if you implement them and work hard.

      So what have you currently done/doing for traffic and where do you need help?

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    • Profile picture of the author meerkat29
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      Don't worry about how long it took others to generate a certain amount of income. It is totally irrelevant to you and your situation. There will be some people on this forum who have been doing IM for years and made next to nothing. Then there will be those who have only been in IM for a short amount of time but are making a killing.
      Absolutely agree.
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  • Profile picture of the author MissLauraCatella
    Social media may be helpful in your quest for traffic, but the best thing to do is think specifically about the type of blogs you've got and go to the places your readers' hang out, like related forums. If you find other popular blogs in your niche, see about posting a guest article there as well.

    It's always best to be specific to your target crowd instead of throwing a bunch of crap at the wall and seeing what sticks, imho.

    As far as your other question goes, it took me a while to have at least a steady $100/month come in from IM, because I made that all-too-common mistake of doing 892058230985 things at once and starting way more projects than I finished.

    After about 8-9 months of stubbing my toe with that sort of thing I focused, streamlined, and now... am never going to work a traditional job in my life. Keep at it and good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author RichardF
    I agree with WillR - it's different for everyone. Some people make a killing in their first month and are basically set for life, others have to struggle for years and yet others never make it at all.

    The fact that you've made $250 so far is GREAT though, it means you're doing something right. Since you mention niche blogs I assume you're going to go for search engine traffic mainly. In that case read up on backlinking techniques and decide to build at least a couple of new links every day. Eventually you'll rise in the SERPs and get more traffic (providing the keywords you've chosen are good).

    Need a writer who really understands the Internet marketing niche?
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  • Profile picture of the author LauraJames
    Please stop comparing your marketing path to others. Use your energies to improve yourself, both personally and professionally. Without question, people are attracted to those who believe in themselves...the true leaders.

    Do not dismiss the idea of going into business for yourself. As someone who has worked with individuals and the owners of small to medium sized business, please know there are numerous options for you.

    I do not want to post anything that is not acceptable, and that includes this forum. Please know I mean no offence by anything I have posted here.

    I recently wrote a few blog posts dealing with getting traffic to websites: Podcast Traffic and Helpful Tips For Increased Website Traffic. I hope these will be helpful. Best wishes to you.

    Chief Executive Officer
    Best Designed Blogs
    Based in Canada and the USA
    None of our work is outsourced

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