Ideas needed for Real Estate marketing site

6 replies
hi there, I am in need of some ideas for a website/page to go with our real estate business.

this will showcase our current listings. I want it to be exclusive and cool looking, NOT like the standard cheesy realtor sites that simply import the MLS information. I want to be able to post up animoto videos of the property(s), descriptions, photos, and I want to have a contact form to schedule a private showing. these are for homes 600k+.

our current website is Get Out Of Foreclosure Today!

i also have the above with /heather

this is the blog on WP. maybe I can use that somehow?

It needs to be easy for me to edit, update. i do not understand how to upload files to the server and all that stuff. Im a click and drag kind of guy.

any ideas?

can I add a /properties to our website and have someone design something or can I use the WP blog to showcase the propertys?

any info is appreciated or feedback from other RE pros and brokers, thanks
#estate #ideas #marketing #needed #real #site
  • Profile picture of the author allenjohn
    Hi - There are plenty of WP themes you can use to showcase. I would also recommend 360 videos of properties. Have seen it used elsewhere to great effect. I would also recommend the Warriors For Hire section here to help you put this together... regards Allen

    Make Money with Niche Blogs Auto Profit - Let us build YOUR auto blogging empire for you. BUY BACK GUARANTEE for Gold Orders! FAQ - NEW! - One Way Link Building Service

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  • Profile picture of the author Gayl
    Dear the best real estate marketing ideas are using technology to streamline the selling process and make more money with less cost on ads. To win in this industry long term you have to stay ahead of the competition and be will to go that extra step that all the others won’t do from fear.
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  • Profile picture of the author cryst
    Real Estate Has really High CPC Rates....try to post threat on WFO u can find someone who can complete your work....
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  • Profile picture of the author HotDamnShortSales
    yes im paying about 5.00 CPC for adwords. keywords, avoid foreclosure,stop foreclosure, short sale, what is a short sale, short sale process, etc.

    However, like I said, we converted those leads, one is an 800k short sale. So, it works and is worth it to me. NOW I need to market those houses, so far so good though. we also do direct mail with some pretty cool looking templates. you can see more about our RE biz by entering my username as the URL.

    thanks all
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  • Profile picture of the author HotDamnShortSales
    thanks for the info, here is what we used to great effect coupled with adwords

    here is the site we used, you can choose the domain name of your property address. we SOLD this house through this website and directly from adwords. I asked the lady. she said she "googled" "4 bedroom house evanston" our adwords came up, she clicked it, emailed us, we emailed back, we called her, she came to house, that night she put in contract, we are closing end of the month.

    729 Brown, Evanston
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