Newsletters or Safelists? What's better for solo ads?
Assumption 1: I am not talking about a certain ezine or a certain safelist. There are good newsletters and bad newsletters. Probably there are good safelists and bad safelists. [I'm an ezine publisher but I never used safelists. Therefore my opinion on safelists is an outsider's opinion.]
Here it's my logic:
Assumption 2: When you advertise, the target is the reader, OK? So we need to talk about the potential reader.
Q1: Why that "potential reader" subscribes to a certain ezine?
A1: In order to ...
a) get information on a certain topic (Subscriber type 1) or
b) get some freebies (Subscriber type 2)
Q2: Why the "potential reader" joins a safelist?
A2: In order to send her/his own solo adverts (Subscriber type 3)
Now let's look at the potential readers and especially at their goals.
From an advertiser's perspective I will always want the potential reader to be "Subscriber type 1".
Reason: Susbcriber type 2 and Subscriber type 3 are most likely to never read anything, joining the newsletter/safelist using a throw away email address, while Subscriber type 1 wants information so she/he is most likely to read some of the emails sent to her/him.
My conclusion: Taking into account the above reasons (not others), the Ezines are better than Safelists when we talk about advertising.
Fact # 1 about safelists: there are special email addresses created for safelists users, where the junk (that's advertiser's solo ad!) is deleted automatically daily.
Fact # 2 about safelists: there are special tools that join thousands of safelists on your behalf, confirm your membership, delete automatically the junk, and send your ads.
I'm sure that not all safelists users use these 2 tools, but the above facts # 1 & 2 are more evidences for my conclusion.
Now what do you think? If you have more pro or con arguments, please post them.
If possible, when you reply take into consideration the following:
1) this thread is NOT about Ezine Articles
2) I'm not claiming that the safelists don't work (I honestly don't know whether they work or not)
Adrian Jock -
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