[Moderator Warning] READ THIS NOW
Some idiot just posted a "discount offer" for a popular article submitting product. The text link said it went to an ad in the Warrior Products and Services section. The real link went to a page at http://warriorforum.zzl.org.
That page was an exact copy of the log-in page for this forum.
Not content to spam the crap out of the place, this scumbag wants to steal your account. You may be certain this will not be the only such attempt. Be extremely cautious of where you are when you intend to log in to this forum, or any other site.
If they're doing it here, the same people will be doing it on other forums.
The part of the address appearing immediately prior to the first / after http:// should be www.warriorforum.com. No variants. It's best that you type it in yourself or load the page from a bookmark, as it's easy to miss things like warrliorforum or warr1orforum or warriorf0rum, warriorform, etc.
There's a lot more at stake for many of you than just your WF account in a situation like this. It's way too common for people to use their main email addresses here, along with the password they use for multiple sites. (Hint: Different password for every site!)
I guarantee you, there are hundreds of people here who use their Paypal address as the address in their forum profiles, and have the same password for both. Let the creeps get hold of that, and you lose a lot more than just this account.
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