Boost your productivity in 2009 - A free gift from me to you.

28 replies
Merry Christmas Warriors!

As we're all gearing up for 2009, I'm getting ready to launch my new monthly PLR membership that provides self-help workers and marketers with unique brainwave entrainment products to rebrand, resell, and profit from every month.

I have created a unique set of 5 audios to give away and build a list, but as a gift to warriors I thought I'd let you grab them all - no strings attached. One warning though, the files can be quite big if you're on dial-up or a slow connection.

All audios from this set are 10 minutes in lenght, and use advanced isochronic tones to induce entrainment, so no need for bulky headphones here, just press play and enjoy the session.

File titles should be self-explanatory

#2009 #boost #free #gift #productivity
  • Profile picture of the author Raymond Edeh
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[358909].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Tenzo
      Thanks Alex! I actually have a section on my iPod for B.E. tracks. Very generous.


      Roses are planted where thorns grow,
      And on the barren heath
      Sing the honey bees.
      –”The Marriage of Heaven and Hell,” William Blake

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  • Profile picture of the author Alexandre Valois
    A pleasure to give back! All of this would have never been possible without the Warrior Forum. Plus, being away from my relatives this Christmas, I kinda miss giving away presents
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  • Profile picture of the author NashRyker
    Much appreciation for the gifts. I have never listened to B.E., but I'm looking forward to it. Downloading now...
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexandre Valois
    Stephen, please let me know how it works for you, I'm always looking for more feedback.

    Also, to those who are new to brainwave entrainment, here are a few guidelines;

    - This stuff really works, so treat it like a tool and not a toy. Resist the urge to listen to deep relaxation inducing tracks while driving or operating machinery, arright?

    - Minor discomfort and/or headaches may happen at first, or after prolonged use of the audio. Everyone reacts differently, but this is mostly due to the increased blood flow to the brain caused by the entrainment. Eventually you will adapt to it and the discomfort will go away.

    - Keep a pitcher of water ready and hydrate yourself regularly. Drinking water before, during and after the session will also help prevent the side effects described above.

    - Depending on individuals, you should start feeling the entrainment effects within the first 3 to 5 minutes of the session.

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  • Profile picture of the author Alexandre Valois
    Anyone else ?

    Just a bump, as I'm sure many more people can actually benefit from this gift.

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  • Profile picture of the author Alexandre Valois
    To those who could not access the gifts earlier, the server issue has now been solved and all downloads should now work properly.
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    • Profile picture of the author sylviad
      Great gift idea...

      but you've exceeded your bandwidth so I can't get to them.

      :: Got a dog? Visit my blog. Dog Talk Weekly
      :: Writing, Audio Transcription Services? - Award-winning Journalist is taking new projects. Warrior Discounts!
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    • Profile picture of the author EndGame

      I think the server issue is still happening, as I just get a message saying that you have exceeded your bandwidth and hence I can't download them.

      I'd be prepared to pay for this stuff if there is an associated cost with improving your bandwidth.


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  • Profile picture of the author Alexandre Valois
    Wow, ok, let me check this out ...

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  • Profile picture of the author milamber
    Thanks for the great gifts Alex as i read on comments of other people who got your gift already, its an interesting one. Im downloading it and i got slow connection but i'll wait to see what's inside it. Thank you again
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  • Profile picture of the author Learnanew
    Wow, thank you for your kindness!

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  • Profile picture of the author AndyCamden
    Thanks you for the gift man! GIve and you shall receive....
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  • Profile picture of the author Wayne Trute
    Freebies! Love it
    Thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author MaryK
    Thank you for sharing such a wonderful gift
    Mary K Gill Latest book: The Twelve Natural Laws of the Universe - achieve all your desires for less than the price of coffee and cake. P.S. It only fattens your mind, not your thighs.
    Mindset Power Site
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    • Profile picture of the author EndGame

      Again thanks for the generosity.


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  • Profile picture of the author traces2757
    I am just getting into the brain entrainment thing. It's trippy! I absolutely love it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexandre Valois
    Traces, please let me know how these audios do for you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Joel Gray
    Thanks Alex

    "Punish The Deed, Not The Breed"

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  • Profile picture of the author Alexandre Valois
    Always a pleasure to give Joel, I'm glad that you enjoy these audios.
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    • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
      I'd never heard of BE before. Sounds really interesting. I've downloaded the files. Thanks. I'll try them with caution to start with.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexandre Valois
    Rosetrees, please let me know how these audios go for you, you might be positively surprised with the results

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  • Profile picture of the author onlinemlmrockstar

    Christopher Reid
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexandre Valois
    Happy holidays to you too Spike. Hope you enjoy the gift.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joel Chue
    Curious... is your PLR membership site ready now?
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexandre Valois
    Joel, not yet!

    Official launching date is Jan. 5th
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  • Profile picture of the author Joel Chue
    I see. Your payment link is live though.
    What topics are we looking at every month?

    What would be the first few BE tracks be available next month?
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexandre Valois
    Joel - Not to high-jack this thread, I'm sending you a PM.

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