SEMRush "Cost %" Metric?

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I'm having a bit of bother understanding the "Cost %" measure in an SEMRush report. Their site says:

Costs % (organic) - The ratio of the estimated cost of buying the same number of visitors for this search query to the estimated cost of purchasing the same number of targeted visitors coming to this site from Google search results

Are they saying the numerator is an estimate of what it costs me to get X visitors through SEO and organic efforts only; and the denominator is how much it would cost me if I were to flat out buy X visitors in AdWords using the same keyword phrase?

If the latter is true, it would mean that a Cost % result of 33.3% indicates that for every current dollar I spend on getting the traffic organically for a particular keyword phrase, it would cost me $3.00 to get the same amount of traffic through Adwords. Does that sound right?


#cost % #metric #semrush

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