Need Help. Flopped Membership site
I was trying to create a membership site but I failed miserably.
What I tried to do:
1: I am selling a membership to have thousands of resale rights, MRR and PLR and my IM advice.
2: I soft launched my site to my untargeted list. ZERO signup.
3: I think my offer was not good.
I've been thinking about how I can still make this work and this are the options I came up with:
1: Sell a lifetime membership
I can sell the lifetime membership for 5 cents per product.
So for example, I now have 220 products, so at 5 cents each it will only cost $11 to join (one time payment).
When I add more products, the cost for the buyer goes down as well.
In this example, when I have 2200 products, the member that bought it at $11 would have only paid half a cent per product.
When I increase my number of products, I will increase this price. example, when I have 300, the price will increase to $15
2: Forget about membership and just sell products at 99 cents each
3: Sell a $5 membership and limit the download to 20 products per month. That means the member is paying 25 cents per download. I think that what the majority of people who use this type of products would not use more than 20 products per month.
4: Quit and shutdown the site.
My questions to warriors, what option would you go for? Do you have any more suggestion?
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Warmest Regards
Dax Cheng
Warmest Regards
Dax Cheng
Warmest Regards
Dax Cheng