help me tidy up my wordpress site...please?

11 replies
hey guys hope u are all doing really well after this christmas

i need some assistance if anyone is kind enough to give some advice, i have created a site recently in wordpress and well lets say its looking a little rough and needs some touching up

find it here

if u look at it u will understand what i mean, i need to get rid of some stuff on it like the login section etc and also my adsense ads dont quite fit as well as i would like

seeing it will make more sense, could anyone suggest anything?

thanks a lot
#siteplease #tidy #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author lisawood
    what do you want your site to accomplish?
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    • Profile picture of the author lazavas
      Originally Posted by lisawood View Post

      what do you want your site to accomplish?
      hey lisa

      well to be honest its for adsense, basically a little project of mine i been working on, i just want to make it a little neater before i start promoting it

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  • Profile picture of the author lisawood
    You need some targeted content - text that uses your keywords so that search engines (and people) will find you. It looks like you've just got video, and that's not going to get you the results you want.

    Clean up the theme - there are images overlapping other images. Make the banner ads fit better.

    It looks like you're still working on this site because the header links don't work...definitely finish this before you promote it

    Good luck!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[360221].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author lazavas
      Originally Posted by lisawood View Post

      You need some targeted content - text that uses your keywords so that search engines (and people) will find you. It looks like you've just got video, and that's not going to get you the results you want.

      Clean up the theme - there are images overlapping other images. Make the banner ads fit better.

      It looks like you're still working on this site because the header links don't work...definitely finish this before you promote it

      Good luck!

      lisa thanks for that

      maybe i didnt word my post correctly, what i am actually after is some advice on how to clean up the site and make it more presentable before i promote it, i realise i need to do this but looking for advice on how to do it lol

      cheers for your response and feedback
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      • Profile picture of the author ThomM
        Use sidebar widgets, that would be the easiest way to eliminate the login.
        Also see what your content width is in the theme's CSS file and adjust your adsense code accordingly.

        Life: Nature's way of keeping meat fresh
        Getting old ain't for sissy's
        As you are I was, as I am you will be
        You can't fix stupid, but you can always out smart it.

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        • Profile picture of the author pearsonbrown
          Most of the videos you have there look to me like copyright material. Ok, they get posted to YouTube by third parties but that doesn't make it right to use them. I doubt that Adsense will agree to this.

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          • Profile picture of the author lazavas
            Originally Posted by pearsonbrown View Post

            Most of the videos you have there look to me like copyright material. Ok, they get posted to YouTube by third parties but that doesn't make it right to use them. I doubt that Adsense will agree to this.

            thanks guys for replies

            hmmmmmm thats an interesting point, how would i check for copyright? i was following a video tutorial and it basically said if there is an embed code it should be ok to use the videos, does that make sense?

            thanks to everyone that replied
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  • Profile picture of the author KenJ
    Hi Lazavas

    As Pearson says you need to check the copyright side of things.

    To get rid of the meta section just edit the theme in your wordpress panel. If you do not how to do this ask here or at for some help.

    The site does look a bit clunky and a bit of money spent now making look good will help it go better.

    By the way as a Reading fan "Come on you Royals!" I thought that you could have the goals categorised by the teams
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  • Profile picture of the author Mohsin Rasool

    To get the adsense fit in right, you need to change the adsense format...
    instead of Leaderboard (728 x 90) select Banner (468 x 60) for your ads
    in google...
    here are different ad formats info from google

    Also in google you can change the background color and text color to
    match the theme color you are using in your blog.

    As far as removing the stuff from the sidebar is....
    From Design> Widgets in your admin panel of wordpress
    you can remove the widgets like Meta Info, and ....

    If this code is hard coded in your theme's sidebar,
    then you need to click... Theme Editor, select sidebar.php
    and remove the related code....

    If you do not know how to do this
    let me know may i can help you with it.

    Mohsin | Warrior Marketing Solutions
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    • Profile picture of the author raynman
      This post was incredibly good for someone that is also working on developing different blogs. Getting content for it isn't difficult. It has been finding ways to make them look good. Thanks for sharing that. It may be obvious to people that have been at this for a long time but for newbs it is incredibly valuable
      Originally Posted by Mohsin Rasool View Post


      To get the adsense fit in right, you need to change the adsense format...
      instead of Leaderboard (728 x 90) select Banner (468 x 60) for your ads
      in google...
      here are different ad formats info from google

      Also in google you can change the background color and text color to
      match the theme color you are using in your blog.

      As far as removing the stuff from the sidebar is....
      From Design> Widgets in your admin panel of wordpress
      you can remove the widgets like Meta Info, and ....

      If this code is hard coded in your theme's sidebar,
      then you need to click... Theme Editor, select sidebar.php
      and remove the related code....

      If you do not know how to do this
      let me know may i can help you with it.

      Mohsin | Warrior Marketing Solutions
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  • Profile picture of the author JOhnny Depth
    You could choose your Adsense template. Choose something that would fit your site.
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