Forum sigs vs profile links

6 replies
Hi folks,

I was wondering if anyone can tell me their experience in attracting traffic through profile links as opposed to forum sigs. I just joined a forum (with the intent of participating intelligently to promote my website) but they don't allow sigs.

I want to know if having a profile link would still be effective, and how effective is it compared to a signature?
#forum #links #profile #sigs
  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Well a profile link is only going to be shown on one page - a page that people rarely visit. A signature link can be shown under every post you make so the more active you are, the more people will see your link and the more beneficial it will be to you and your product.
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    • Profile picture of the author TroelsJepsen
      I don't mean to kill your motivation, but I'm afraid it wouldn't be very effective. How many times have you even looked at a forum profile page? I'm not sure, if I've ever done that. To compare, I've probably clicked 5-10 signature links just this week here on WF.

      Unfortunately many forum admins do not like, that people are using their forums for commercial purposes. Except off course for forums like this, were being commercial and making money, is what it's all about.
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      • Profile picture of the author hikerguy777
        I would suggest getting to know the members and mods of the forum. Although they don't allow sigs, it could be a good way to grow awareness of your product/niche and position yourself as an expert.
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    • Profile picture of the author ronc0011
      Another point to consider is views and backlinks. No matter how popular a forum may be it isn't going to supply enough traffic to make or break you. On the other hand every dofollow backlink you have is benaficial assuming the forum in question has a decent page rank.
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  • Profile picture of the author salmanbaig
    For me signature links and recent blog entry links works great... and I do agree with WILLR that the profile link is not capable of giving much exposure to the product you're marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author aulia
    signature links is easier to index by google rather than profile links. but signature links is easier to remove by OP when he/she read your post along with your spammy signature
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