Multiple Clickbank Accounts

7 replies
I have a question to ask everyone. Why use multiple clickbank accounts? If you do so, explain how you separate them.

Do you use a different account for every product you own?
A different account for every niche you are in?

I am about to release me first clickbank product, and am considering whether or not I want to separate it from me generic clickbank account in which I am an affiliate in several non-IM niches.
#accounts #clickbank #multiple
  • Profile picture of the author MatthewNeer
    I would say its more personal preference and its also something you do when you get to super affiliate status.

    If you can move massive volume, wouldn't you want to know EXACTLY how much a new product or niche is bringing you each month?
    Three (3) Income Streams DFY
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  • Profile picture of the author JCamp
    Alot of clickbank product creators use multiple clickbank accounts as well as email lists for each product they release.

    Like Matthew said above its personal preference you can keep that list and product seperate and youll know exactly how much you have made from each account and list.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vastidious
    I appreciate the thoughts and answers as well. I've often been unhappy with how difficult it can be to determine or even keep straight which product is what code and which one is doing well. I'll keep these thoughts in mind as I continue to branch out.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    You should use a separate account for each product. This gives you a separate marketplace listing, a different affiliate link, and also the ability to change the commission percentage you offer to affiliates. You can only set one percentage per account. It also makes tracking things a lot easier.
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  • Profile picture of the author JCorp
    I had 3 accounts; 1 for each product I owned on clickbank (2), and 1 was my affiliate account. I now only have 1 account for affiliate earnings.
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  • Profile picture of the author SeanSupplee
    the reason why people will create different accounts for each product they launch is..

    1. Easier to track your profits refunds etc.
    2. Your hop link can now mimic something to look like the name of your product
    3. Only one product can be listed on the market per account (If you have two products and only one clickbank account only one can be shown on the market but you can still make sales from both)
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