What's wrong with your Warrior profile?
This is your presence in WF and main line of contact with other Warriors.
Do Yourself A Favour:
1. Get an avatar.
Even if, like me you're pig ugly, an avatar personalises your posts.
2. Tell us where your at
I often get messages from people in my region which build relationships
3. Complete your social media links
Your connection with facebook, Twitter etc., give you some credilbility
4. Link to at least one of your sites
People can check you out, or simply pay you a visit if they like your style. This could lead to business, or build a relationship
5. Put something in your signature file.
If you're not promoting anything yet, at least put in a joke or phrase you like, for instance "If I'd known I was going to live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself".
Your sig file completes your posts and adds some personalisation.If you can't be bothered to fill in your profile, how on earth are you going to run an IM business, which requires attention to detail? You need your customers to have confidence in you. Start here.
A Good Profile Gives You Credibility and A professional Image.
What do you think Warriors?
Just saying, Alexa
PS. If someone goes to the trouble of creating a post you find informative or useful, at least hit the Thanks button. I doesn't hurt - really!
Time for a cuppa.