The YouTube Meltdown - Warning
Yesterday the first reports surfaced that Google began suspending large numbers of YouTube accounts. These suspensions came without warning. In typical Google fashion, there were not extensive explanations of what happened or what the cause was. Letters from YouTube just indicated violations of terms of service.
Included in the mass suspension (for 6 months) was famed ProBlogger. His account was suspended yesterday and reinstated today after massive protests.
Why Google suspended him is worth paying attention to...
His account - along with many others - was suspended because a video had the words Make Money as primary keywords.
As we know, the words Make Money are a red flag of evil to Google.
In didn't matter what the content was; apparently just the keywords got him suspended.
His other video that got his account suspended was about SEO tricks.
Here's what we know so far:
Google has stated it's desire to clean up YouTube and it looks like it's using the same criteria it's using in AdWords.
The following subjects are evil:
1. Make money
2. Gaming the Google SEO system
3. Exaggerated health claims
4. MLM/Network marketing
5. Stolen content
6. Videos with no content
7. Talking articles that serve just for a link
My main Google spy will be talking to the high mucky mucks inside Google today to find out what's going on but it appears that a YouTube shakeout will be upon us shortly.
Please be advised to be careful you don't fall victim to the latest Google/YouTube housecleaning update.
I'll post back when I learn more.
Included in the mass suspension (for 6 months) was famed ProBlogger. His account was suspended yesterday and reinstated today after massive protests.
Why Google suspended him is worth paying attention to...
His account - along with many others - was suspended because a video had the words Make Money as primary keywords.
As we know, the words Make Money are a red flag of evil to Google.
In didn't matter what the content was; apparently just the keywords got him suspended.
His other video that got his account suspended was about SEO tricks.
Here's what we know so far:
Google has stated it's desire to clean up YouTube and it looks like it's using the same criteria it's using in AdWords.
The following subjects are evil:
1. Make money
2. Gaming the Google SEO system
3. Exaggerated health claims
4. MLM/Network marketing
5. Stolen content
6. Videos with no content
7. Talking articles that serve just for a link
My main Google spy will be talking to the high mucky mucks inside Google today to find out what's going on but it appears that a YouTube shakeout will be upon us shortly.
Please be advised to be careful you don't fall victim to the latest Google/YouTube housecleaning update.
I'll post back when I learn more.
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Harlan D. Kilstein Ed.D.
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