Stop Subscribing To Lists

36 replies
Hey folks,

Let me preface by saying this post is partly inspired by the Warrior Event in Raleigh this past weekend. What a great event and for those who missed out, ya missed out. And to those who were there (and still are), it was a pleasure meeting you and having a bit too much fun.

Now onto my point: I'm on too many lists. The negative impact this has on me as a productive marketer isn't that I spend too much time reading e-mails, it's that I nearly never open any of 'em.

That means that sometimes, I miss out on really great information and opportunities. Because of the fact that I get way too many e-mails, I scroll past quality stuff from good marketers just as quickly as I do the kids who send affiliate link after affiliate link.

So I'm slimming down my inbox dramatically by quickly taking the second to unsubscribe from lists that aren't related to my interests or that don't deliver me any value -- so I can focus, learn and grow from those that have the juice.

Love, peace, chicken grease.

#lists #reason #stop #subscribing
  • Profile picture of the author sscot
    Bambii, your point is true. Solution is simple. With no doubt subscribe to lists. Take sometime (4-6 weeks), check their behaviors and find which lists are more beneficial for you, keep them and unsubscribe others.

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  • Profile picture of the author MatthewNeer
    Great post Bambii,

    I figured this one out the hard way too back in the day when I was on virtually every single persons list you could imagine, except I would spend all day reading what I was getting pitched and maybe buy a thing or two.

    I quickly learned that it was FAR MORE beneficial to my life to GET OFF the lists of everyone who just pitched aff links all the time and GET ON the lists of all the top marketers like Frank Kern, Trey Smith, Ryan Deiss, John Reese, Andy Jenkins, Tony Robbins, Kelly Felix, Mike Filsame, Mike Long, Jason Moffatt, Amish Shah, Eben Pagen, Mike Keonigs, Brendan Bruchard, Jeff Walker, Tim Atkinson, and many more who all have super integrity.

    Those are the peeps you need to align yourself with because they will never scam you or blatantly steal your money like so many of the Clickbank vendors have been up to lately...
    Three (3) Income Streams DFY
    New FREE Website Builds Your List
    And Earns From 3 Income Streams
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    • Profile picture of the author MissLauraCatella
      Originally Posted by MatthewNeer View Post

      Great post Bambii,

      I quickly learned that it was FAR MORE beneficial to my life to GET OFF the lists of everyone who just pitched aff links all the time and GET ON the lists of all the top marketers like Frank Kern, Trey Smith, Ryan Deiss, John Reese, Andy Jenkins, Tony Robbins, Kelly Felix, Mike Filsame, Mike Long, Jason Moffatt, Amish Shah, Eben Pagen, Mike Keonigs, Brendan Bruchard, Jeff Walker, Tim Atkinson, and many more who all have super integrity.
      You're exactly right Matthew, GREAT list of names.
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    • Profile picture of the author tebor79
      I never joined a single list.
      Learned all I need to know to earn a decent living from reading forums.

      If you having blog problems I feel bad for you son.
      I got 99 problems but a niche ain't 1.

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    • Profile picture of the author Amitywill
      Originally Posted by MatthewNeer View Post

      GET ON the lists of all the top marketers like Frank Kern, Trey Smith, Ryan Deiss, John Reese, Andy Jenkins, Tony Robbins, Kelly Felix, Mike Filsame, Mike Long, Jason Moffatt, Amish Shah, Eben Pagen, Mike Keonigs, Brendan Bruchard, Jeff Walker, Tim Atkinson, and many more who all have super integrity.

      Those are the peeps you need to align yourself with because they will never scam you or blatantly steal your money like so many of the Clickbank vendors have been up to lately...
      Are you being serious??? If you think these guys are legit and are actually looking out
      for your best interests then I feel sorry for you.
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      • Profile picture of the author HN
        Originally Posted by Amitywill View Post

        Are you being serious??? If you think these guys are legit and are actually looking out
        for your best interests then I feel sorry for you.
        Feel sorry for his followers, he's probably promoting those guys' products. $750 per aff. sale? Is that some kind of insect marketing manuscript?
        Also I have a question. You are allowed to praise scammers here, but you may not talk if some of them ripped you off $1997, and kept billing your card for months, and sold your email to all other syndicate members after you cancelled their service, am I correct? I am rather new here, and I am still trying to figure out what the freedom of speech means, sorry.
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    • Profile picture of the author CPA Andrew
      Originally Posted by MatthewNeer View Post

      Great post Bambii,

      I figured this one out the hard way too back in the day when I was on virtually every single persons list you could imagine, except I would spend all day reading what I was getting pitched and maybe buy a thing or two.

      I quickly learned that it was FAR MORE beneficial to my life to GET OFF the lists of everyone who just pitched aff links all the time and GET ON the lists of all the top marketers like Frank Kern, Trey Smith, Ryan Deiss, John Reese, Andy Jenkins, Tony Robbins, Kelly Felix, Mike Filsame, Mike Long, Jason Moffatt, Amish Shah, Eben Pagen, Mike Keonigs, Brendan Bruchard, Jeff Walker, Tim Atkinson, and many more who all have super integrity.

      Those are the peeps you need to align yourself with because they will never scam you or blatantly steal your money like so many of the Clickbank vendors have been up to lately...
      This is 110% correct. I stand behind those names fully.
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    • Profile picture of the author Webtistic

      That's an awesome list of some awesome people to follow, thanks.
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    • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
      Originally Posted by MatthewNeer View Post

      I quickly learned that it was FAR MORE beneficial to my life to GET OFF the lists of everyone who just pitched aff links all the time and GET ON the lists of all the top marketers like Frank Kern, Trey Smith, Ryan Deiss, John Reese, Andy Jenkins, Tony Robbins, Kelly Felix, Mike Filsame, Mike Long, Jason Moffatt, Amish Shah, Eben Pagen, Mike Keonigs, Brendan Bruchard, Jeff Walker, Tim Atkinson, and many more who all have super integrity.
      Wait just one second.

      Are you saying these people never hit you with affiliate links? :confused:

      Respectfully, I have no problem with any of them but to sign up to 16 known guru's lists and any others with "super integrity", isn't that kind of in contradiction with the OP's original statement?....

      I'm on too many lists. The negative impact this has on me as a productive marketer isn't that I spend too much time reading e-mails, it's that I nearly never open any of 'em.
      If I had to read through that many marketers emails I'd never do any work.

      Oh and why is everyone now assuming Tony Robbins is an internet marketer - He's a self help coach.

      Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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      • Profile picture of the author Sandor Verebi
        Originally Posted by Terri LC View Post

        One day it finally dawned on me that I know enough information to start taking action....I had been held hostage by my thinking that I am missing out on major information if I stop subscribing.

        So that one day, I spent an hour unsubscribing and felt a big weight off my shoulders. TAKE ACTION!! I have all the knowledge I need by becoming a War Room member.

        Terry, you did a smart move. And yes, beeing a War Room member, you get more than enough and quality info from fellows. Utilize that!

        Originally Posted by Richard Van View Post

        Wait just one second.

        Are you saying these people never hit you with affiliate links? :confused:

        Respectfully, I have no problem with any of them but to sign up to 16 known guru's lists and any others with "super integrity", isn't that kind of in contradiction with the OP's original statement?....

        If I had to read through that many marketers emails I'd never do any work...
        Richard, you won!

        Anyway, it can be tedious and frustrating, as 73 people want to hold down your throat the same product - you don't need at all. If you read through these, you can do nothing useful all day.

        The interesting part is, I unsubscribed from similar lists several years ago, yet I get letters from them every day. But... I'm not tired to delete them without reading.



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        • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
          Originally Posted by Sandor Verebi View Post

          The interesting part is, I unsubscribed from similar lists several years ago, yet I get letters from them every day. But... I'm not tired to delete them without reading.
          Yup. I've the same problem as well.

          Not much you can do though. I just got bored of having to look through two pages of the same email, for the same new product launch, over and again.

          I had a good clear out but still seem to get lots of emails.

          Never mind, I know who to listen to when they talk

          Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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  • Profile picture of the author Avery Berman
    Originally Posted by bambii View Post

    Hey folks,

    Let me preface by saying this post is partly inspired by the Warrior Event in Raleigh this past weekend. What a great event and for those who missed out, ya missed out. And to those who were there (and still are), it was a pleasure meeting you and having a bit too much fun.

    Now onto my point: I'm on too many lists. The negative impact this has on me as a productive marketer isn't that I spend too much time reading e-mails, it's that I nearly never open any of 'em.

    That means that sometimes, I miss out on really great information and opportunities. Because of the fact that I get way too many e-mails, I scroll past quality stuff from good marketers just as quickly as I do the kids who send affiliate link after affiliate link.

    So I'm slimming down my inbox dramatically by quickly taking the second to unsubscribe from lists that aren't related to my interests or that don't deliver me any value -- so I can focus, learn and grow from those that have the juice.

    Love, peace, chicken grease.

    Great reminder of something that I've needed to do for a while, but simply haven't. Organization is my downfall.

    But the most important part of this post is...

    Love, peace, chicken grease.
    Wtf lol
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  • Profile picture of the author xxdksxx
    Very useful reminder. Find myself doing this all the time. Thanks for the great post.

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    • Profile picture of the author DebbieD
      I have unsubscribed from many lists, too. I'm still on about 4-5 - including Dennis Becker & Jason Fladlien.

      I'm not on any of the above mentioned gurus' lists though, never was. Am I missing something?
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  • Profile picture of the author dadamson
    I do this all the time. Mostly go straight to junk, but it's a good idea to unsubscribe from them. I sometimes miss real emails that have gone straight to junk!
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  • Profile picture of the author Claire Sharp
    This is the best reminder i have ever read. Everyone must read this to be aware. Thanks for sharing this. More power!
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  • Profile picture of the author Online Bliss
    Almost everyone I subscribe to these days are promoting
    WSO Products.
    That makes it easy to weed out my email.
    I just need to visit the Warrior forum on a daily basis.
    You've got it Made
    with the Guy in the Shades!
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  • Profile picture of the author Terri LC
    One day it finally dawned on me that I know enough information to start taking action....I had been held hostage by my thinking that I am missing out on major information if I stop subscribing.

    So that one day, I spent an hour unsubscribing and felt a big weight off my shoulders. TAKE ACTION!! I have all the knowledge I need by becoming a War Room member.

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  • Profile picture of the author Henry White
    With e-mail and other Internet messaging, I generally check twice a day - at most. Some of it I'll read immediately, all of it is saved and two or three times a month I'll go through it again - re-reading the "good stuff" as well as the others for the first time. I've never had trouble finding the unsubscribe button - with either category.

    Frankly, I'm more interested in hearing from my peers who are keenly aware that they are still learning, making the same mistakes I have or would if I didn't heed their warnings. These are the ones just breaking into 4- and 5-figure months. These are the truly generic strategies and tactics, tools and techniques that apply to any niche, not just MMO.
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  • Profile picture of the author Agent 23
    I hear you. It gets so frustrating sometimes, the amount of information that I willing overwhelm myself with. I've slimmed my subscriptions and am focusing on one thing.

    Have a nice day!

    Wherever you go, there you are.

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  • Profile picture of the author weblink29
    And if you subscribe to a "gurus" list you start to get random emails from other marketers. Many of them seem to lend/sell your email address to other marketers. Sometimes I don't even give them my email address and they "lend" it out.

    IE: I buy a reasonably priced course from a guru through paypal. Within a week I am getting emailed course offers from other marketers to my PAYPAL email address.


    Nothing to see here folks.....move along.

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  • Profile picture of the author ginak59
    I'm glad I wasn't the only one to recognize this as a problem ( I was a compulsive list signer upper when I started ). I spent half the day checking out offers and lost time and focus.

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  • Profile picture of the author Shaun OReilly
    An alternative approach is to sign-up to lists using a
    separate GMail account.

    Then, only log-in to the account to view the e-mails
    say once a week or so.

    That's what I do and it stops a lot of unnecessary
    interruptions coming into my main inbox during the day.

    That way, I get to focus on moving my business forward.

    If someone sends useful content and offers to the GMail
    address - then they may get promoted to my main inbox.

    In those cases, I then create a unique forwarding e-mail
    address and filter them into a special folder.

    But the guru launch club wanker brigade don't get anywhere
    near my main inbox.

    Dedicated to mutual success,



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  • Profile picture of the author David Maschke
    Those guys are good.

    But there are people out there, such as Scott Murdaugh and Craig Garber, that send out quality information that puts some of those names to shame.

    Plus there are advantages to being on lists that only send out ads. They do all the hard work of gathering valuable intelligence and hand it to you on a silver platter, such as...

    - who the competition is
    - what is the competition offering that I am not
    - what is the USP of my competition
    - what are the HOT words and phrases the competition is using in their sales letter.

    Plus I have a huge swipe file of emails to draw from anytime I wish.

    (and you're a copywriter?)

    I'll stay subscribed to my newsletters, thank you very much.



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    • Profile picture of the author Sandor Verebi
      Originally Posted by Richard Van View Post

      ...Never mind, I know who to listen to when they talk
      Yes Richard, the man learns that...sooner... or later. Fortunately!

      Originally Posted by Shaun OReilly View Post

      An alternative approach is to sign-up to lists using a
      separate GMail account.

      Then, only log-in to the account to view the e-mails
      say once a week or so.

      That's what I do and it stops a lot of unnecessary
      interruptions coming into my main inbox during the day...

      It's a good solution what you say, and therefore have I nine different gmail accounts.



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    • Profile picture of the author MissLauraCatella
      Originally Posted by Avery Berman View Post

      Great reminder of something that I've needed to do for a while, but simply haven't. Organization is my downfall.

      But the most important part of this post is...

      Wtf lol
      Yeah organizing stuff is boring and tedious and I'm bad at it. It's essential, though.

      And about the send off, if it rhymes I'm game. xD

      Originally Posted by Paul Barrs View Post


      Allow me to also add - Stop publishing crap

      As well as - Stop promoting every link you find at me

      That way, as people thin out their lists, yours will be one of the ones that they stay on!

      - Paul Barrs
      ABSOLUTELY add that, thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author brunom
    I actually find value in being subscribed even if I'm not interested in what they're promoting. They can teach you on how to make those e-mails if you have a list yourself, for example.
    1500 Backlinks For Youtube Videos

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  • Profile picture of the author Brad789

    Got to agree - after some research. These lists can be useful to do some background work and learn how others set up their autoresponders.

    I got a lot out of several lists that I am no off of. I saw things and approaches that turned me off - so I make sure I don't duplicate them in my list.

    YOu are right - being selective is the only self defense that works on the net today.
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  • Profile picture of the author TimCastleman
    Originally Posted by bambii View Post

    Hey folks,

    Let me preface by saying this post is partly inspired by the Warrior Event in Raleigh this past weekend. What a great event and for those who missed out, ya missed out. And to those who were there (and still are), it was a pleasure meeting you and having a bit too much fun.

    Now onto my point: I'm on too many lists. The negative impact this has on me as a productive marketer isn't that I spend too much time reading e-mails, it's that I nearly never open any of 'em.

    That means that sometimes, I miss out on really great information and opportunities. Because of the fact that I get way too many e-mails, I scroll past quality stuff from good marketers just as quickly as I do the kids who send affiliate link after affiliate link.

    So I'm slimming down my inbox dramatically by quickly taking the second to unsubscribe from lists that aren't related to my interests or that don't deliver me any value -- so I can focus, learn and grow from those that have the juice.

    Love, peace, chicken grease.


    Laura -

    Remind me to boot you off my list as soon as I get done writing this ;-)

    I'm on a ton of mailing list but I'm a producer, not a buyer (generally) so I have some self control and don't fall for every offer out there.

    My recommendation is find people who are doing what you want to, then see what they are offering, then go from there.

    I am on some peoples list for idea generation, some for email lessons, and some because I want to.

    Different strokes for different folks but if you are overloaded then I suggest a big purge of email marketing list to help you get focused.

    See ya.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ben Armstrong
    Originally Posted by bambii View Post

    Hey folks,

    Let me preface by saying this post is partly inspired by the Warrior Event in Raleigh this past weekend. What a great event and for those who missed out, ya missed out. And to those who were there (and still are), it was a pleasure meeting you and having a bit too much fun.

    Now onto my point: I'm on too many lists. The negative impact this has on me as a productive marketer isn't that I spend too much time reading e-mails, it's that I nearly never open any of 'em.

    That means that sometimes, I miss out on really great information and opportunities. Because of the fact that I get way too many e-mails, I scroll past quality stuff from good marketers just as quickly as I do the kids who send affiliate link after affiliate link.

    So I'm slimming down my inbox dramatically by quickly taking the second to unsubscribe from lists that aren't related to my interests or that don't deliver me any value -- so I can focus, learn and grow from those that have the juice.

    Love, peace, chicken grease.

    I'm in the same boat. There are a few lists that deliver quality information that I read regularly but then there are some I stay on just to see the ridiculous crap they try and push and have a bit of a laugh. Then there's a few in between.

    I really should cull it down to 3 or 4. I'm on about 20 at the moment I think.

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  • Profile picture of the author Targeted Traffic
    thank you very much for the thoughts bambii, this is a good reminder to be careful on subscribing to lists, it can be a bit annoying actually....
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  • Great post, I subscribe to 3-4 per niche I'm in just to look at ideas on how to market but I don't do what I notice most people do is get hundreds but 0 is a mistake to

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    • Profile picture of the author FredJones
      Rarely, very rarely, do I read something from a list. And I email my list even more rarely, only if I have something valuable to share (and most of the time that is not to sell something, with only a fewrare promotions).

      On the other side of the coin, I stay on very rare lists, most of the lists that I had ever joined for this reason or that has found me turn into an unsubscribed member. That helps me in every way - read only information that I care about and not divert my attentions.

      Remember, to earn, you need to sell and not just keep buying.
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesGw
    I try to avoid subscribing to any lists at all, personally. I don't think it's really necessary. I don't even bother with the "big name" marketers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Micah Medina
    I have subscriptions to a handful of lists - I think there's high value in following people who are new or in the same niche as you. I also tend to follow people with a reputation for overdelivering on products - you know they will work tirelessly to bring quality to your inbox. Those are the kinds of craftsmen I want to hear from when they have something to sell.

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