HELP ME!!! I Need Upsell Ideas For My "Get Ex Back" Clickbank Product...

16 replies
Hey warriors,

That's the first time that I need you guys to help me. I really hope that we can brainstorm and find some ideas for this product.

We're building a huge "get ex back" launch and the product is ready. Now I'm looking for ideas to sell as upsells.

I want to have two upsells for this product, and I'll be glad to hear any ideas you may have...

The main product name - Power of Desire

Sub: how to get back the desire and passion in your life and get back with your ex

Basically the product teaches how to get their ex back using the power of desire, not to complicated huh?

Any help would be much appreciated :-)

P.S. I'm already turning the product to an mp3 series as the first upsell. I just need help with the second one.
#clickbank #get ex back #ideas #product #upsell
  • Profile picture of the author Steve McBride
    -Video series
    -interview with a relationship expert
    -one on one coaching
    -membership site with relationship course
    -professional custom report based on their situation (much like the coaching but they just tell you their situation and you write out a full step by step report to give them the best chance of getting their ex back).

    Even though I am completely against the idea that people NEED to get their ex back, and that it very rarely works out, you have come across a VERY desperate niche. This can be considerably profitable for you. Enjoy all your money to come! Haha.

    To your success,
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve McBride
    PS: In the video series you could have two people role playing different situations to show how to act and respond and how NOT to. Hope that helps.
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    • Profile picture of the author robinincarolina
      Right up my ally! I run a no contact support forum, and coach women mostly on getting their ex back or letting go and moving on. I am making videos on the topic so would be interested in your product. I have been interviewed by some pretty heavy gurus and been on live talk shows on this topic. PM me if I can help.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dan C. Rinnert
      You need a follow-up book:

      What the Heck Was I Thinking?
      How to Get Rid of Her/Him Once You've Won Her/Him Back and Realized Why You Got Rid of Her/Him in the First Place

      Also, for those that went too far, you should maybe offer some divorce handbooks or something.

      Dan's content is irregularly read by handfuls of people. Join the elite few by reading his blog:, following him on Twitter: or reading his fiction: but NOT by Clicking Here!

      Dan also writes content for hire, but you can't afford him anyway.
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  • Profile picture of the author Asher
    A monthly "Play For Keeps Playbook" including
    tips/strategies to keep the fire burning more
    passionately then before guide/playbook now that
    you "got him/her back"

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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    How about a product on persuasion or overcoming procrastination? Both top quality. I know the guy who created them very well.
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  • Profile picture of the author stormwire
    A mini report on how to look good with affiliate links to beauty product websites or even your own catalog if you have one. Steve McBride's idea - interview with a relationship expert - and robinincarolina offer are also worth a think about.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dean Jackson
    Mike, I really recommend studying David D's upsell funnel to the "mastery" series of his double your dating course.

    (By the way, I'm NOT the Dean Jackson that wrote them )

    ... but still, that might give you some great ideas for transitioning from a front-end to backend product.

    NEW: CRAZIEST Copywriting offer ever offered on WF
    My top student WILL make your sales go BANANAS!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hersh
    WOW, I really thank you all for these ideas!

    I really appreciate all of you...

    I think I'll go with the interview idea :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Dann Vicker
    For me, the best upsell should be a continuity programme, something like a membership site where you provide exclusive inner circle information. That should create a longterm windfall long after your product launch may have waned.

    Looking for high quality solo ad traffic? 200-2000 clicks available/day. Testimonials here. PM me

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  • Profile picture of the author Scott Lambency
    Hold a 2 day workshop or seminar where you reveal some deep psychology behind the information. Maybe even get the creator of the product to come and speak as a special guest...

    Then record the entire event and sell those DVD's on the back end the next time you do a launch.

    Greatness is difficult to appreciate from close up. The great mountain on the horizon is only the ground when you are standing on it.

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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Do you have a list? If so, ask them, not us.

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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    • Profile picture of the author evolution2
      Do a quick start guide sorta thing but maybe call it "Rapid Results" or something similar, everyone wants results FAST, I've found this even better than additional information on the topic - something to help them better use what they already expressed an interest in having.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayhew
    An Enlargement Package. Kama Sutra? Maybe they got bored or dissatisfied

    IMO Partnership. A National Insurance Marketing Alliance.

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