What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas - What Happened in Raleigh at Warrior Event is Being Leaked...
When I was being shown the pictures on screen share, I was rather surprised to see the picture shown below.
Caliban Darklock had made a big deal about not going to Raleigh, because he needed to finish his product.
Either he had a change of heart, or he finished his product ahead of schedule. I say that because I found this picture:

I have posted some additional notes about the Warrior Event 2011 here:
What Happened in Raleigh, NC is Leaking Out « Live Marketing Chat Blog
p.s. Russ Rufino was there, and he has posted some very useful notes about the event:
Warrior Event 2011: Day One | Russ Ruffino Live
Warrior Event 2011: Day Two | Russ Ruffino Live
p.p.s. Does anyone else have anything interesting to share?
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