Duplicate Content Penalty?

11 replies
I am looking to get content for my blog from article syndication sites. I am wondering if I will be penalized for simply copying and pasting the article to my blog? If so, then what is really the purpose for these article syndication directories?
#content #duplicate #penalty
  • Profile picture of the author JR Consulting
    The duplicate content penalty only applies to duplicate content on the same site. Just make sure you post the articles with the bio boxes, so you're within the TOS of the article directories and you give the authors the credit they deserve.
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    • Profile picture of the author zaitozaito
      duplicate content maybe you must harder to get ranking
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  • Profile picture of the author Yoong
    Hi Ben,

    I guess, the question is really why do you want to use syndicated articles on your site?

    Does it provide value to your readers? If it doesn't , and you are auto posting 20 articles per day - your site will be penalized.

    However, if you have good authority and unique content and you use your auto content such as videos and articles as supplementary content - this can lead to lower bounce rates which google will favor.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alan Ashwood
    I wouldn't do that if I were you.

    The purpose of syndication sites or article directories is as a resource where you can go to use published articles in your site.

    So far, you're OK, but . . .

    You mustn't change the text in any way, and
    You must keep the original author's name/link intact

    If you do both of these correctly, you shouldn't have any problems.

    If you simply copy/paste the article into your blog, you will be found, and you will be penalized.

    Hope that's clear.



    Now where did I put that pencil?

    Time for a cuppa.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
    So much bad info here...

    If you are using QUALITY articles from directories that offer value and you present them on your site in a way that offers value to the reader (mixing them with other forms of content) then you will be fine. I know several people here on the forum that do this (myself included) and we've had no issue with "penalties".

    Also, as mentioned - be sure to keep the article as is...links and all. The original author deserves the credit and backlink for the work you are borrowing.
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  • Profile picture of the author drmani
    Originally Posted by benzwm02 View Post

    I am looking to get content for my blog from article syndication sites. I am wondering if I will be penalized for simply copying and pasting the article to my blog? If so, then what is really the purpose for these article syndication directories?
    If you're asking if you'll be penalized by search engines for
    re-publishing content that exists somewhere else on the Web,
    the short answer is "No, but you won't get rewarded either!"

    The REAL purpose of USING syndicated content (that usually is
    valuable to your audience) is to share it with your readers,
    deliver value, which translates into their trusting you to do
    it and come back for more.

    It's tough (though not impossible - research 'content curation')
    to thrive entirely on re-publishing syndicated content, but it
    can add a nice mix to your own original content - and complement
    the value you provide by sharing new/different perspectives on
    the topics you cover.

    From the AUTHOR'S standpoint, the benefits of LETTING you use
    syndicated content comes from their ability to reach new and
    diverse audiences they may not be able to otherwise reach with
    their own marketing efforts - and the link on the article which
    points back to their own resources is their 'reward' for writing
    or recording content that's considered worthy enough to be
    shared by others.

    In other words, content syndication works in parallel to search
    engines, attracting new targeted audiences in a different way
    from being listed in SERPs.

    Hope this helps.

    All success

    P.S. - For the ULTIMATE answer about the duplicate content
    "penalty", see this:

    Duplicate content - Webmaster Tools Help
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  • Profile picture of the author GetMoreTraffic
    I'm convinced that there is no such thing as an actual duplicate content penalty. However, if you are simply copying and pasting content that is already indexed, you can hardly expect Google to be enthusiastic about ranking it. The original content will usually rank higher.

    You will always get better results with original content - it's always worth the effort.
    Discover the fast way to accelerate your affiliate income
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    • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
      Originally Posted by RobTheCopywriter View Post

      I'm convinced that there is no such thing as an actual duplicate content penalty. However, if you are simply copying and pasting content that is already indexed, you can hardly expect Google to be enthusiastic about ranking it. The original content will usually rank higher.

      This is exactly why I advise people who are using scraped content (typically on autoblogs) to mix content sources and add in unique content as well.

      Forgive the copy and paste (posted this in another thread) but below is a good example of how several I know are seeing success using scraped content.

      Let’s say you build a blog about taking better care of your pets.

      On Jan 1 you make a post with the following:

      1 scraped article from a directory that allows this (Ezine for example) about how to better feed your pet to help take care of its coat in the winter. Of course you want to be sure to leave the appropriate links in the article to the original source/author.

      RSS feed with related content

      1 or 2 pictures from Flickr with a brief description below or beside them

      1 Youtube video of someone discussing different pet foods and how they affect your pets’ coat.

      1 Yahoo Answers question from someone wanting to know which popular brand of food is best for their pet and why with an answer from someone who gives a good answer that the poster likes.

      1 Unique article written by you giving your thoughts and opinions about the other content and maybe your own advice as well.

      Now you sprinkle in some related offers:
      1 – CB Ebook about taking better care of your pet
      1 – Affiliate offer from a network. You would be surprised what you find when you look deeper at the networks. Maybe you find an offer from a chain pet store that fits just right.
      1 – Amazon product that relates with a good picture and a brief description (unique is better but scraped is OK too) with your affiliate link to the product page.

      On Jan 2 you make another post:

      This post is about how to properly groom your pet for the summer heat.

      1 Unique article written by you giving your thoughts and opinions about the other content and maybe your own advice as well.

      1 Yahoo Answers question from someone wanting to know what the best pet clippers are and why and an answer from someone who gives a good answer that the poster likes.

      More pictures from Flickr with brief descriptions

      1 Youtube video of someone showing how to groom different breeds of dogs.

      Related RSS feed content

      1 scraped article from a directory that allows this (Ezine for example) about how to better take care of your pets coat and help it stay cool in the summer.

      Add related offers:
      1 – CB Ebook about taking better care of your pet
      1 – Another affiliate offer from a network.
      1 – Top 3 pet clippers from Amazon along with the good description, picture and affiliate link…add in some of the customer comments and ratings of the products too.

      Much of the content for these two posts are scraped from other sites yet it is presented in a way that is unique to the reader and offers value because it brings quality content from several different sources together in one location along with the unique content added in.

      I have blogs with posts that are very similar to this in design, layout and content and they rank quite well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex.R
    If you want to establish yourself as an authority site you need unique content or as
    close as possible. You have to look at it from Google's and site visitors perspective.

    I have lost count of the number of times i have gone onto a site, looking for information, only to find content that i have seen countless times before. So what do
    i do, i click straight off that site. I want to see that sites own personal slant on the subject i am interested in, not some rehashed copied content.

    It is in your own interest if you wnt to be taken seriously, is to have good unique content, i know it's a pain but it's only going to be more important as time goes on.
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  • Profile picture of the author Billy Rey
    There are about 20million (probably more) blogs with Hello World as the default post for wordpress, same goes with the Drupal default post

    It doesnt exist.

    ✔✔✔Leapfroggr Digital Marketing+SEO Services✔✔✔

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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by sam770 View Post

    In many cases duplicate content will cause a penalty.
    That may be true, Sam, but what's being discussed in this thread ISN'T duplicate content at all, for those purposes.

    It's syndicated content.

    They're two completely different things.

    Duplicate content, for "penalty purposes", is multiple copies of the same text within one website. That isn't what the question was about, here. It was about re-publishing content from one site to another. Just like all those top-ranked, leading major international news websites who syndicate almost all their content from Reuters and Associated Press every day without ever being "penalized" for "duplicate content", you know?

    I've seen worse threads on this subject, I admit. Two years ago, when people asked this question here, about 75% of the replies said stuff like "duplicate content will often get your site penalized by Google", and regurgitated these ridiculous urban myths of internet marketing. Nowadays, at least it's only a very small minority of the replies that still perpetuate this misguided and ill-informed nonsense. Others have learned.

    In this instance, anyone wanting to know the truth about this issue, fortunately, has DrMani's reply to read above, anyway: this is the main thing.

    Though not directly answering the question asked in the OP, I also recommend this excellent, related article from Anne Pottinger's blog.
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