How Do I Stop WP Blog Spamming?

31 replies
I used to receive the ocassional spam post on my blog, maybe twice daily.

Now it's out of control, upwards of 200 per day.
How do I stop this?
I just deleted over 500 posts that were spam and 10 more appeared...aaarrgh!

My blog is Everyday is Saturday

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


#blog #spamming #stop
  • Profile picture of the author David_Thompson
    Sam try this plugin it will help with a lot of the spam
    issues you are getting...

    Auto-Close Comments, Pingbacks and Trackbacks Ajay - On the Road called Life

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  • Profile picture of the author thomasukm
    For wordpress blog, you can use akismet to control spam, you can catch most of the spam and delete them with just one click.
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    • Profile picture of the author Eric Reed
      Originally Posted by thomasukm View Post

      For wordpress blog, you can use akismet to control spam, you can catch most of the spam and delete them with just one click.
      Akismet is the way to go! I neglected to activate it on one of my WP sites and like you, began to get bombarded with spam. Once I activated it, everything questionable went to one location and I was able to delete it with one click.

      The best part of all, it's already part of the wordpress software, all you need is your key number to activate it which you get by signing up for a wordpress hosted site which is free!

      Hope that helps.

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      • Profile picture of the author Alan Petersen
        I agree Akismet is the best and it's the first plugin I activate! It will knock out the bulk of those spam comments. It will be a night and day difference. Once your blog is out there as spam friendly you won't stop getting tons of spam comments every day so you need Akismet.

        You can get it here:

        Stop Comment Spam and Trackback Spam Akismet
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        • Profile picture of the author moneycometh
          Originally Posted by Alan Petersen View Post

          I agree Akismet is the best and it's the first plugin I activate! It will knock out the bulk of those spam comments. It will be a night and day difference. Once your blog is out there as spam friendly you won't stop getting tons of spam comments every day so you need Akismet.

          You can get it here:

          Stop Comment Spam and Trackback Spam Akismet
          Wow, thanks I thought I had put this on my site. I was bombarded, too. But thanks to everyone here at the forum, now all is well. Thanks again!
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          • Profile picture of the author Alan Ashwood
            Keep It Simple

            Like most others here, install Akismet ONLY, I think you'll find it does a brilliant job, without adding other plugins or software.

            It's so good that you'll automatically want to double check what it's stopped. But after a while you'll get to trust it totally.

            If you still get some Spam, you can lightly coat it in a batter, and deep fry for 2/3 minutes each side. Very unhealthy, but the only way to make Spam passable.


            Now where did I put that pencil?

            Time for a cuppa.
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          • Profile picture of the author bankboss
            Originally Posted by moneycometh View Post

            Wow, thanks I thought I had put this on my site. I was bombarded, too. But thanks to everyone here at the forum, now all is well. Thanks again!

            the newer version of wp already has it by default
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    • Profile picture of the author David_Thompson
      Originally Posted by thomasukm View Post

      For wordpress blog, you can use akismet to control spam, you can catch most of the spam and delete them with just one click.
      this is true but alone it will not do the job for you
      that's why I added this link for an awesome plugin
      to help with akismet...

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  • Profile picture of the author KathyK
    I'd use Akismet plus something like WP-SpamFree. They work nicely with each other and should block 99% of spam. (I've gotten wp-spamfree to work with 2.7, even though it says 2.62.) OR Akismet plus one of the captcha plugins.

    Do NOT use wp-spamfree with a captcha plugin, they will conflict.

    If you are getting 200 or so a day, double protection would be a help.

    That auto-close plugin is a help too, especially if you get a lot of spam on old posts. (That one should not conflict with Akismet and the others, it's just like you going through and closing them by hand.)


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  • Profile picture of the author paekiss
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    • Profile picture of the author lgibbon
      Originally Posted by paekiss View Post

      i hate spam comment.
      That's hilarious.
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  • Profile picture of the author bgmacaw
    Akismet will stop most of it although you will get false positives every so often so you'll want to scan the list every few days just to make sure. There are also other plugins like 'Bad Behavior' and 'Hash Cash' that automate the moderation process for you without hurting user experience.

    Plugins for CAPTCHA and turning off comments after a time are also available but I recommend against them from the user experience and SEO perspectives. CAPTCHA's are just downright unfriendly and will discourage comments. Comment timeouts are unfriendly to search visitors and StumbleUpon visitors who may come across your post several months after it was originally published. Good comments also enhance the SEO of your blog by providing new content and keywords so don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
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  • Profile picture of the author VegasGreg
    I use Perter's Anti-Spam Plugin and it works great for me.

    Greg Schueler - Wordpress Fanatic... Living The Offline Marketing Dream...

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  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Wilson
    I am just using Akismet and Im fine. However for my new blogs Im fine with not moderating. I simply appreciate the comments and I love reading them one by one.

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  • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
    Here is a blog post I have describing the 3 plugins I use to virtually eliminate Wordpress spam:

    In my use Akismet still lets through a lot of spam. NoSpamNX, even though it recently stopped being worked on, is unbelievably excellent.
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  • Profile picture of the author Timmy Deleu
    I use askimet and I make sure I have to confirm the first comment of every commenter.
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  • Profile picture of the author Justin Newcastle
    I use Akismet too...does the job
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  • Profile picture of the author Jaymark
    I have a plugin which ignores most of what it considers to be spam posts. It alerts me only to those which appear to be legit. Don't remember the name but I'd do a search to find some of the better ones. It can save a great deal of time and hassle.
    Article Writers - American article writers, sharp pricing, quick turnaround, quality articles and web content
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  • Profile picture of the author razzi65
    akinmet.. a v simple & powerful solution.
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    • Profile picture of the author Gary J Martin
      I also advocate using askimet. It won't get all the spam, but pretty close.
      Even at 200 a day, not many will get through that are spam.
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  • Profile picture of the author zedert
    In my experience, Akismet is enough.
    It's a provent, strong, stable plugin.
    Despite heavy modifications of wordpress corefiles, under heavy traffic, it's still works when others fail.
    I strongly recommend it.

    French Entrepreneur and article writer

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  • Profile picture of the author cryst
    u should first install aksmit... it is first step u have to do when u set up an blog account....
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  • Profile picture of the author Sire
    Originally Posted by techlunatic View Post

    I am surprised so many Akismet fans here!

    Try GASP, it is the best thing that happened to the wordpress anti spam community!
    It ads a hidden form below your comment form and these spam bots tend to fill up all the fields so if the hidden field is filled then it wont let the BOT go ahead! also it is not possible for any BOT to click a checkbox but the same is not true for CAPTCHA
    GASP is great for capturing the bot spammers but you need Akismet to catch the human ones.
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  • Profile picture of the author bdyer61
    Well, I thank you all for the great information here. I had been playing with the idea of a blog, but after seeing so many that had been spammed, I almost dropped the idea. After reading here, I'll give it some more thought and planning.
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    • Profile picture of the author jim25
      I see everyone is loving Akismet, however I have been flagged for spam on akismet blog for using keywords in the name field. Before you reply with what did you expect, the blogs had the keyword luv enabled where they allow you to use keywords.

      I had to contact akismet many times before they removed my email from the blacklist, so be carefull. If you have keyword/comment luv on your blogs think twice before activating akismet

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