Using Your Real Name?

50 replies
Is is safe using your real name when writing articles, signing up to site, or any other general internet doings? I usually use a pen name since it makes me feel safe, but I'm getting more serious about internet marketing and want to use my real name to add some legitimacy to what I'm saying, as well as put my foot into the internet world. So would doing this be safe or should I just stick to the alias? what do you guys do?
  • Profile picture of the author Candela
    Originally Posted by That Guy View Post

    Is is safe using your real name when writing articles, signing up to site, or any other general internet doings? I usually use a pen name since it makes me feel safe, but I'm getting more serious about internet marketing and want to use my real name to add some legitimacy to what I'm saying, as well as put my foot into the internet world. So would doing this be safe or should I just stick to the alias? what do you guys do?
    Jim Cockrum,Skip McGrath,Andrew Cavanaugh,Stuart Turnbull,etc. do pretty well using their real name. I think it makes people trust what you say a bit more. (I say this as i write from behind a pseudonym! LOL)
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  • Profile picture of the author redbearing
    I don't think there's any right or wrong answer here. But I think it would be good to use pen names if you publish articles to avoid your competitors from easily identify the niche market that you're targeting.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    You can do it either way .. pen name or real name. I promote my own products mostly, so I use my real name. Safe? Why not? What's going to happen if you use your real name?
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    • Profile picture of the author jimbo13
      If using your real name is good enough for George Orwell and Mark Twain then it should be good enough for you.

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      • Profile picture of the author Johnny Optimo
        Originally Posted by jimbo13 View Post

        If using your real name is good enough for George Orwell and Mark Twain then it should be good enough for you.

        Maybe I'm just missing your complex sarcasm, but "Mark Twain" WAS a pen name, his real name was Samuel Clemens and "George Orwell" is a pen name as well
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  • Profile picture of the author wrongnumber
    yeah i dun think someone would hunt you down, until and unless you are really writing something offensive... make sure you are not someone writing for wikileaks...
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    • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
      Originally Posted by wrongnumber View Post

      yeah i dun think someone would hunt you down, until and unless you are really writing something offensive... make sure you are not someone writing for wikileaks...
      lol ... hadn't thought about Wikileaks but that's a good point.
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    • Profile picture of the author Candela
      Originally Posted by wrongnumber View Post

      yeah i dun think someone would hunt you down, until and unless you are really writing something offensive... make sure you are not someone writing for wikileaks...
      Or if you do write for Wikileaks use a Psuedonym!
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel_Johnson
    If you want to enter the IM-Niche I recommend you to take your own name.

    If you want to enter other niches like weight-loss or dog-training I recommend you to take a pen-name because you can't be an expert in all niches. Women for example want to get tips on how to lose weight by another woman, not by a man.

    I recommend you:

    IM niche - real name
    2nd niche - pen name 1
    3rd niche - pen name 2

    You have to register the name at forums, article directories, facebook... and become THE expert of your niche .

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    • Profile picture of the author That Guy
      Originally Posted by Daniel_Johnson View Post

      If you want to enter other niches like weight-loss or dog-training I recommend you to take a pen-name because you can't be an expert in all niches. Women for example want to get tips on how to lose weight by another woman, not by a man.
      That just seems gender specific. What if I don't have a niche that deals with women. It's not like my visitors will be googling my name to see all my other sites. Just seems like having more than one pen name is useless.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jackson62
        I don't think it makes any difference. The whole branding issue can be addressed by just using the same name for all your work, whether it is the real one or not.

        I don't think Bob Dylan or Elton John have suffered much over the years from hiding behind pseudonyms!
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    • Profile picture of the author Nadim Hussain
      Originally Posted by Daniel_Johnson View Post

      If you want to enter the IM-Niche I recommend you to take your own name.

      If you want to enter other niches like weight-loss or dog-training I recommend you to take a pen-name because you can't be an expert in all niches. Women for example want to get tips on how to lose weight by another woman, not by a man.

      I recommend you:

      IM niche - real name
      2nd niche - pen name 1
      3rd niche - pen name 2

      You have to register the name at forums, article directories, facebook... and become THE expert of your niche .


      My favourite answer so far. One question for people who use pen-names, do you use photos of yourself in any of your niches (like in a bio-box for example)? And if so, do you use your real photo alongside your pen-name or do you use a 'pen-photo'?
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      • Profile picture of the author Alfredo Carrion
        I use different photos of myself (with fake moustaches, lol), except in one niche where I'm a woman (fitness niche) and another one, where I don't use photos at all (paranormal and conspiracy niche).

        Originally Posted by NadimH View Post

        One question for people who use pen-names, do you use photos of yourself in any of your niches (like in a bio-box for example)? And if so, do you use your real photo alongside your pen-name or do you use a 'pen-photo'?
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    • Originally Posted by Daniel_Johnson View Post

      If you want to enter other niches like weight-loss or dog-training I recommend you to take a pen-name because you can't be an expert in all niches.

      I recommend you:

      IM niche - real name
      2nd niche - pen name 1
      3rd niche - pen name 2

      You have to register the name at forums, article directories, facebook... and become THE expert of your niche .
      I TOTALLY agree with this. I also recommend you to not mix your names in different niches, so a different pen name per niche is advisable.

      I mean, for Christ's sake, my nickname on this forum is "ANONYMOUS Affiliate" for a reason!
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      • Profile picture of the author Alan Ashwood
        Originally Posted by Anonymous Affiliate View Post

        I TOTALLY agree with this. I also recommend you to not mix your names in different niches, so a different pen name per niche is advisable.

        I mean, for Christ's sake, my nickname on this forum is "ANONYMOUS Affiliate" for a reason!
        Why's that then?

        Hardo Fearing
        Now where did I put that pencil?

        Time for a cuppa.
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    • Profile picture of the author magiclouie
      Originally Posted by Daniel_Johnson View Post

      If you want to enter the IM-Niche I recommend you to take your own name.

      If you want to enter other niches like weight-loss or dog-training I recommend you to take a pen-name because you can't be an expert in all niches. Women for example want to get tips on how to lose weight by another woman, not by a man.

      I recommend you:

      IM niche - real name
      2nd niche - pen name 1
      3rd niche - pen name 2

      You have to register the name at forums, article directories, facebook... and become THE expert of your niche .

      I strongly agree with you.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    If you are serious about making money online then yes, you should use your name.

    I don't see a reason why not. Everyone does it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alfredo Carrion
    Yes, I think it's safe. Most Facebook users show in their profiles more information than just their real names.

    Just one thing, though: if you're in more than one niche, you should consider using different names for each one, specially if those are extremely different niches. Would you trust your pediatrician if he also works fixing computers, helping men picking up women, doing seminars about real state flipping, selling Wow guides and publishing books in the MMO industry?

    If people search your name (or pen name) on Google and they find that you are an expert in everything, your trustability whill shake a little bit.

    It's my opinion

    Originally Posted by That Guy View Post

    Is is safe using your real name when writing articles, signing up to site, or any other general internet doings? I usually use a pen name since it makes me feel safe, but I'm getting more serious about internet marketing and want to use my real name to add some legitimacy to what I'm saying, as well as put my foot into the internet world. So would doing this be safe or should I just stick to the alias? what do you guys do?
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  • Profile picture of the author mosthost
    If you plan on using social networking for promotions, authenticity is a real plus.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    Go for real name, unless your born name is:

    Al Kaholic
    Amanda Hugenkiss

    and the likes...

    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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    • Profile picture of the author darvon
      or Hugh Jorgen.
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    • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
      Originally Posted by Fernando Veloso View Post

      ...unless your born name is:

      Al Kaholic
      Amanda Hugenkiss

      and the likes...

      or Richard Cranium
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel_Johnson
    Hey Nadim,

    I recommend you to use your own image in one niche only. If you want to promote products in the IM-niche and use your photo there with your real name and you promote some products in another niche with a pen name and your image, maybe there's someone who buys both products and notices two different names but only one image.

    It's not realistic that someone buys the stuff of two niches but it is possible
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    • Profile picture of the author Alfredo Carrion
      That's why I use this:

      Originally Posted by Daniel_Johnson View Post

      Hey Nadim,

      I recommend you to use your own image in one niche only. If you want to promote products in the IM-niche and use your photo there with your real name and you promote some products in another niche with a pen name and your image, maybe there's someone who buys both products and notices two different names but only one image.

      It's not realistic that someone buys the stuff of two niches but it is possible
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    • Profile picture of the author TroelsJepsen
      Originally Posted by Daniel_Johnson View Post

      It's not realistic that someone buys the stuff of two niches but it is possible
      Couldn't help but to smile, when I read this :-)

      But yeah, I agree with what many others have said. Use your real name in your primary niche(s). I don't see why this should be a problem if you are serious about providing real value to people.
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      • Profile picture of the author Taylor Theis
        Yes, using your real name creates credibility for yourself, and thus a KLT factor among associates.

        I always do now, and I think of what can really happen that would be so bad from it. I encourage any online troll to come to my residence full of Pike brothers and see what happens.
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  • Profile picture of the author xxdksxx
    I don't think its a big deal to use your real name it only makes things more personal.

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  • Profile picture of the author mosthost
    Of course if you're scamming the public, you'll want to hide your identity.
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  • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
    When approached with JV offers, or most business dealings, the
    first thing I do is check to see WHO I am dealing with. If I
    can't determine who they are, then there's a 99% probability
    that I will NOT do business with them... regardless of how
    irresistible it otherwise appears.

    That's not to say that identities or profiles can't be faked,
    but just as in the offline world, you should do your due
    diligence, and if anything looks suspicious, then you should
    probably not waste time dealing with that person.

    So, my answer is use your real name.


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    • Profile picture of the author Laurie Rogers
      Exactly Willie and I'm in different niches and use my real name for all of them, as I know you are in different niches and do the same. If people trust you, which is the biggest thing to build, they'll buy anything from you, doesn't matter what it is.

      Originally Posted by Willie Crawford View Post

      When approached with JV offers, or most business dealings, the
      first thing I do is check to see WHO I am dealing with. If I
      can't determine who they are, then there's a 99% probability
      that I will NOT do business with them... regardless of how
      irresistible it otherwise appears.

      That's not to say that identities or profiles can't be faked,
      but just as in the offline world, you should do your due
      diligence, and if anything looks suspicious, then you should
      probably not waste time dealing with that person.

      So, my answer is use your real name.


      Need FRESH PLR? Limited PLR sales, ALWAYS Fresh!

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      • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
        There are some compelling reasons to use your real name imo.

        Goodness knows I'd rather use a name that doesn't trigger spam filters all by itself...

        Still, my real name is attached proudly to all that I do and it has come back to reward me in multiple ways.

        My list:

        o As you succeed in business people will want to know how you did it. This is a HUGE opportunity for your name and face to tell a story all over the web and build an ever growing foundation of credibility.

        o Influence is becoming more and more of a "traceable" metric. for example, and sites like it will soon (imo) become the modern day equivalent of a killer resume, or a degree from a prestigious university (just did an article on that on my blog a couple days ago at

        o I've found trusted partners online by wading through the projects and sites that they are associated with. Unless you have something to hide, use your name proudly so you can be found by potential partners that will appreciate your "body of work".

        o ex-girlfriends will fee really bad seeing your name EVERYWHERE on multiple successful endeavors. That should be reason enough right there. (how do you like them apples Cheryl from the 10th grade?? Google me now girl!!)
        Signature aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
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        • Originally Posted by Jim Cockrum View Post

          Ex-girlfriends will fee really bad seeing your name EVERYWHERE on multiple successful endeavors. That should be reason enough right there. (how do you like them apples Cheryl from the 10th grade?? Google me now girl!!)

          Now seriously, in fact one of the reasons I like to use pen names is to avoid the whole "I've Googled You" type of conversations. I don't want offline people (friends, girlfriends, etc) know everything about my professional self.
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  • Profile picture of the author inhwanie
    I think the personality of the individual weighs heavily in making the decision. As for me, I never liked using my real name for my shyness lol and also practicality. It was just ridiculously hard to say for most people.

    So I just use my pen name and if you make your nickname as your pen name I found it to work just fine.

    p.s. to be honest, if you just make a name and stick with it and don't tell anyone about your real name, no one can know. So you should do what is COMFORTABLE for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author DonMarketer
    I think that real name or pen name is a matter of personal choice. We all know public figures that use real or pen names. I could name a few but I think it's pointless. We have the perfect example here in the warrior forum.
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    • Profile picture of the author dazzangel
      Originally Posted by DonMarketer View Post

      I think that real name or pen name is a matter of personal choice. We all know public figures that use real or pen names. I could name a few but I think it's pointless. We have the perfect example here in the warrior forum.
      Yes I agree with that its a matter of personal choiceYou must respect what the decision of public figures what will he/she use as a pen names or a real names:p
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew NY
    I feel like using your real name creates a little more sense of trust with the people you are interacting with. If someone uses the name NYHoTTiE - chances are I'm probably not going to do business with them.

    I suppose if the pen name is believable, and not something like "Bob Smith" or "Joe Blow" why not? If it really bothers you that much to put your real name out there, don't do it. I do think however that people still has this phobia about putting their real name on the internet, which is a bit ridiculous. It's not like you're giving your Social and Credit Card number away.

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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    Originally Posted by That Guy View Post

    Is is safe using your real name when writing articles, signing up to site, or any other general internet doings? I usually use a pen name since it makes me feel safe, but I'm getting more serious about internet marketing and want to use my real name to add some legitimacy to what I'm saying, as well as put my foot into the internet world. So would doing this be safe or should I just stick to the alias? what do you guys do?
    I do both. I use my real name for the things that I know I am trained as an expert in. I am an expert writer and I have a degree for teaching golf, so I associate those two niches with my own name. The rest of my niches I use a pen name for and it is more for organization than anything else for me.

    Benjamin Ehinger
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      My marketing is in dozens of some very high profile niches. In such instances, it's perhaps best to have pen names for not only branding purposes, but also to segment the customer base. It may be disturbingly incongruous, for example, to have the same persona promoting medical diagnostic equipment, laboratory supplies, scientific reference books, and financial futures markets alongside the paranormal, conspiracy theories, impending destruction of civilization and weight loss. Everyone would think you're either a know-it-all or just a nutcase, either of which would negatively impact credibility and sales in the extreme.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    I use my real name for my writing business.

    A pen name for other niches and sites.

    It's hard to imagine if Cary Grant had remained Archie Leach.

    And yes, I'm pretty sure Jimbo was being sarcastic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Barker
    Originally Posted by That Guy View Post

    Is is safe using your real name when writing articles, signing up to site, or any other general internet doings? I usually use a pen name since it makes me feel safe, but I'm getting more serious about internet marketing and want to use my real name to add some legitimacy to what I'm saying, as well as put my foot into the internet world. So would doing this be safe or should I just stick to the alias? what do you guys do?
    I was weary at first about using my real name. But using your real name creates a sense of trust and builds a foundation of branding "you" which is very important in internet marketing. The company that I got involved with in IM offered a 5 year subscription to a credit and identity monitoring service. I have taken full advantage of that and although someone may be able to infiltrate, they may have a more difficult time and I will know what is going on pretty quick.

    Direct Message me for more information if you are interested in this possibly!
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    • Profile picture of the author FredJones
      It depends, and it works either way. I prefer my pen name everywhere (and even my Warrior ID is a pen name, only that this is a name that I have been known a lot since my childhood so it does touch upon me personally just like my real name and hence is real enough in its own way) while my partner Sudeshna uses her real name mostly. Don't know whether that makes a huge difference - my pen name could very well be someone else's real name.
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  • Profile picture of the author wordydiva
    I use my real name for content promoting my websites or I am using to build my online portfolio. I use a pen name when writing PLR or content that may end up anywhere on the Internet.
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  • Profile picture of the author salmanbaig
    Its safe to use real name.... Using pen name too isn't bad !! This helps in building trust among the readers and in turn build our presence
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  • Profile picture of the author dagaul101
    Many people use a Pen name if you don't want to use your real name, but the times have changed, there was a time where everyone who started writing articles mostly used a Pseudonym, now people use their real names (and a picture) to gain trust
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  • Profile picture of the author smithk
    If you are doing in business like reality you should use your real name...
    But when it comes too not so really important that maybe they can use your info do not..I t only depends on some situations..
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  • Profile picture of the author Tang
    Originally Posted by That Guy View Post

    Is is safe using your real name when writing articles, signing up to site, or any other general internet doings?
    That, I think your name is both charming and unique. You should sign it with pride upon everything you do.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Copeland
    I went through a phase of using pen names for everything apart from the IM niche, and even there I thought about it as my name is known already in the music world, nothing major compared to some but enough that if I am Googled that part of my passion is more likely to come up.

    In the end it became such a chore to keep a track on it all and also the fact that FTC rules mean I have to say I am affiliate etc etc anyway I just took it one step further and I just stopped doing it and now I use my real name for everything.

    Sometimes I will do it in such a way as it looks more like I am endorsing it, or presenting it, such as 'Alex presents Dog Training for Underwater Ironers' or whatever niche it may be, that way it doesn't look odd that I am interested in so many different subjects.

    Fact is at the end of the day if people really want to know who you are they will find out anyway, so if that is the reason for a pen name it may not be worth it.

    The one place I do still use aliases though is when I am link building, it wouldn't look that great if the only links back to my stuff all came from the same username... natural links obviously won't be but when I am first pushing a site or product myself I like to mix it up a bit.

    Unleash Your Awesome - Pocket Ace Promotion

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    • Profile picture of the author Laurie Rogers
      I'm going to go a little further into why I use my real name for all niches, trust factor, relationship building is one reason and JV's are another. A lot of people in here are stressing that you must be an expert in every niche to sell - not really, you need to be an expert at selling in order to sell. I've sold people hunting equipment, fishing equipment, and golf equipment, not because I'm an expert at any of them, but because I knew how to work the angle to sell them that stuff.

      ie. so a few weeks ago my brother Johnny went out and bought himself such and such golf club that improved his distance by whatever. And he's been driving the whole family nuts the last little while raving like a lunatic about this club to the point where my brother in law Dave decided to go out and buy the same club ... and so on goes the story.

      Add some facts, stats and a bit of humor and you're good to go.

      People like real life stories from real people, using real names

      Need FRESH PLR? Limited PLR sales, ALWAYS Fresh!

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